[图 见 封 底]
depicts a scene of nearly identical men dressed in dark overcoats and bowler hats, who seem to be drops of heavy rain (or to be floating like helium balloons, though there is no actual indication of motion), against a backdrop of buildings and blue sky. The men are spaced in hexagonal grids facing the viewpoint and receding back in grid layers.
2Magritte himself lived in a similar suburban environment, and dressed in a similar fashion. The bowler hat was a common feature of much of his work,and appears in paintings like.
2 马格利特本人居住在类似的郊区环境中,穿着也与画中人类似。圆顶礼帽则是他很多作品共有的一个特征,出现在包括《人之子》在内的多幅画作中。
3 画名“戈尔孔达”得自马格利特的朋友路易斯·斯库泰奈尔。斯库泰奈尔是位诗人,经常为马格利特的作品起名。戈尔孔达是印度安得拉邦一座已成废墟的古城堡,靠近海得拉巴,14世纪中叶到17世纪末曾是连续两个王国的都城;该地区以钻石业闻名,戈尔孔达作为当地产业中心而声名远播,据《牛津英语词典》,戈尔孔达如今仍是“‘宝藏’的代名词”。
3As was often the case with Magritte’s works, the title Golconda was found by his poet friend Louis Scutenaire. Golconda is a ruined city in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, near Hyderabad, which from the mid-14th century until the end of the 17th was the capital of two successive kingdoms;the fame it acquired through being the center of the region’s legendary diamond industry was such that its name remains, according to the, “a synonym for ‘mine of wealth’.”
4 Magritte included a likeness of Scutenaire in the painting, his face is used for the large man by the chimney of the house on the right of the picture. ■
4 马格利特在这幅画中留下了斯库泰奈尔的肖像——其脸被安在了画面右边那栋房子烟囱旁的大个儿男子身上。 □