K-12 AI curricula: A mapping of government-endorsed AI curricula(Ⅳ)


江苏科技报·E教中国 2022年18期

譯题  K-12人工智能课程:政府认可的人工智能课程图谱(四)

Product by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 联合国教科文组织


Curriculum integration

Teacher training and support

Upskilling existing teaching staff Most training strategies for government-endorsed curricula pursued the upskilling of existing staff. Some countries, e.g. China and Portugal, indicated that the preparation strategy leverages national training initiatives or projects for the teachers of subjects in which AI is embedded. In other areas such as Belgium, teacher-training programmes are decentralized and undertaken by education networks, and therefore may vary between regions, languages and types of schools (e.g. public or private).

Non-governmental actors tend to undertake other methods of teacher training. For the MIT DAILy Curriculum, teachers from three districts in the USA participated in training which included both general sessions and 30 hours of implementation practice at summer camps hosted by NGO partners. Industry partners engage in the delivery of training courses remotely or through blended-learning methodologies. For instance, a partnership between IBM and Macquarie Universitys School of Education created the 16-hour Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education for Teachers course hosted on Coursera. The course covers topics such as the history of AI, comparing AI and human intelligence, and ethical considerations in developing and using AI. Some providers offer certification. Intel does this for coaches and lead coaches, the latter of which are often positioned as trainers of trainers.

Integrating AI into initial teacher preparation In Austria, the primary strategy for teacher training was to embed AI topics into initial teacher education at higher education institutions, which were expected to cover not only general AI topics but also the use of AI to support pedagogical processes and teaching and learning.

Supporting in-service teachers In addition to the creation of standards, national and regional governments support the implementation of AI curricula through the development of resources. For example, in Serbia the    that were developed for the various AI curricula offered in the country. National or regional initiatives also produce resources such as textbooks and assessment guidelines to support the AI curriculum prior to implementation.

The MIT DAILy Curriculum provides materials to teachers including slide decks, talking points and full lesson plans that they can use or adapt. Industry partners such as IBM, Intel and Microsoft supply them with learning pathways and content through global, open online resources. These partners have also created context-specific teacher resources for implementing countries, including manuals, facilitator handbooks and AI textbooks.




现有教职工的技能提升 大多数政府认可的课程所提供的培训致力于提升现有教职工的技能。一些国家(如中国和葡萄牙)表示,他们通常会根据国家的培训项目或计划,对涉及人工智能科目的教师进行培训。此外,在比利时等其他地区,由于教师培训通过教育网络进行,其培训计划往往比较分散,培训方式也可能会因区域、语言和学校类型(例如公立或私立)的差异而不同。非政府人员倾向于通过其他方式培训教师。来自美国三个地区的教师参加了麻省理工学院的DAILy课程培训,其中还包括通用会议以及非政府组织合作伙伴主办的30小时的夏令营活动。行业合作伙伴通过远程或混合教学的方法为教师提供培训课程。例如,IBM与麦考瑞大学教育学院合作,在Coursera上开设了16小时的人工智能教师学习课程。该课程涵盖人工智能历史、人工智能与人类智慧的比较、开发和应用人工智能的伦理考虑因素等专题。一些供应商可以为客户提供培训资格认证。如美国英特尔公司为培训师和首席培训师提供认证,后者通常被定位为培训师的老师。

将人工智能整合到教师的职前培训中 在奥地利,教师培训的主要方法是将人工智能相关专题纳入到高等教育机构的教师职前培训中,该培训不只涵盖通用的人工智能专题,同时还包含指导教师如何使用人工智能支持教学法在教学中的使用以及支持教与学的过程。

为在职教师提供支持 除了建立标准以外,国家和地方政府还通过资源开发的方式支持人工智能课程的实施。例如,在塞尔维亚,人工智能课程的实施拥有在线工具的支持,包括视频、演示以及各种人工智能课程开发的交互式任务。国家或地方政府也会在人工智能课程实施前提供教材和评估指南等资源。


