登土山1 Climbing the Earthen Mountain


英语世界 2022年8期



The Covid-19 sealed off the campus, and the campus sealed off the students, but it was not able to seal off the souls trying to find pleasures on the campus. Therefore, on a mild spring day, I took six postgraduate students on a climbing trip. We made our way through the bushes and reached the top of the so-called “Earthen Mountain”, a new resort I had found before. The trip turned out to be pleasing enough.

2 When my students heard the word“mountain-climbing”, they were not only excited but also startled. None of them had ever been told that there was a mountain on the campus, not to mention that the whole city where the school lies was on a plain region. Obviously,though I refer to it as an earthen mountain, it is a big mound actually, piled up for some possible construction. As the mound is so huge, it seems to possess the characteristics of a mountain: high and steep, ravines and greens. I love to climb mountains, which is something inside me. Therefore, a mountain-like mound undoubtedly assumed the magnificence of a real mountain and made my mountaineering aspiration come true.

2 学生们听到“爬山”,喜悦之外便是诧异,别说校园里有山,就是整座城都坐落在平原上。当然,说是山,严格地讲只是一大堆建筑用土,因土堆浩大,俨然具备了山的特点:高大,陡峭,千沟万壑,郁郁葱葱。喜欢爬山,是我的内在诉求,而山一样的土堆,无疑就有了山一样的伟岸,部分满足了心理上对于山的向往。

3 The Earthen Mountain is in a remote part of the campus. On ordinary days,scarcely are there passers-by around it, let alone any real climbing. Going through knee-level grass, our shoes were soon covered with dust, and our clothes got dirty. The place where the Earthen Mountain lies was once a construction site with the rumblings of machines and the workings of bulldozers. Massive soil from this piece of land, which was the size of a football field, was scooped out by bulldozers, and was soon piled up to be a small mound. The mound later grew into a much bigger one, before the bulldozers disappeared and the land was laid waste. The planned new buildings were nowhere in sight, leaving the mound lying there still. To dig a lake and build a mountain? Time passes quickly like a white pony’s shadow across a crevice.The Earthen Mountain took its shape but no lake was ever built. Looking around,everything appeared to be motionless.


4On my way to the campus, the mountain always came into view in the distance. In the frist year when the mountain took its shape, it was pure earthen yellow. Then, the spring came. The mound took on the color of the tender grass when viewed from far away, but the greenness diminished as one came closer. In the summertime, the mound was blanketed with grass, only occasionally dotted with bare yellow earth. When it was getting cooler, there appeared a few tall reeds waving in the winds and glittering in the sun—such a common sight in the fall. In the middle of winter,a severe frost turned it back to yellow again. After only one year, the whole mountain took on new clothes. It became a fascinating sight, and passers-by in the distance stopped to have a look of it.


5 It was the first time for the students to follow me to this remote corner. We came through a wood of camphor trees.The ground there was covered with layers and layers of brownish leaves,rustling when stepped on. The sunshine cast shadows over the leaves, creating the same beautiful scenery as depicted in the poetic line “the pine chilled by the sunshine”. You may have more discoveries when not following a trodden path. To climb “the Earthen Mountain”is to seek for the pleasures of discovery.When we reached the foot of the mountain, no visible ascending paths could be seen, which showed that few people had been here. Last year, in this season of fragrance of acacia flowers, I climbed to the top of the mountain and wrote the prose “An Ode to the Acacia Flower”for remembrance. I know quite well the path to the top. There would always be a path in the bushes where piles of dead branches were found. They were laid for disguise deliberately by the people who set up vegetable gardens atop the mountain to guard against any possible trampling. The acacia flowers, together with the rape flowers, flooded the air with fragrance, which appealed both the bees and us explorers. We fantasized that the winding path leading to a secluded spot must have something secret.

5 学生们第一次跟我走到这个偏僻的角落。我们小心翼翼地穿过一片香樟林,黄褐色的落叶铺了厚厚的一层,踩在上面,窸窸窣窣,斑驳的树影衬托出“日色冷青松”般的秀色。不走寻常路,才会有更多的发现,爬土山,自然也是为了寻找这份发现的惊喜。及至山脚,却看不到上山的路,足见人迹罕至。在去年这个槐花飘香的时节,我不仅上了山,还写下一篇《槐花吟》聊作纪念。我深谙上山之道,草丛中有枯树枝掩映的地方必定有路,这是有心人在山上开辟了菜园为提防践踏而虚设。槐花和着油菜花,花香四溢,招徕了蜜蜂,也引来了我们这些探险者。曲径通幽,幽处定有神秘的存在。

6 Together we climbed to the top eventually. Though we didn’t have the feeling of “finding everything small in the world when stepping on the Mount Tai” as that of Confucius, we still caught some sights which could not be seen from below: the terraced fields in the col in a zigzagged way, the planted oilseed rapes, hot peppers and eggplants by the people in a nice layout, and the acacia trees, the paper mulberry trees and some other trees endowed by Mother Nature in primitive simplicity. The white acacia flowers with greenish edges and the yellowish rape flowers were eye-catching while the naughty daisy and the bird vetches climbed up the earthen wall and went down along the ravine beneath. The miniature cliffs and valleys were like ghost towns in the west regions. Surely,what impressed us most were those species both appreciative and edible: the acacia flowers in buds being in their prime time and the panicles on the paper mulberry tree being tender though rarer.When floured and steamed, they are gifts from the heaven, I can say. Of course,they are not easy to pluck; the bushes around them, seemingly even, may hide traps. Making our way through the dense grove, the pioneer separated the twigs to let the followers march in a single file.Laughter and cautionary reminders filled the group with team spirit.

6 一行人手牵手终于爬到了山顶,虽然没有孔子“登泰山而小天下”的感觉,但也看到了在土山下看不到的景致:挤在山坳里的梯田,歪歪扭扭;人工种植的油菜、辣椒和茄子,布局讲究;大自然赋予土山的槐树、构树和杂树,原始古朴。白中泛绿的洋槐花和淡黄素雅的油菜花最为抢眼,而顽皮的小雏菊和野豌豆,爬上土壁,又下沟壑。缩微版的绝壁深谷,颇有西域鬼城的范儿。当然,印象最深的还是能看又能吃的那些物种:摘一些野槐花,含苞待放,正是最好吃的形态;摘一些构蒲穗,鲜嫩的还剩一些,拌上面粉蒸着吃,只道上天恩赐。当然,采摘不易,看似平坦的草丛,有可能掩映着陷阱;一人分开树丛,后队鱼贯前行。笑声和着提醒,莫不洋溢着团队精神。

7摸索着下了山,才见衣服粘了黄花,鞋子蒙了细土。沿途有景处处春,情由心生上眉梢。 □

7Groping downward the mountain,we found yellow flower petals on our clothes and our shoes were covered with fnie dust. Seeking for springtime sceneries along the way, your face would glow with radiance. ■


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