宋璐雯 刘树林
中图分类号:TN 136文献标志码:A
Effect of electrode moving speed on the spark discharge
characteristics of capacitor short circuitSONG Luwen,LIU Shulin
(College of Electrical and Control Engineering,Xian University of Science and Technology,Xian 710054,China)
Abstract:To explore the effects of electrode moving speed on the characteristics of low-voltage spark discharge is a key method to reveal the mechanism of spark discharge of intrinsically safe capacitive short-circuit,which is of great significance to promote the application of intrinsically safe electrical equipment in hazardous environments such as coal mines and chemicals.In this paper,the moving electrode of IEC safety spark apparatus is used as a research object.Based on the Fowler-Nordheim theory,the influence of the electrode moving speed on the electric field and current density of the micro-gap field emission is examined by spark test under different moving speeds.According to the discharge voltage characteristics of the first spark,the discharge voltage index model is established to derive the spark power as a function of the initial voltage,discharge resistance and discharge time.Considering that the discharge time is a function of the electrode moving speed under the condition of constant parameters,the effect of the moving speed on the spark power is analyzed by the proposed model.The results show that the electric field,discharge current,spark power increase and the discharge time decreases as the electrode moving speed increases,and the faster the moving speed is,the easier it is to reach the higher power in a comparatively shorter time.In addition,the expression of spark energy is derived from the integration of spark power over time,and then the extreme value of spark energy is obtained,which can provide a theoretical reference for the further research of the effect of spark discharge on ignition capacity.
Key words:moving speed;capacitor short circuit;spark discharge;field emission;discharge model;spark power
应用在煤矿、化工等危险性环境下的电气设备必须具有防爆性能。国际电工委员会规定采用IEC 60079-11:2006标准的安全火花试验装置验证电路是否为本质安全型的电气设备[1-2]。而随着微控制器、传感器的发展,低压设备在危险环境下的防爆性受到了格外关注[3-4]。根据爆炸性混合气体的临界点燃电压和电流曲线[5],通过试验发现低压电路发生火花放电并能够引燃爆炸性气体混合物[6-7],这与传统的高压火花放电及引燃机理不同。为探究基于IEC安全火花试验装置的低压火花放电及引燃机理,需迫切研究电极移动速度、电气参量等不同因素对火花放电特性的影响。
为分析火花功率与电极移动速度的关系并验证所建模型的正确性,文中通过调节IEC安全火花试验装置的电极轴转速,以测试移动电极在速度为0.21,0.25,0.28 μm/μs,电压18 V,电容22 μf,电阻0.26 Ω条件下的火花功率大小。通过示波器(型号为RIGOL DS4024)可以测得移动电极火花电压、电流曲线,即可得到火花试验条件下的火花功率大小。把电极的不同移动速度代入式(8),即得到对应的火花放电时间,将该值代入式(15),即得到不同移动速度下火花功率的模型计算值。
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