谢新明 王鸿雁 张娇娇
[摘要]目的:探討1例皮脂腺痣患者,同时继发乳头状汗管囊腺瘤、皮脂腺腺瘤、皮脂瘤三种肿瘤并伴有Muir-Torre综合征的临床病理特征、免疫表型及预后。方法:对患者的临床资料、病理特点及免疫组化标记进行研究并复习相关文献。结果:患者,女性,56岁。左面部皮表中央见隆起性肿物,肿物表面局部较粗糙,切面灰黄色,颗粒状。组织学表现为两种结构,一种呈乳头状结构,乳头表面被覆双层立方和柱状上皮,乳头间质可见大量浆细胞;一种呈分叶状结构,由周围基底细胞样细胞和中心的多泡状皮脂腺细胞组成,基底样细胞和多泡状细胞分布比例不同,局部区基底样细胞<50%,局部区基底样细胞>50%;免疫组化示乳头状结构CK7、CK5/6均(+);分叶状结构CK5/6、EMA、P63、AR均(+),BerEP4(-);错配修复(Mismatch repair,MMR)蛋白显示,MLH1和PMS2的核阳性表达,而MSH2和MSH6表达缺失,Ki67阳性指数约3%。结论:患者在皮脂腺痣的基础上同时发生三种肿瘤,既往有乳腺癌病史并错配修复蛋白缺失,提示伴发Muire-Torre综合征,病理对肿瘤的正确认识有助于临床进行Muire-Torre综合征调查。皮脂腺痣的多种肿瘤潜能,此类病例需要在成年后预防性切除或至少密切的临床监测,以防止新的肿瘤发生。
[中图分类号]R644 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2022)04-0031-03
Clinical and Pathological Observation of Facial Naevus Sebaceus with Multiple Tumors and Muir-Torre Syndrome
XIE Xinming, WANG Hongyan, ZHANG Jiaojiao
(Department of Pathology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061,Shaanxi,China)
Abstract: Objective Naevus sebaceus may develop into multiple epidermal and adnexal tumors.It is very rare to have more than three tumors at the same time on the basis of naevus sebaceus lesions, and it is even rare to be associated with Muir-Torre syndrome.The clinicopathological features,immunophenotype and prognosis of a patient with sebaceous nevus complicated with syringocystadenoma papilliferum, sebaceous adenoma and sebaceoma with Muir-Torre syndrome were studied. Methods The clinical data,pathological features and immunohistochemical markers of the patients were studied and the related literatures were reviewed. Results The patient was female, 56 years old. The tumor was seen in the left face, the surface of the tumor was rough, the section was grayish yellow and granular.Histology shows two kinds of structures, one is papillary structure,the surface of the papillary structure is covered with double cuboidal and columnar epithelium, and a large number of plasma cells can be seen in the papillary interstitium,the other is a lobulated structure, which is composed of surrounding basal-like cells and central polyvesicular sebaceous gland cells.The distribution proportion of basal-like cells and multi-vesicular cells is different,some region basal-like cells<50%,some region basal-like cells>50%.Immunohistochemistry showed that papillary structure CK7 and CK5/6 were all (+),lobulated structure CK5/6, EMA, p63, AR were all (+), BerEP4 (-). The mismatch repair results showed retained nuclear expressions of MLH1 and PMS2 while MSH2 and MSH6 proteins were absent,Ki67 positive index was about 3%. Conclusion This patient developed three kinds of tumors simultaneously on the basis of naevus sebaceus. The previous history of breast cancer and mismatch repair absent suggested that it was associated with Muire-Torre syndrome.The correct understanding of the tumor by pathology is helpful to the clinical investigation of Muire-Torre syndrome.This article emphasizes the multiple tumor potential of s naevus sebaceus.All cases of naevus sebaceus require prophylactic resection or at least close clinical monitoring to prevent new tumors.
Key words: naevus sebaceus; syringocystadenoma papilliferum; sebaceous adenoma; sebaceoma; Muire-Torre syndrome; clinicopathology
皮脂腺痣是一種皮肤错构瘤,Mehregan等首次报道皮脂腺痣有分化为各种表皮和附属器来源肿瘤的潜能[1]。继发肿瘤的发生率为10%~30%,随着年龄增长而增加[2]。在皮脂腺痣病变基础上同时出现三个以上的肿瘤非常罕见,Stavrianeas等报道了第一例[3]。Muire-Torre综合征(Muir-Torre syndrome,MTS)是指同时或相继发生至少一种皮脂腺肿瘤和内脏肿瘤,由Muire[4]和Torre[5]分别在1967和1968年描述报道,故得名。在皮脂腺痣病变基础上同时继发三种以上肿瘤,国外文献报道不足10例[6-8],国内文献尚未见报道。本文报道1例皮脂腺痣基础上继发乳头状汗管囊腺瘤、皮脂腺腺瘤及皮脂瘤三种肿瘤,同时伴发MTS,研究其临床病理特征、免疫组化特点、诊断及鉴别诊断。
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:某女,56岁,出生时即发现左面部斑块,20年前无意间发现左面部皮肤结节,大小约0.2 cm×0.2 cm,无红肿破溃,缓慢增大,现可见结节状物,大小约3.5 cm×2.5 cm×1.5 cm,完整切除结节。患者既往于3个月前因乳腺癌行左侧乳腺单切术。
1.2 方法:标本经4%中性甲醛固定,常规取材,石蜡包埋制片,HE染色及免疫组化染色,免疫组化采用MaxVision二步法。CK7、EMA、P63、AR、BerEP4、MLH1、PMS2、MSH2和MSH6单克隆抗体均购自福州迈新生物技术开发有限公司。DAB显色、苏木精复染。
1.3 结果判定:免疫组化以阳性细胞准确定位为有效。
2 结果
2.1 大体检查:左面部皮肤组织,体积5.0 cm×3.5 cm×2.0 cm,皮表中央见隆起性肿物,体积3.5 cm×2.5 cm×1.5 cm,表面局部较粗糙,切面灰粉、灰黄色,周界清楚,质中。
2.2 镜下所见:组织病理学显示三种肿瘤(乳头状汗管囊腺瘤、皮脂腺腺瘤、皮脂瘤),周边可见皮脂腺痣病变。组织学表现为一种为乳头状结构(图1A),有两层上皮细胞,外层细胞高柱状,胞浆丰富,嗜酸性,核大,内层细胞小立方状,胞浆稀少,核为卵圆形且深染,乳头间质水肿,可见毛细血管扩张,炎细胞浸润,可见淋巴细胞和大量浆细胞(图1B);另一种为结节分叶状结构,小叶外周较致密,中心疏松,呈外密中空样,小叶内可见大小不等囊腔,囊腔内壁可见嗜酸性物质(图1C),小叶周围为基底样细胞,大小一致,并有小的核仁,核分裂像不显著,中间皮脂腺细胞胞浆疏松,分泌脂质,挤压核,可见切迹,呈扇贝状,外周基底样细胞与中间皮脂腺分布比例不同,部分区以中间皮脂腺细胞为主,基底样细胞<50%(图1D)。部分区以周围实性基底细胞样细胞为主,周围基底细胞样细胞>50%(图1E)。既往有乳腺癌病史,组织学显示黏液癌,可见癌细胞漂浮于黏液中(图1F)。
2.3 免疫组化:乳头状结构CK7(图2A)、CK5/6均阳性; 分叶状结构CK5/6、P63、AR均呈阳性,成熟皮脂腺EMA呈特征性泡沫状阳性(图2B),BerEP4阴性;错配修复蛋白(图2C)MLH1、PMS2阳性,而MSH2、MSH6阴性;Ki67阳性指数约3%。
2.4 病理诊断:头皮乳头状汗管囊腺瘤、皮脂腺腺瘤和皮脂瘤。结合临床病史及免疫组化结果提示伴发MTS。患者行手术切除左面部肿瘤后未做任何治疗,随访至今10个月,无复发及其他不适症状。
3 讨论
皮脂腺痣是一种表皮错构瘤,包括表皮、皮脂腺、毛囊及汗腺的错构瘤[9]。表皮常有不同程度的乳头状瘤样增生及角化亢进;真皮内可见分化成熟的皮脂腺体,皮脂腺错构瘤样增生;毛囊可数量减少或形状异常,在皮损区域通常无终毛毛囊;真皮和皮下组织大汗腺数量常增加, 以上是青春期皮脂腺痣的典型组织学表现[10]。成年后,约10%的皮脂腺痣可能发展为继发性肿瘤,Munir等[11]对707例皮脂腺痣患者回顾性研究提示,最常见的良性肿瘤为毛母细胞瘤,其次为汗腺起源的乳头状汗管囊腺瘤[12]。
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