在新课改的背景下,高中英语新教材(译林2020版)应运而生。接下来笔者就以高中英语教材(译林2020版) B2U3 Extended reading:A precious family din?ner一文的教学为例,重点谈一谈译林版高中英语新教材是如何通过一篇篇鲜活的语言材料来培养学生的文化意识的。
A precious family dinner 是一篇记叙文,文章以除夕之夜一户普通人家的年夜饭的场景切入,巧妙开篇,传统节日那温馨、祥和的气氛便自然地流淌于字里行间,随后作者展开了对晚餐前、晚餐后的场景和活动的描写。笔者接下来谈一谈本文的教学设计与思考。
By the end of this section, students will be able to:
1. understand the contents of the passage and write a summary;
2. know more about the Chinese New Year;
3. understand the deep meaning of the Chinese New Year.
引导学生体验作者情感、把握写作目的需要以明确写作思路、行文逻辑为前提。文章以 dinner为切入点,按此思路,依托文章逻辑,笔者将文章的六个段落分为三个部分,during the dinner, before the dinner, af?ter the dinner,有助于学生在这篇以叙为本的文章中理清思路,为进一步探索内涵、挖掘情感元素做好准备。
Part I (Para 1-2) During the dinner
Part II (Para 3-4) Before the dinner
Part III (Para 5-6) After the dinner
结合主题内容,通过回答相关问题了解并梳理文本细节,让学生在理解语篇内容、探究语篇主题意义的过程中实现语言知识的内化。在前一个教学环节中,在笔者的引导下,学生已经知道文本采用的是倒叙的寫作手法,所以接下来笔者在教学时带学生按照 before the dinner,during the dinner,after the dinner 的顺序围绕“dinner”这一核心来研读文章。
Part II Before the dinner
“However, the high- speed train has made it much more convenient for them to go back home.”(para 3): Why is the convenience brought by the high-speed train mentioned here?过年回家交通方式的变化体现出国家的快速发展,这是与 our nations strength 的呼应,也正是“大家”(the nations strength)为“小家”(family to?getherness)团聚提供了可能性。笔者让学生在第四段中找出关于春节传统习俗的信息,让学生进行简单的信息梳理,从而让他们对传统节日的习俗和一些习俗的寓意有所了解(比如:“年年有鱼”“年糕”“福到了”等过年元素都体现出中国人民对美好生活的向往)。
Part I During the dinner
Get to learn about Luos family.“They meet each other once a year for the Spring Festival and for their dream of “ three generations under the same roof”.让学生从文章中找出 Luo Yan一家及其父母相聚的频率及相聚原因、目的,引导学生明确春节团聚其实是中国传统文化,同时指出“ three generations under the same roof”是中国传统的幸福观。
Part III After the dinner
通过这些团圆时的活动(守岁、看春晚、包饺子)体现出中国人的家庭观“Home is where all family mem?bers are together.”考虑到每个人对Home 的定义必定有所差异,这里让每一位学生都分享、交流了他们对 Home 的理解。最后一段放烟花庆祝新年,“All over the country, people are celebrating their good fortune, celebrating their familys togetherness, and celebrating their nations strength”,体现出中国人浓厚的家国情怀。(Para 6)
文本的最后一句话蕴含了作者很多的情感和意图,是耐人寻味并值得深入分析的。从修辞方面看,这里是排比手法,学生通过齐声朗读、仔细思索并不难发现这一修辞手法。笔者紧接着从修辞手法入手,引导学生关注使用排比的原因,关注其中 their(them, individuals), their family, their nation层层递进的关系,可以挖掘出 The nations strength and family together? ness interact with each other这一丰富内涵。4B997900-4459-4218-980D-CB71660E5BA4
Why do the Chinese people attach so much impor?tance to reunion(团圆)during the Spring Festival?
1.读后活动 Role play(角色扮演)
Student A: You are Eric, an exchange students, are very interested in Spring Festival and eager to know some customs and traditions about it.
Students B C D: You three are Erics friends , and you will introduce something about Spring Festival to Er?ic.
2.让学生思考:What are the differences between the way we celebrate Spring Festival now and the way in the past? What do you think of these changes?
最后通过让学生对比现在和过去过年方式和习俗的变化让学生体会出中国社会和经济的快速发展,表现出中国的现代科技的发展带来了人们生活的各种可能性和选择,多元和丰富的过年方式再次体现出新时代中国的快速发展和强大。但是无论时代如何变迁,中国人的精神支柱仍然不变,就是坚信新的一年会比旧的一年好。所以,无论发生多大的变化,过年的核心意义——团圆,这种家国情怀不会改变。学生通过本节课的学习点燃了心中对于“家和国”的强烈情感,从而达到培养学生文化意识的目的。同时在学完本节课后,学生掌握了大量关于春节习俗的表达方式,为日后用英语向外国友人介绍中国春节和传播中国文化打下了基础。比如:团圆饭 family reunion dinner, 农历 lunar calendar,正月the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Years Eve;初一 the beginning of New Year 春联 Spring Festival couplets,剪纸 paper-cut? ting 买年货 do Spring Festival shopping, 年画New Year paintings,爆竹 firecrackers,红包 red packets,压岁钱 gift money,舞狮 lion dance,舞龍 dragon dance ,守岁 staying up late,拜年 pay New Years call,祭祖 offer sacrifices to ones ancestors, 春晚 Spring Festival Gala,归属感 a sense of belonging。