

文化交流 2022年4期

袁瑾 萧放


物候有节律,苒苒其华。 以下是从《二十四节气在江南》中节选的“立夏篇”,可以从中体味到一份节令趣味与一种物候之美的传承。

立夏,二十四节气之七,夏季的第一个节气,在公历5月5日至5月7日交节。俗谚云:“斗指东南,维为立夏,万物至此皆长大,故名立夏也。”“立”,开始 ;“夏,假也”,“假”是“大”的意思。《礼记 · 月令》记载立夏时“蝼蝈鸣,蚯蚓出,王瓜生,苦菜秀”。此时,蝼蝈开始聒噪,蚯蚓滑腻的身体在土壤中钻进钻出,乡间的田埂上瓜菜方舒,万物已褪去了春日的青嫩之色。江南早稻种植区已开始插秧,蚕宝宝也相继进入了三眠、大眠,丰收即在眼前。




立夏日时有一项十分有趣的习俗——称人。称人,必得以传统杆秤称,一般在空地上架起一杆大木秤,秤钩上挂一把椅子,大家轮流坐到上面,称一称体重。有的则悬大秤于院中大树树杈上,男女皆称,其中以称老人和孩子为主。还有的挂在屋内的房梁上,妇女之间互相称量,所谓“立夏称人轻重数,秤悬梁上笑喧闺”(清秦荣光《上海县竹枝词 · 立夏》)。



















立夏时吃笋则有可健脚之说。宁波人称为吃“脚骨笋”,当地俗语说“立夏吃脚骨笋,一年脚骨健健过”。吃“脚骨笋”重在形似,选野山笋或者乌笋最好,细细长长一株,形如脚骨。绍兴人则称为吃“健脚笋”,周作人《儿童杂事诗 · 立夏》云:“新装杠秤好称人,却喜今年重几斤。吃过一株健脚笋,更加蹦跳有精神。”制作健脚笋时讲究不用刀切,使整根笋连带笋壳在柴火中煨熟,再剥壳而食。而在义乌一带,吃法又有所不同,笋须得剥壳后再下锅煮熟后食用。俗信食用时必须得一口气吃完一株笋,才能有健脚功效,爬山挑担就不会吃力了。

杭州人立夏会烹茶馈赠邻居,称为“七家茶”。明人田汝成《西湖游览志馀 · 熙朝乐事》记载:“立夏之日人家各烹新茶,配以诸色细果,馈送亲戚比邻,谓之七家茶。彼时,富豪人家以此为机,攀富竞奢,果皆雕刻,饰以金箔,而香汤名目,若茉莉、林禽、蔷薇、桂蕊、丁檀、苏杏,盛以哥汝瓷瓯,仅供一啜而已。”果物精美,茶汤名贵,茶具奢华,仅仅为了让对方喝上一口茶,可见富贵人家炫富之态。亲朋好友在立夏时坐饮七家茶则更有睦邻、消夏之意。苏州一带,每逢此日,邻里之间都会拿出蜜饯,一般多为青梅、金橘、蚕豆、桃片、玫瑰花、红枣,再配上大麦茶,一起烹煮后共同分享。当地俗信以为喝了七家茶,夏天便不容易长痱子。旧时浙江乡村,农家左邻右舍之间会互相赠送豆、米,并煮粥,叫作“七家粥”,大家共同食用七家粥,可使邻里同心,共同开始夏耕夏种。

Lixia, the seventh of the 24 Chinese solar terms, is the first solar term of summer and usually falls between May 5 and 7. Although it doesn’t really usher in the summer meteorologically, Chinese people still see it as the beginning of summer. After Lixia, the temperature in Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River) rises substantially and thunderstorms tend to visit more frequently, marking the start of a sultry, damp raining season. This is a period for fully engaging in all kinds of farm work, enjoying various seasonal foods and trying out different activities to have fun.

On the very day of Lixia, one interesting thing that people ritually do is weighing themselves with a traditional Chinese steelyard. They would find an open space outdoors to set up a giant wooden steelyard with a chair hanging on its hook. Then everyone takes turns to sit on the chair to be weighed, while the weighing of children and the elderly is handled with special attention. On some occasions, a steelyard is hung on the beam inside the house for women to weight one another. When the person to be weighed is seated still on the chair, the one in charge of the steelyard would adjust the sliding weight to balance it out while saying some auspicious words.

Legend has it that the people-weighing ritual on Lixia has something to do with a historical figure of the Three Kingdoms period (220-280) — Liu Shan (207-271), the son of Liu Bei (161-223). Yet as to how the story goes exactly and what does the ritual symbolize, people of different regions tend to have their own theories and the original version is practically untraceable.

There is another Lixia custom: eating eggs. People believe that eating eggs on Lixia is good for their health, and could prevent summer diseases such as bad appetite, weight loss and tiredness. The kind of eggs consumed on Lixia comes in a wide variety, and the most common ones are chicken eggs, duck eggs and goose eggs. A day before Lixia, people would start to cook the eggs. When the eggs are boiling, they would add some tea dust or walnut shells into the water, and then put cooking wine, salt, soy sauce and Chinese cinnamon as well. As the eggshells gradually turn red in the broth, the whole house would be filled with pleasant aroma.

When the holiday comes, the seniors of every household would put each cooked egg in a bag knitted by five-hued silk threads and put such bags around their children’s necks, one egg for each child. The children, after getting the egg, usually would not hurriedly eat it up, but gather to play a game with it called “egg fight”.

The rules are quite simple: between the two ends of the egg, the pointed one is the “head” while the round one is the “tail”; during each round, one kid holds his or her egg in hand to hit another kid’s egg, head against head or tail against tail, until either party’s eggshell cracks; then the winner with an uncracked egg in hand challenges the next person, so on and so forth. In the end, the kid winning with the egg head claims the “big king”, and the kid winning with the egg tail claims the “small king”.

To prepare for this game, children always decorate their eggs by drawing some patterns on the shell. Girls would paint cute little animals like chicken, ducklings and kittens, and boys favor ferocious beasts including tigers, lions and rhinos, which shows their determination to win. But even if they lose, no one will get upset because they could just go on and eat the cracked egg squarely, surrounded by the cheering, joyous crowd.

One seasonal food for Lixia in Jiangnan is black rice. It is a kind of glutinous rice with a purple black color. The color is produced by immersing the rice inside the juice of the Asiatic bilberry leaves, which are readily available in the wilderness or easily found on the urban stalls several days before Lixia.

No rituals need to be performed for eating black rice. The only thing necessary to do before eating is sprinkling some soft white sugar or osmanthus sugar on top. It tastes mellow and sweet, especially loved by children. As an old folk saying goes, eating black rice protects you from black mosquitoes. Therefore, it becomes a traditional custom passing down for generations and is often brought up by the senior to date.

The black rice is cooked differently throughout history. In the Song dynasty (960-1279), the dyed rice was steamed and then dried, giving it a really hard texture, which made it convenient to store and carry away. During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), a more sophisticated way of steaming for nine times and drying for nine times was developed. Now, eating black rice always follows a rule of consuming it on the same day it is freshly made.

From a perspective of modern nutriology, the black rice is quite wholesome. The mild Asiatic bilberry leaves offer a sourness, and, combined with the mellowness from the glutinous rice give the black rice a freshly sweet taste, which especially agrees with people’s stomach during the hot summer.

Another rice cooking related Lixia activity is cooking outdoors with all borrowed or self-collected ingredients, a popular kind of picnic for children.

People also love tasting seasonal foods on the day of Lixia, given that tea plucking is almost finished, and a rich variety of fruits and vegetables are circulating on the market. According to folklores, there is a certain tradition of specifically tasting three types of new food, which slightly vary among different regions in Jiangnan.

For Hangzhou and Suzhou locals, they also make a special kind of tea to share with neighbors and friends on the day of Lixia. Tea drinking is a smart way to enhance good-neighborliness and while away the hot summer. People tend to believe that drinking the tea would lessen the possibility of growing heat rash during the summer.


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