

一带一路报道 2022年1期

文:《一带一路报道》全媒体记者 雷怡安






中铁五局承建的磨万铁路Ⅰ标段那通双线特大桥Na Thong Double-track Super Major Bridge of the frist bid section of the Boten-Vientiane Railway, constructed by China Railway No.5 Engineering Group (黄宗文 摄)

Our dream is going to come true as expected.In the extraordinary year of 2021, the China-Laos Railway open as scheduled.The China-Laos Railway is the first transnational railway adoping Chinese standards, utilizing Chinese technologies and equipment, constructed by China, and the first directly connected with China’s railway network with Chinese investment and joint operation.It is of huge scale and great significance.

A tribute should be paid to the builders! Crossing mountains and rivers, the China-Laos Railway consolidates the friendship between the people of the two countries.The opening of the China-Laos Railway should be credited to the humble and hard-working builders who have completed the construction tasks on schedule despite the complex terrain conditions, changeable climate, and inconvenient transportation along the railway.Since the construction of the China-Laos Railway started in 2016, multitudes of builders have left their homes for the smooth opening of the China-Laos Railway.

Hats off to the builders! For the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative,for Laos to change from a “land-locked country” to a “land-linked country”, and for the social development of the two countries, they hardened their hearts to leave their families and came to the depths of the mountains from the prosperous metropolis.Regardless of personal gains and losses, they spread the miracle of construction along the Belt and Road without complaint.

Let’s applaud the miracle and pay tribute to the builders of the China-Laos Railway!

中老铁路第一长隧安定隧道无砟轨道施工现场The construction of the ballastless tracks is completed for the Anding Tunnel, the longest tunnel along the China-Laos Railway

2020年11月28日,全长17.5公里的中老铁路第一长隧安定隧道顺利贯通,为铁路全线如期建成通车奠定了良好基础。安定隧道位于云南元江县与墨江县交界处,由中铁十九局和中铁五局共同承建,为全线一级高风险隧道。隧道共穿越20条断层和2个向斜构造,集有害气体、岩溶、软岩、涌水、高地应力、高地热等不良地质于一体,其工程规模、建设难度与工程风险在国内铁路隧道施工领域都极为罕见,创造了中老铁路玉磨段 8个之最:最长隧道、最长辅助坑道、最长单个斜井、最多断层、最大埋深、最大变形、最大独头施工长度、最大水压。

On November 28, 2020, Anding Tunnel, the longest tunnel (17.5 km) on China-Laos Railway, was drilled through, laying a good foundation for the whole railway’s completion and opening on schedule.Located at the border of Yuanjiang County with Mojiang County in Yunnan Province, the tunnel is jointly undertaken by China Railway 19 Bureau Group Co., Ltd.and China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co., Ltd.The whole tunnel is of Level I high risk.Passing through 20 faults and two syncline structures, the tunnel faces unfavorable geology,with harmful gases, karst, soft rocks, water gushing, high crustal stress and high terrestrial heat.Its project scale, construction difficulty and engineering risks are extremely rare in the field of domestic railway tunnel construction.The tunnel has set eight records on Yuxi-Mohan section of China-Laos Railway, involving the length of the tunnel, the length of auxiliary trenches, the length of a single inclined shaft, the number of faults, the maximum optimal depth, the maximum deformation, the length of sole head construction and hydraulic pressure.


After four-year hard work of more than 1,200 constructors from China and Laos,China-Laos Railway Friendship Tunnel, China’s first cross-border railway tunnel,was drilled through on September 13, 2020.By then, 97.5% of the tunnel project in China along the railway has been completed, and the bridge roadbed of the whole line has been basically completed, laying a foundation for the railway’s completion and opening in 2021.The Friendship Tunnel, located on the China-Laos border, is 9.59-kilometer long.The junction point of the two countries is inside the tunnel, making it a special project connecting two countries.To reflect the friendship between China and Laos, the tunnel was named Friendship Tunnel.

友谊隧道Friendship Tunnel(新华社 供图)

逢通特大桥施工现场Construction site of the Phonethong Super Major Bridge (本版图片/新华社 供图)



On June 14, 2021, the main body of the Phonethong super major bridge, the longest bridge along the China-Laos Railway undertaken by China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., was completed.Situated in Vientiane, capital of Laos, the bridge has a total length of 7,528.56 meters and 231 piers and abutments.Its construction started on July 27, 2020,and the first pier was built on October 12.On the evening of June 14, 2021, the last pier was built, marking the completion of the bridge’s main body.

The project personnel overcame such difficulties as the long rainy season, complicated geological conditions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the steady progress of the construction.



On September 15, 2021, the Yuanjiang Railway Bridge, a key project of China-Laos Railway, was fully completed, laying a foundation for the railway’s opening.Located in Yuanjiang Hani, Yi and Dai Autonomous County of Yuxi City, the 832.2 meter-long bridge are supported by two abutments and four piers.The tallest one, Pier No.3, stands at 154 meters, which is equivalent to the height of a 54-story building.It is the tallest pier of its kind in the world as the Yuanjiang Railway Bridge is the first long-span deck-type continuous steel truss railway bridge built in China, with the girder spanning 249 meters, which is a world record.

The construction of the bridge began in October 2016 and the official closure was complete in July 2020 after only more than four years.The main structure of the bridge adopts a continuous steel truss of 108+151.5+249+151.5+108 meters,which is the largest of its kind in China.In order to ensure the smooth implementation and the high quality of the project, every step of the construction was carried out in strict accordance with the standards.In the process of construction,no mistake was allowed.

2020年4月8日,元江特大桥“迈”过第一高墩On April 8, 2020, the Yuanjiang Railway Bridge completes the connection over the highest pier

玉磨铁路段Yuxi-Mohan Railway


During the construction of the China-Laos Railway from Yuxi to Mohan, the participating units adhered to the environmental protection philosophy that “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”.In view of the climate types, vegetation conditions, regional culture and other characteristics along the line, the section was classified into arid areas and tropical rainforest areas.Green plants were chosen according to local conditions.They made all-out efforts to create a new benchmark for the green corridor innovation demonstration project in southwest China, including four parts, namely Wonder in Central Yunnan, Appealing Forest & Tea, Dai Charm and Green Forest.The Yuxi-Mohan Section has been built into the most beautiful one that integrates the railway and the landscape, where each station boasts a distinctive scenery.



As the last piece of facade glass was installed on October 6, 2021, the construction of the Vientiane Station, undertaken by China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd., was completed.

The largest station of the railway, located in vientiane,the capital of Laos, was designed to have three platforms and five lines (including the main line) and reserve two platforms and two lines.Covering a floor area of 14,543 square meters, the station building can accommodate up to 2,500 passengers.The design concept deeply integrates the cultural traditions of the two countries.With reference to Chinese ancient architectural style, the station building features a blend of the city’s environmental characteristics and a Chinese classical building front.In addition, the design team put the iconic elements of tropical rainforest trees into the eaves gallery and columns in the front facade of the station building, and decorated the furred ceiling of the waiting hall with the colors of sandalwood and champa,the national flower of Laos.

中老铁路万象站Vientiane Station of the China-Laos Railway(本版图片/新华社 供图)

