The Cats of Roxville Station (Excerpt X)《罗克斯维尔火车站的猫》(节选十)
琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 译析/吴文安 Jean Craighead George
Rachets pupils grew large with anger and fear; her fur bristled. Queenella would not move off her property—her territory. Queenella smelled Rachets ire and unsheathed her claws. She smelled of cat war.
Rachet too, smelled the pheromones of war and pulled in her head to protect her neck, anticipating the worst. She had seen Queenellas unsheathed claws, which spoke of a coming fight.
She looked away, then back when Queenella was looking away. Queenella looked away, then back when Rachet was looking away. A half hour of this and Queenella lifted her hindquarters to dash for the passageway and claim it with her scent.
Rachet sensed this movement on her whiskers and arose. Tail low, she walked stiff-legged toward Queenella, who rolled to her side. Her head and shoulders led her body—a “come fight me” move. Rachet, surprised by this move, stopped walking. Queenella raised a forepaw, feigning a strike. Rachet crept forward again—getting closer.
Queenella struck at Rachets nose, a sensitive spot on most mammals. Rachet lifted her nostrils out of the reach of her unsheathed claws and breathed lionlike. Queenella swung and missed. Enraged, she grabbed and pulled down Rachet with her forepaws, her mouth open, her voice silent. With her hind feet she tried to claw open Rachets vulnerable stomach.
Though she was held tightly in Queenellas forepaws and jaws, Rachets strong rear feet could still rake mercilessly at Queenellas belly. Both cats were on their sides, slashing at each other with claw and tooth. Queenella howled. Rachet hissed, spit, and growled. Suddenly Queenella rolled under Rachet and raked her stomach with her powerful hind feet. Rachet shrieked. Queenella shrieked.
The door to the kitchen opened. Rachet, alarmed by the appearance of the woman, stopped clawing Queenellas stomach and ran back to her heating duct. Queenella jumped to her feet and without even shaking her ruffled fur, dove through the break in the foundation, spraying her scent on the walls of the passageway to claim it as hers. She jumped out into a snowy world, flipped her paws, and leaped back inside. She sped to her box of rags by the hot water pipes.
Rank changed with that fight. Rachet had battled with the queen, and they had come off almost even. She was now second in the Roxville cat hierarchy. After the fight Queenella did not pay any attention to Rachet, and Rachet did not pay any attention to Queenella. They knew their positions, and by obeying them the cat rule of tolerance was established.
【第二段】站在拉齐特的视角,也已经看到了即将来临的大战,也闻到了战争的气息。短语anticipating the worst没有按照字面翻译为“预测最坏的结果”,而是按照中文习惯转化为“以防万一”。短语spoke of跟上一段的smell of类似,都是“预示”的意思。
【小结】该选段的主题是猫咪战争场面。原文短促有力,多有重复句式,译文一方面保留了原文的短句特色和重复句式,另一方面在适当的地方进行增译,以便译文更加顺畅易懂和清楚明白。 □