

四川大学学报(自然科学版) 2021年6期

朱光艳, 李 懋, 谭千蓉

(1. 湖北民族大学教育学院, 恩施 445000;2.西南大学数学与统计学院, 重庆 400715;3.攀枝花学院数学与计算机学院, 攀枝花 617000)

1 Introduction

Throughout this paper, we denote by (x,y) (resp. [x,y]) the greatest common divisor (resp. least common multiple ) of integersxandy. LetZdenote the set of integers and |T| stand for the cardinality of a finitie setTof integers. Letfbe an arithmetical function andS={x1,…,xn}be a set ofndistinct positive integers. Let (f(xi,xj)) (abbreviated by (f(S))) denote then·nmatrix havingfevaluated at the greatest common divisor (xi,xj) ofxiandxjas its (i,j)-entry. Let (f[xi,xj])(abbreviated by(f[S])) denote then·nmatrix havingfevaluated at the least common multiple [xi,xj] ofxiandxjas its (i,j)-entry. Letξabe the arithmetical function defined byξa=xafor any positive integerx, whereais a positive integer. Then·nmatrix (ξa(xi,xj)) (abbreviated by (Sa)) and (ξb[xi,xj]) (abbreviated by [Sb]) are called power GCD matrix and power LCM matrix, respectively. A setSis calledfactorclosed(FC) if the conditionsx∈Sandd|ximply thatd∈S. We say that the setSisgcdclosedif (xi,xj)∈Sfor all 1≤i,j≤n. Evidently, any FC set is gcd closd but not conversely.

In 1875, Smith[1]showed that

whereμis the Möbius function andf*μis the Dirichlet convolution offandμ. Apostol[2]extended Smith’s result by showing that iffandgare arithmetical functions and ifβis defined for positive integerstandrby





Divisibility is one of the most important topics in the field of Smith matrices. Bourque and Ligh[7]showed that ifSis FC, then (S)|[S] holds in the ringMn(Z) ofn×nmatrices over the integers. That is, there exists a matrixA∈Mn(Z) such that [S]=(S)Aor [S]=A(S). Hong[8]showed that such factorization is no longer true in general ifSis gcd closed. Letx,y∈Swithx

Definition1.1[12]LetTbe a set ofndistinct positive integers and 1≤r≤n-1 be an integer. We say thatTis 0-fold gcd closed ifTis gcd-closed. We say thatTisr-foldgcdclosedif there is a divisor chainR⊂Twith |R|=rsuch that max(R)| min(TR)and the setTRis gcd closed.

Note that Definition 1.1 is stated in a different way from that given in Ref.[12]. However, they are equivalent. It is easy to see that anr-fold gcd closed set is (r-1)-fold gcd closed, but the converse is not necessarily true. Hong[12]proved that the Bourque-Ligh conjecture is true whenn≤5 and ifn≥6 then the LCM matrix [S] defined on any (n-5)-fold gcd-closed setSis nonsingular. In 2005, Zhou and Hong[13]considered the divisibility among power GCD and power LCM matrices for unique factorization domains. On the other hand, Hong[14]initiated the study of the divisibility properties among power GCD matrices and among power LCM matrices. Tan and Lin[15]studied the divisibility of determinants of power GCD matrices and power LCM matrices on finitely many quasi-coprime divisor chains.

In this paper, our main goal is to study the divisibility among the determinants of power matrices (Sa) and (Sb), among the determinants of power matrices [Sa]and [Sb] and among the determinants of power matrices (Sa) and [Sb]. The main result of this paper can be stated as follows.

Theorem1.2Letaandbbe positive integers witha|band letn≥1 be an integer.

(i) Ifn≤3, then for any gcd-closed setSofndistinct positive integers, one has det(Sa)|det(Sb), det[Sa]|det[Sb],det (Sa)|det [Sb].

(ii) Ifn≥4, then for any (n-3)-fold gcd-closed setSofndistinct positive integers, one has det(Sa)|det(Sb),det[Sa]|det[Sb]and det(Sa)|[Sb].

Evidently, Theorem 1.2 extends Hong’s theorem[16]obtained in 2003 and the theorems of Chen and Hong[17]gotten in 2020.

Throughout this paper,aandbstand for positive integers. We always assume that the setS={x1,…,xn} satisfies thatx1<…

2 Auxiliary results

In this section, we supply two lemmas that will be needed in the proof of Theorem 1.2. We begin with a result due to Hong which gives the determinant formulas of a power GCD matrix and a power LCM matrix on a gcd-closed set.

Lemma2.1[18]LetS={x1,...,xn} be a gcd-closed set. Then


We can now use Hong’s formulae to deduce the formulae for det(Sa) and det[Sa] whenSis a divisor chain.

Lemma2.2[17]LetS={x1,...,xn} be a divisor chain such thatx1|...|xnandn≥2. Then

3 Proof of Theorem 1.2

In this section, we use the lemmas presented in previous section to show Theorem 1.2.

First, we prove part (i) as follows.

Letn=1. It is clear that the statement is true.

Letn=2. SinceS={x1,x2}is gcd closed, we have (x1,x2)=x1andx1|x2. It then follows that


The statement is true for this case.

Letn=3. SinceS={x1,x2,x3} is gcd closed, we havex1|xi(i=2,3) and (x2,x3)=x1orx2. Consider the following two cases:

Case 1 (x2,x3)=x1. Then


The statement is true for this case.

Case 2 (x2,x3)=x2. Thenx2|x3. It follows that


The statement is true for this case. Part (i) is proved.

Consequently, we prove part (ii).First of all, any (n-3)-fold gcd-closed setSmust satisfy eitherx1|x2|…|xn-3|xn-2|xn-1|xn, orx1|x2|…|xn-3|xn-2and gcd(xn,xn-1)=xn-2.

Case aSis a divisor chain. That is,x1|x2|…|xn-3|xn-2|xn-1|xn. Then by Lemma 2.2, one deduces that


The statement is true for this case.

Case bx1|x2|…|xn-3|xn-2and gcd(xn,xn-1)=xn-2. By Lemma 2.1, one has




The statement is true for this case.

Finally, we prove part (iii).Letn≥4 be an integer,a=1,b=2 and



By Definition 1.1, one knows thatSis (n-4)-fold gcd closed. By Lemma 2.1, one has





Then we can compute and obtain that


Part (iii) is proved. This finishes the proof of Theorem 1.2.

