吴庆良,吴梦军,方 林,向 荣,刘冒佚,郭鸿雁
吴庆良1,2,3,吴梦军2,3※,方 林2,3,向 荣4,刘冒佚4,郭鸿雁2,3
(1. 西南大学工程技术学院,重庆 400715; 2. 招商局重庆交通科研设计院有限公司,重庆 400067;3. 公路隧道建设技术国家工程实验室,重庆 400067;4. 重庆市城投公租房建设有限公司,重庆 400015)
0 引 言
1 研究方法
1.1 力学模型
1.2 围岩与衬砌的解析函数
1.3 边界条件与求解过程
2 衬砌和围岩中应力与位移分量求解
3 结果与分析
3.1 解析解的验证
3.2 隧洞施工参数优化目标函数构建
3.3 算例一:围岩开挖尺寸的设计
针对水平地应力小于垂直地应力的地质环境:假定原岩应力场=10.00 MPa,侧压力系数为=0.40,弹性参数1=0.25,1=5.00 GPa,衬砌拟采用的钢筋混凝土材料折合弹性参数2=0.20,2=20.00 MPa,抗压强度f=25.00 MPa,抗拉强度f=4.00 MPa,衬砌内半径0=3.00 m,内部承受静水压力0的作用,且0≤3.00 MPa,现需确定围岩的开挖尺寸。
根据目标函数式(35),采用Matlab优化工具箱可求解围岩的最大的开挖半径为1=3.67 m。为证明以上分析和求解的正确性,下文对1=3.67 m与1=4.00 m两种开挖半径下的衬砌内部应力分布(分别如图2和图3所示)做对比分析。
从图3可以看出,当开挖半径1=4.00 m时,衬砌内部出现最大主应力大于25.00 MPa的情况,即最大值28.29 MPa出现在=0°时的内壁处(图3a与图3b左上角),超出了衬砌材料的抗压强度极限;而最小主应力也出现了负值,即在衬砌内壁=0°和=90°处附近出现了拉应力(图3a和图3b中的点虚线以下)。从图3a可以看出,径向方向上,拉应力区在=0°处分布在≥3.97 m(≥0.97)范围内,在=90°处分布在≤3.07 m(≤0.07)范围内,从图3b可以看出,环向方向上,拉应力区在衬砌外壁处分布在0°≤≤10.23°范围内,在衬砌内壁处分布在73.86°≤≤90°范围内,且最大值为2.37 MPa。
3.4 算例二:衬砌材料弹性模量的设计
针对水平地应力大于垂直地应力的地质环境:假定原岩应力场=10.00 MPa,侧压力系数为=1.20,围岩的开挖半径1=4.00 m,弹性参数1=0.25,1=5.00 GPa,衬砌拟采用的钢筋混凝土材料折合弹性参数1=0.20,抗压强度f=25.00 MPa,抗拉强度f=4.00 MPa,衬砌内半径0=3.00 m,内部承受静水压力0的作用,且取0≤3.00 MPa,现需确定衬砌的弹性模量。
根据目标函数式(35),采用Matlab的优化工具箱可求解衬砌材料的最大弹性模量为3=14.71 GPa,此时衬砌内部的最大或最小主应力均不能超过给定的抗压或抗拉强度极限。同样,为证明以上分析和求解的正确性,下面给出3=14.71 GPa与3=15.00 GPa两种弹性模量下衬砌内部应力分布(分别如图4和图5所示)做对比分析。
从图4可以看出,当衬砌弹性模量3=14.71 GPa时,衬砌内部各位置的最大主应力均小于25.00MPa,最大值出现在=90°时的内壁处(图4a左上角与图4b右上角),最大值为24.999 968 MPa,最小主应力为3.00 MPa,在衬砌内壁的环向各处(图4b中的底部虚线),即衬砌内部无拉应力出现,压应力也均满足衬砌材料的抗压强度要求。
从图5可以看出,当弹性模量3=15.00 GPa时,衬砌内部出现最大主应力大于25.00 MPa的情况,即最大值25.26 MPa出现在=90°时的内壁处(图5a左上角与图5b右上角),超出了衬砌材料的抗压强度极限。实际工程中为防止衬砌变形破坏常规做法是提高混凝土的抗压强度,对于传统的混凝土材料来说,提高其强度也会相应提高了其弹性模量,若能设计高强度低弹性模量的混凝土配比用于衬砌,会减少其内部最大主应力峰值,有利于提高衬砌的承载能力。
4 结 论
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Excavation and design of the support parameters of circular hydraulic tunnel under non-uniform stress field
Wu Qingliang1,2,3, Wu Mengjun2,3※, Fang Lin2,3, Xiang Rong4, Liu Maoyi4, Guo Hongyan2,3
(1.,,400715,;2..,.,400067,; 3.,400067,; 4..,,400015,)
Diversion tunnel is one of the most important underground structures in agriculture, water conservancy and engineering fields. Optimal parameters are critical to ensure the safety of tunnel construction. In this study, the complex function was used to determine support parameters of a circular hydraulic tunnel, considering the influence of excavation unloading and the interaction between surrounding rock and lining. An analytical solution was also derived for the stress and displacement under the condition of immediate support after excavation in the non-uniform stress field with smooth contact between the lining and surrounding rock. The correctness of the solution was verified to compare with the classic Kirsch solution. Finally, the objective function of parameters optimization was established for the tunnel construction using the maximum principal stress criterion. Two cases were selected to design the excavation size of the tunnel and the elastic modulus of lining, namely, the horizontal ground stress less or greater than vertical ground stress. The results show that the stress concentration caused along the excavation boundary of surrounding rock, and the stress distribution inside the lining were all related to the size of the tunnel, the internal water pressure, the horizontal lateral pressure coefficient, the physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rock and the lining. The excavation radius was optimized, when the horizontal lateral pressure coefficient was less than 1.00 in example 1 (design of excavation size of surrounding rock). It was also found that the maximum principal stress appeared at 0° of the inner wall, where 24.999 478 MPa was for the optimized excavation radius of 3.67 m, and about 28.29 MPa for the excavation radius of 4.00 m. When the excavation radius is 3.67 m, the resistance of lining material is satisfied, while when the excavation radius is 4.00 m, the strength limit of lining material is exceeded, and the tensile stress appeared. The maximum principal stress in the lining increased, with the increase of excavation size. The optimal size of tunnel excavation was beneficial to reduce the cost of lining support. The principal stress changed in the radial and circumferential directions, and even the tensile stress appeared near the 0° and 90° of the inner wall of the lining, with the further expansion of excavation size. Correspondingly, the reinforcement ratio for the inner wall of lining increased appropriately in the support design to enhance the tensile strength. The elastic modulus of lining was optimized, when the horizontal lateral pressure coefficient was greater than 1.00 in example 2 (design of elastic modulus of lining material). Comparing the optimized elastic modulus 14.71 GPa with the elastic modulus 15.00 GPa, it was found that the maximum principal stress appeared at 90° of the inner wall, where the former was about 24.999 968 MPa, which meets the resistance of the lining material, and the latter was about 25.26 MPa, which exceeds the strength limit of the lining material. The maximum principal stress value in the lining increased, with the increase of the elastic modulus of lining material. Consequently, a high-strength and low-modulus concrete ratio can be expected to design for the better bearing capacity of the lining. The findings can provide a sound theoretical reference for the tunnel excavation and support parameter design in modern projects.
tunnel linings; elastic modulus;circular tunnels; parameter optimization;stress fields; complex function method
吴庆良,吴梦军,方林,等. 非均匀应力场作用下圆形水工隧洞开挖与支护参数设计[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(15):78-85.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.15.010 http://www.tcsae.org
Wu Qingliang, Wu Mengjun, Fang Lin, et al. Excavation and design of the support parameters of circular hydraulic tunnel under non-uniform stress field[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(15): 78-85. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.15.010 http://www.tcsae.org
国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0809600, 2018YFC0809603);中国博士后科学基金(2019M660022XB)。