

农业工程学报 2021年15期

张建伟,杨 灿,黄锦林,曹克磊,叶合欣,李紫瑜


张建伟1,杨 灿1,黄锦林2,曹克磊1,叶合欣3,李紫瑜1

(1. 华北水利水电大学水利学院,郑州 450046;2. 广东省水利水电科学研究院,广州 510635;3. 广东省水利水电技术中心,广州 510635)



0 引 言



1 泵站管道振源识别设备及方法

1.1 泵站管道振动测试设备及参数

由于该灌区提水泵站管道的铺设方式具有代表性,并且便于检测,能够得到精确的原始数据。以7泵站管道作为试验对象,管道平面布置如图1所示。管道共连接3台机组,额定转速均为600 r/min;在泵站管道关键位置布置10个测点,每个测点均放置3个拾振器(、、方向),分别位于支管、主管及两者交汇处,如图1a所示。由工程经验可知,管道开关机时管道振动剧烈,且为与稳定运行工况对比,在原型试验测试4种工况,工况、采样时间及频率见表1。

1.2 泵站管道振源测试及分析方法



表1 管道原型试验测试工况

1.3 泵站管道振动传递路径识别方法

1.3.1 传递熵方法




1.3.2 信息传递率方法

为了更全面地描述管道振动的传递路径,利用信息传递率[21](Information Translate Rate,ITR),ITR来计算管道振动能量传递效率。信息传递率通过两点传递熵值计算,对振动信号之间的传递效率进行定量描述,可以更进一步描绘管道振动传递路径。对于管道振动传递过程和,信息传递率计算过程为式(7),其中(y→x)与(x→y)与式(2)相同,表示与两点间的传递熵:


2 泵站管道振源分析及振动传递路径识别结果

2.1 振源分析

泵站管道在开关机时振动较为剧烈,可以检测到具有代表性的振动频率,本文以开关机工况时靠近泵站机组的两测点为例,方便检测更全面的频率。图2为工况2和工况4下两拾振器信号频谱图。由图2a知,3机组开机时,7#拾振器幅值最大为59.38 Hz,是引起管道振动的主频,69.25、29.69 Hz等为次频;同理可知,1、2机组关机瞬间,其主频为39.63、69.38 Hz。

统计泵站管道4种工况下各测点振动主频出现次数并列表,表2为4种工况下主频出现次数统计。由表2可知,测点频率在0~2、9.9、19.8、29.7、39.6、49.5、59.4及60 Hz以上均有分布。

由式(1)结合振动信号频谱图与表2,参考已有研究[22]计算得出泵站管道振源。总结如下:1)低频成分。泵站管道稳定运行时,低流速的水流冲击管道引起的低频脉动, 频率在10 Hz以下;2)叶频、转频。泵机运行时,高速水流与机组叶片摩擦,使管道产生中高频振动,由泵机参数计算,该泵站机组叶频为60 Hz左右,属于中高频率,存在管道各种工况下所有位置,多为振动主频,且比较突出;3)管-水耦合产生的高频。泵站开关机瞬间,由于水锤作用,管道内产生高速水流冲击管道产生高频振动。

表2 各工况主要频率出现次数统计表

在研究该灌区提水泵站管道的振源对管道的影响时,参考Zhang等[23-24]对管道振动的研究,结合上述振源实测分析与振源组成计算,得出7 泵站管道不同工况下影响管道振动的主振源:1)机组稳定运行时,叶频、转频倍频产生的振动能量占比最大,是管道振动的主振源。2)机组开机时,叶频仍是主振源。3)机组关机时,低频水流与管-水耦合引起的高频振动占比最大,为管道主振源。

2.2 管道振源传递路径识别

2.2.1 传递熵识别管道振动传递路径


基于上述对泵站管道振源研究,结合CEEMDAN和SVD方法[25]进行主振源特征信息提取,得到泵站管道 4种工况下的主振源及其对应频率;并利用传递熵方法对各工况下相邻测点间主振源振动传递路径进行识别。泵站管道在三通管与弯管间的振动较为明显,为研究泵站管道振动传递路径规律,以工况2下16测点至13与19测点间的传递熵为例分析开机时三通管传递至直管与弯管的传递路径,以工况4下10测点至7测点、9测点至3测点分析关机时三通管传递至直管与弯管的传递路径。7泵站管道在工况2与工况4下,上述两测点之间的传递熵值随时间的变化曲线分别见图3、图4。

由图3可知:(16→19)的传递熵值明显大于(19→16);(16→13)的传递熵值明显大于(13→16)。表明在2号泵机开机期间,由叶频引起的振动通过弯管或三通管传向其余支路的信息量明显较多,可以判断泵站管道在开机状况下叶频振动由弯管或三通管传至其他部位;同理,由图 4 传递熵值关系可以得出:当1号、2号泵机关机时,水流脉动和管-水耦合振动,在关机瞬间闸门附近由于水锤使振动增强,稍高于弯管处;并在短时间内在闸门附近与弯管或三通管之间进行周期性传递。通过对泵站管道各个工况相邻测点的传递熵值进行计算分析,得出与上述结果一致结论,限于篇幅不再赘述。

2.2.2 信息传递率识别管道振动传递路径


表3 工况2与工况4相邻测点之间的信息传递率



表4 不同工况下两测点之间信息传递率及其均值对比


3 结 论






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Analysis of the pipeline transfer path characteristics of pumping stations based on transfer entropy

Zhang Jianwei1, Yang Can1, Huang Jinlin2, Cao Kelei1, Ye Hexin3, Li Ziyu1

(1.,,450046,; 2.,510635,; 3.510635,)

The transmission path of vibration difficult to determine has posed a great threat to the safe operation of water transmission pipeline, due mainly to the complex structure of pump station pipeline, where there are many vibration sources. In this study, an attempt was made to analyze the pipeline transfer path characteristics of pumping stations using transfer entropy. The pipeline of 7 pump stations in an irrigation area was also taken as the research object. Firstly, a prototype test was carried out to obtain the spectrum diagram, and energy proportion, thereby analyzing the main vibration source of pipeline vibration. Then, a transmission entropy method was used to identify the vibration transmission path of the main vibration source in the pump station pipeline under various working conditions. The effectiveness of the pipeline vibration transmission path was finally verified when taking the information transmission rate as the quantitative standard. The results show that: 1) The main vibration source was caused by the blade frequency and frequency doubling in the pipeline, mainly transmitting from the elbow and tee pipe to other parts when the pumping station unit operated stably. Furthermore, the average information transmission rate was 27.2%. More importantly, the transmission rate was relatively low during stable operation, mainly because the anchor block, buttress, and other devices played a critical role in the vibration reduction and energy dissipation. 2) The main vibration source was also caused by the blade frequency in the pipeline, mainly transmitted from the elbow and tee to other parts of the pipeline, when the pump station unit starting up. The average information transmission rate was 42%. It was found that a large part of the energy at the elbow and tee was transmitted to other parts of the pipeline during startup. 3) The main vibration source was the high-frequency vibration caused by low-frequency water flow pulsation and pipe water coupling in the pipeline when the pump station unit was shut down. The vibration was mainly transmitted periodically between the valve, elbow, and tee. The average information transmission rate was 51.4%. It can be seen that a large part of the energy from the valve, elbow, and tee was transmitted to other parts of the pipeline. Correspondingly, the information transmission rate of each working condition showed that a large part of vibration energy at the pipeline valve, elbow, and tee pipe was still transmitted to other parts. Whether the machine was switched on or off, the energy transmitted by the pipeline during the stable operation was less under the control of vibration reduction measures, such as anchor block. Therefore, the prototype observation data was selected to analyze the source of vibration through the spectrum diagram and energy proportion, where quantitatively determine the transmission relationship between vibration from the perspective of energy with the help of transmission entropy and information transmission rate, as well as the direction of vibration transmission. It was more efficient and intuitive than before, indicating great advantages in the application of vibration transmission path recognition. Consequently, this research can greatly contribute to accurately identify the vibration transmission path of the main vibration source in the pump station pipeline, thereby identifying the dangerous parts of the pipeline under different working conditions, where the vibration reduction measures can be further proposed. This finding can provide a promising theoretical basis for the operation and management of the pump station pipeline

pumps; vibration; transmission path; transfer entropy; information transmission rate; vibration source analysis

张建伟,杨灿,黄锦林,等. 基于传递熵的泵站管道振动传递路径特性分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(15):47-52.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.15.006

Zhang Jianwei, Yang Can, Huang Jinlin, et al. Analysis of the pipeline transfer path characteristics of pumping stations based on transfer entropy[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(15): 47-52. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.15.006






TV93; TB53




Effects of Prandtl number in two-dimensional turbulent convection∗