

世界建筑 2021年10期





在王建国的身上,我们看到这一优雅传统在中国当代建筑师中的延续。他既是建筑师又是城市规划师, 既是实践者又是教育者,既是技术科学的推动者又是博雅人文的倡导者。

在王建国的建筑作品中,我们能够阅读出一个反复出现的知性探寻过程:它们始于一个被明确定义的问题,成于研究——判断——推演——建构——再研究——再判断的系列循环,最终抵达一个指向清晰、取舍分明的答案。设计的问题阈因项目的尺度、地域、类型与文化特性可以截然不同:有的是对发展资源的预判,有的是对自然系统的缝合,有的是对历史文化的传承,有的是类型学边界的开拓,有的是结构体系的尝试,有的是关于材料工法的新解。但无论是对于哪种问题阈,理性的设计求解过程————它毫不回避地坚守以破题为目的的方法论————总是可以在设计答案形成的同时对相关的知识体进行全新的梳理和归位,从而给予同类项目启发性的参考。如果说这种知性的设计过程在本世纪初还被那些激进的个人主义建筑师————他们傲慢地自诩为凌驾于社会之上的独行天才————所攻击的话,在今天它已经成为不仅被建筑学与城市研究、也被其他多个领域所广泛推崇的思维范式,即“设计思维”。 它也使“设计可以是获取新知识的方式”这一判断得到了越来越多的认可。应该说,对当今国际上包括王建国团队在内的很多人的长期坚守而言,这是一种公平的报答。


贝特兰·罗素在比较东西方文明时曾经说,在历史上,西方的“批判理性”与东方的“创造性直觉”形成了两条平行演进的线索。我们是否可以认为, 在今天的全球化语境下,这两条线索可能不再是简单的平行,而是会出现局部的交汇呢?我们是否可以认为,王建国的建筑实践,即是这种东西并蓄、文理兼容交汇的一个范例呢?□

This time every year, we focus on one contemporary Chinese architect. ThisWAissue is on Professor WANG Jianguo.

We have been witnessing a chain of dominant figures in modern architecture that cross boundaries between urban planning and architecture, producing knowledge and making poetics at the same time: Le Corbusier, Sert,Bakema, Hertzberger, Aldo Rossi, and Paolo Portoghesi, to mention a few.

In WANG Jianguo, we see the proof of elegant tradition touching contemporary China. He is both an architect and an urbanist, both an educator and a practitioner, both a prophet of technolgical advances and an advocate of liberal arts.

Behind WANG Jianguo's works we find a recurring procedure of knowledge seeking. It starts with a welldefined problem. It develops in the investigating – judging –deducing – constructing – re-investigating cycles. Finally it concludes in a clear, unapologetic decision. The primary design problem in WANG Jianguo's work varies from one situation to another: it can be social development,or nature conservation, or historic preservation, or typological reinvention, or structure, or material. In spite of what problem a design faces, the same problem-solving process always is capable of achieving answers, while adding new slice to the body of existing knowledge at the same time. It is true that this problem-solving design thinking was attacked at the turn of 21st century by radical individualists, arrogantly arguing that their outlandish ideas save our cities once and for all. It is equally true that getting into the 3rd decade of this century, this problemsolving design thinking is regaining its strength and dominance, not only in architecture, but also in economics,social studies, and marketing. This has to be a well-deserved reward to the tenacity of WANG Jianguo and his team.

In WANG Jianguo's works we find a lingering preoccupation: the pursuit of perpetual balance between the built environment and nature, something ancient Chinese architecture had done so well. This faith in perpetuality finds different representations in different scales: at the urban scale it is flexibility and resilience of the system, at the medium scale it is the mimicking of organic clusters, and on the microcosm scale it is the cocktail of natural fragments and the built spaces. In the WANG's vertical city we see the relentless use of pocketsized gardens. In his horizontal work, particular those sitting in the rural, we see a determined and melancholic return to the poetics of agricultural Chinese architecture:humility in rooflines and restraint in the use of the landscape. Here, WANG is virtually talking to the ancient Chinese intellectuals who have shaped the cultural tradition that he grew up in and has never left from.

During his stay in China in early 20th century,Bertrand Russell talked about the "conscious reasoning" of the West, and the "creative impulse" of the East, expecting these two lines maintaining parallel to each other. In the global context today, we may expect these two lines to intersect. WANG Jianguo and his colleagues have certainly provided a good example of how this intersecting may inspire an architecture where science and art meet.□




WANG Jianguo

Professor of Southeast University, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Since 1989,he has been teaching at the Research Institute of Architecture, the Department of Architecture and the School of Architecture in Southeast University. He served as Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Architecture, Deputy Dean of the Department of Architecture, Dean of the Department of Architecture from 2001 to 2003,Dean of the School of Architecture from 2003 to 2014. He is now the Director of the Urban Design Research Centre of Southeast University, while holding several academic positions including the Vice President of Architectural Society of China, the Vice President of Urban Planning Society of China,the Director of the Ministry of Education's Steering Committee on the Teaching of Architecture, the Director of the Urban Design Expert Committee of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,and the Editor-in-chief ofFrontiers of ArchitecturalResearch (FoAR).

His research is focused on architecture, urban design and architectural heritage conservation,covering both frontier and engineering practice. His works includeUrban Design,Theory and Method of Modern Urban Design,Protection and Renewal of the Industrial Heritage Buildings in Post-industrial Era, etc. He has directed several architectural design and urban design projects such as the Tourist Centre of Niushou Mountain Scenic Area, the Main Exhibition Pavilion of the Expo Park for the 10th Jiangsu Horticultural Exposition, the integrative urban design of Guangzhou and the integrative urban design of Nanjing, and has gained 7 first prizes and 7 second prizes of the National Excellent Architectural Design Awards and Urban Planning Awards, more than 20 first prizes of ministerial and provincial design awards, and several international awards.

