摘 要:问题引导式教学方法是通过大量的教学实践不断摸索出来的教学模式,以学生为课堂主体,将学生提出的问题作为课堂的主要内容,将学生认为的难点作为授课的重点。目前,引导式教学方法在初中地理教学中已经得到了广泛应用。学生通过自主学习发现问题,有助于提高学生对地理的学习兴趣,有助于启迪学生思考,对学生思维的创新与发展大有裨益。本文首先分析了传统教学模式的不足,随后提出了问题引导式教学方法的概念以及在初中地理教学中应用问题引导式教学法的意义,最后从六个方面分析了引导式教学方法在初中地理教学中的实际应用。
【中图分类号】G633.5 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)27 -0107-02
A Brief Analysis of the Application of Question-guided Teaching Method in Junior Middle School Geography Teaching
HU Yehua (Wengong Branch of Youxi No.1 Middle School in Fujian Province,China)
【Abstract】The problem-guided teaching method is a teaching model that is constantly explored through a large number of teaching practices. It takes students as the main body of the classroom,regards the questions raised by the students as the main content of the classroom,and regards the difficulties that students think as the focus of the teaching. At present,the guided teaching method has been widely used in junior high school geography teaching. Students discovering problems through autonomous learning can help increase students' interest in geography,inspire students to think,and are of great benefit to the innovation and development of students' thinking. This article first analyzes the shortcomings of the traditional teaching model,and then analyzes the concept of the problem-guided teaching method and the significance of the application of the problem-guided teaching method in junior high school geography teaching. Finally,it analyzes the guiding teaching method in junior high school geography teaching from six aspects. Practical application.
【Keywords】Problem-guided teaching method;Traditional teaching;Junior high school geography
1. 传统教学模式的不足
2. 问题引导式教学方法的概念