

农业工程学报 2021年13期

韩长杰,肖立强,徐 阳,张 静,李洪雷


韩长杰1,肖立强1,徐 阳1,张 静1,李洪雷2

(1.新疆农业大学机电工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052;2. 德州福瑞特农业机械制造有限公司,德州 253000)

针对新疆广泛应用的半自动辣椒移栽机效率低、劳动强度大的问题,该研究设计了一种辣椒穴盘苗自动移栽机。整机主要由全自动取投苗系统与栽植机构组成,采用整排取苗再分苗投苗的方式,实现128(16列×8行)穴辣椒穴盘苗的自动取苗、投苗。在分析现有移栽机结构和工作原理的基础上,确定了辣椒穴盘苗自动移栽机的整体结构,完成了全自动取投苗系统的关键参数设计;制定了全自动取投苗系统的气动回路方案,并基于FluidSIM软件进行仿真及优化。采用平均苗高166.7 mm的辣椒苗,以取投苗成功率,栽植频率,株距变异系数,倒伏率为评价指标进行田间试验。试验结果表明:在工作气压0.4 MPa及移栽机作业速度1.4~1.7 km/h时,平均取投苗成功率为97.07%,栽植频率为123株/min,倒伏率1.67%,株距变异系数为3.67%,各项性能指标均满足辣椒穴盘苗移栽的农艺要求。该研究可为自动化移栽机的研究提供参考。


0 引 言




1 辣椒穴盘苗自动移栽机

1.1 整机结构


1.2 工作原理



1.3 性能参数


2 关键部件设计

2.1 移盘机构


2.1.1 苗盘推杆与苗穴的运动学分析



式中1为从动链轮齿数;l为苗盘推杆圆心至点的距离,mm;l为点至点的距离,mm。128穴软苗盘常规尺寸3≈100°,纵向苗穴间距为31.75 mm,l为半个纵向苗穴间距,取l=15.875 mm,且由式(1)可得1>36,为保证移盘机构动作顺畅及链轮齿数常选奇数,取1=51,计算得≥129 mm时,苗盘推杆与苗穴不相互干涉。

2.1.2 变步距角棘轮装置的运动学分析


1.主动轴 2.棘轮 3.棘爪弹簧 4.棘爪 5.棘爪摇臂 6.步进气缸 7.连杆 8.棘爪固定转轴 9.特殊棘齿

1.Driving shaft 2.Ratchet 3.Pawl spring 4.Pawl 5.Pawl rocker arm 6.Stepping cylinder 7.Connecting rod 8.Pawl fixed shaft 9. Special ratch


Note:is the position of the hinge point of the stepping cylinder and the connecting rod when the stepping cylinder is in the initial position;is the position of the hinge point of the connecting rod and the pawl when the stepping cylinder is in the initial position;is the position of the hinge point of the stepping cylinder and the connecting rod when the stepping cylinder is at the end position;is the position of the hinge point between the connecting rod and the pawl when the stepping cylinder is at the end position;is the vertical distance from the center axis of the piston rod of the stepping cylinder to theaxis, mm;φis the working angle of the pawl rocker arm, (°);is the angle between the pawl rocker arm and theaxis when the stepping cylinder is in the initial position, (°).

图6 变步距角棘轮装置结构示意图

Fig.6 Structure diagram of variable step angle ratchet device


式中为棘轮步距角,(°);为棘爪运动一次推过的棘齿数量;为送苗行程,mm;2为主动链轮齿数;为节距,mm;为棘轮模数;d为棘轮齿顶圆直径,mm;为棘齿齿高,mm;d为齿根圆直径,mm;1为棘齿齿距,mm;1为棘爪工作长度,mm;1为棘爪高度,mm。本文链条链号取10A,则=15.875 mm;128穴软苗盘纵向苗穴间距为31.75 mm,因此送苗行程31.75 mm;按照强度要求确定模数m为7,将代入式(2)得出≈21°、2=34、d=119 mm、=5.25 mm、d=108.5 mm、1≈22 mm、1≈44 mm、1=10.5 mm。





取不等式(4)作为设计的优化目标,使ll在满足机构工作要求的条件下取得最小值,以保证变步距角棘轮装置结构紧凑,使用Matlab对不等式(4)进行求解,最终取整得到解l=25 mm,l=146 mm。

2.2 取投苗机构


1.移位气缸 2.升降气缸 3.方管 4.夹苗装置 5.行程槽板 6.分苗气缸 7.机械阀DT1 8.机械阀DT2 9.移位滑轨 10.夹苗装置固定架 11.机械阀DT0 12.限位板 13.投苗挡片

1.Shift cylinder 2.Lifting cylinder 3.Square tube 4.Seedling clamping device 5.Stroke groove plate 6.Seedling dividing cylinder 7.Mechanical valve DT1 8.Mechanical valve DT2 9.Moving slide 10.Fixing frame of seedling clamping device 11.Mechanical valve DT0 12.Limit plate 13. Seedling dropping block


Note: → the moving direction of cylinder rod;is shift cylinder;is lifting cylinder;is seedling dividing cylinder; subscript 1 and 2 refers to the order of movement of each cylinder.

图7 取投苗机构工作原理图

Fig.7 Working principle diagram of seedling picking and dropping mechanism

2.2.1 夹苗装置


1.夹苗装置气缸 2.铰接点 3.固定支点 4.夹苗臂 5.辣椒苗茎秆

1.Cylinder of seedling clamping device 2.Hinge point 3.Fixed fulcrum 4.Seedling holding arm 5.Chili seedling stem


Note:Lis the total length of the seedling holding arm, mm;Lis the width of the seedling holding arm, mm;1is the cylinder thrust, N;F1andF2is the clamping force of the seedling holding arms on both sides of the chili seedling, N;is the angle between the cylinder pressure direction and the vertical direction at the hinge point, (°).

图8 夹苗装置机构简图

Fig.8 Schematic diagram of seedling clamping device


式中为辣椒苗的重力,N;为摩擦系数。当辣椒幼苗摩擦系数较小且重力较大时,夹苗装置可以牢固夹持辣椒幼苗,则证明夹苗装置可以保证取苗成功。故取L=50 mm,L=10 mm,=0.49[27],=0.4 N,=5°。将已知数值代入式(5)中,可得气缸所需的理论最小推力1=2.0 N。

2.2.2 分苗装置

由于取苗时苗穴间距与投苗时苗杯间距不同,所以采取整排取苗再分苗的方式投苗,分苗装置主要包括分苗导轨、分苗气缸、方管、限位板。8个夹苗装置安装在8个滑块上,相邻夹苗装置之间使用限位板连接,2个分苗气缸驱动8个夹苗装置在分苗导轨上运动,夹苗装置合并取苗时,夹苗装置间距L=32 mm;夹苗装置分散投苗时,夹苗装置间距L=127 mm,由结构关系可得

式中2为分苗气缸行程,mm;L为分散时夹苗装置间隔距离,mm;L为合并时夹苗装置间隔距离,mm;为夹苗装置气缸个数,为分苗气缸个数。将LL、按式(6)计算得分苗气缸行程2=332.5 mm,取整后分苗气缸行程为333 mm。

2.3 柔性链输苗机构

柔性链输苗机构用于将苗杯中的穴盘苗逐个投入至栽植机构中。如图9所示,该机构由苗杯、柔性链主动链轮、活门托板、投苗控制装置、柔性链、支架组成。动力经地轮通过链轮链条及六方轴,变速箱,传递至柔性链,苗杯随柔性链移动,当苗杯移动到落苗口时,苗杯下方的活门打开,将苗落入栽植机构中。苗杯的间距127 mm,苗杯数量为18个。



1.柔性链从动链轮 2.柔性链主动链轮 3.变速箱 4.六方轴 5.机械阀DT3 6.螺栓型滚动轴承 7.从动齿轮 8.主动齿轮

1.Flexible chain driven sprocket 2.Flexible chain driving sprocket 3.Gearbox 4.Hexagonal shaft 5.Mechanical valve DT3 6.Bolt type rolling bearing 7.Driven gear 8.Driving gear

图10 投苗控制装置结构示意图

Fig.10 Structure diagram of seedling dropping control device

3 气动系统的设计


3.1 气动系统的仿真分析



在表2所示的系统建模参数下,对气动系统运行仿真。图12为各气缸动作时序图,横坐标为时间,纵坐标为各气缸活塞杆位置,从夹苗装置气缸活塞杆第一次收缩至0 mm开始至第二次收缩至0 mm结束为一个工作循环,整个动作循环时间约4s。整个过程气缸时序动作为:夹苗装置气缸活塞杆收缩且升降控制气缸活塞杆伸出,升降气缸活杆伸出,移位气缸及步进气缸活塞杆伸出且分苗气缸活塞杆收缩,夹苗装置气缸活塞杆伸出且升降控制气缸收缩,升降气缸活塞杆收缩,移位气缸及步进气缸活塞杆收缩同时分苗气缸活塞伸出,夹苗装置活塞杆收缩。各气缸动作时序符合全自动取投苗系统投苗-下降-移位合并-取苗-提升-移位分散及纵向移盘-投苗动作次序的要求。

3.2 耗气量的计算



表3 耗气量计算

由表3可知全自动取投苗系统耗气总量为53.06 L/min,为保证气源压力稳定,辣椒穴盘苗自动移栽机中2组全自动取投苗系统应选择容积流量160 L/min以上的空气压缩机提供压缩空气。

4 田间试验

4.1 试验条件

如图13所示,田间试验于2020年8月在德州福瑞特农业机械制造有限公司试验地进行,试验前,对试验地进行旋耕作业保证土壤疏松平整。采用育苗大棚所培育的辣椒苗,苗龄为60 d,平均苗高为166.7 mm;基质为草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩按照体积比1∶1∶1混合制得,基质含水率24%~32%。

4.2 试验方法及评价指标

移栽机与拖拉机挂接方式为三点悬挂,拖拉机额定功率为36.8 kW,参照JB/T 10291-2013[30],在工作气压0.4 MPa及移栽机作业速度1.4~1.7 km/h时进行试验,以取投苗成功率,栽植频率,株距变异系数,倒伏率为性能评价指标。

4.2.1 取苗投苗成功率试验


4.2.2 栽植频率试验



4.2.3 株距变异系数及倒伏率试验






4.3 试验结果与分析


表4 取投苗成功率试验结果

表5 栽植频率测量结果

表6 倒伏率测量结果

表7 株距测量结果

5 结 论



3)通过田间试验测得,在工作气压为0.4 MPa及移栽机作业速度为1.4~1.7 km/h时,平均取投苗成功率达97.07%,栽植频率为123株/min,倒伏率1.67%,株距变异系数为3.67%,各项性能指标可以满足新疆地区辣椒作物移栽的农艺要求。在前期机械驱动式辣椒穴盘苗自动取投苗系统的研究基础上,进一步提高了工作效率及取投苗成功率。

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Design and experiment of the automatic transplanter for chili plug seedlings

Han Changjie1, Xiao Liqiang1, Xu Yang1, Zhang Jing1, Li Honglei2


Most of vegetable varieties have widely been applied in China at present. Transplanting plug seedlings can greatly contribute to the survival ratio of seedlings, and the resistance to disasters during the growth for better quality and yield of vegetables. However, current manual seedling fetching and transporting seedlings were commonly used in a semi-automatic transplanting machine with high cost and labor intensity. In this study, a fully automatic plug-seedling transplanting and planting machine was developed to meet the transplanting operation mode and agronomic requirements for high efficiency, where the seedlings were taken in a row to be divided, and then be dropped. The transplanting machine was mainly composed of a tray transfer, a seedling picking and dropping, a flexible chain seedling transporting, and a planting mechanism. Plug seedling transplanting was automatically realized under the cooperation of the valve control cylinder movement and mechanical transmission. The simple control system presented a novel structure to gain higher work efficiency. Furthermore, only one operator was required to place the seedling tray, indicating the labor cost-saving. A tractor was used to haul the automatic plug-seedling transplanter, where an air pump driven by a power output shaft was selected to generate the compressed air, thereby providing power for the automatic seedling picking and dropping system. The ground wheel was also utilized to drive the planting and flexible chain conveying mechanism when rotating the plug seedling. A three-dimensional design Solidworks software was used to design the specific structure after the valve control strategy was determined. Correspondingly, the movement trajectories of seedling plate putter and plug seedlings were analyzed to determine the key structure parameters of the plate-moving mechanism. A variable-step ratchet device was also characterized to confirm the size of key components. MATLAB platform was utilized to carry out the structural optimization. The force was thus determined for a seedling clamping device, together with the main component of the seedling picking and dropping mechanism. The key parameters were also determined for the cylinder of a seedling clamping device. FluidSIM software was used to simulate the pneumatic circuit system under different system parameters, further optimizing the design of a pneumatic circuit with simple structure, reliable work performance, and high efficiency. A field trial was conducted using chili seedlings with an average seedling height of 166.7 mm. Evaluation indicators were set as the success rate of seedling taking and dropping, planting frequency, coefficient of variation of plant spacing, and lodging rate. The test results showed that the average success rate of planting and dropping seedlings was 97.07%, and the planting frequency was 123 plants/min, when the working pressure was 0.4 MPa, while the operating speed of a transplanter was 1.4-1.7 km/h, and the moving parts of the machine cooperated well during working. Specifically, the lodging rate was 1.67%, and the coefficient of variation of plant spacing was 3.67%. The data was well in accordance with the machinery industry standard JB/T10291-2013 “Transplanter of dry land plant”. It verifies the rationality of plug seedlings with automatical transplanting. The finding can provide sound technical support to improve the automation level of a plug-seedling transplanter in agricultural production.

agricultural machinery; design; experiment; automatic transplanting machine; chili plug seedling; pneumatic

韩长杰,肖立强,徐阳,等. 辣椒穴盘苗自动移栽机设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(13):20-29.


Han Changjie, Xiao Liqiang, Xu Yang, et al. Design and experiment of the automatic transplanter for chili plug seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(13): 20-29. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.13.003









