

广东教学报·教育综合 2021年101期







教师在话题导入时,通过创设与学生学习、生活相关的真实语境,有意识地引出阅读文章词汇。其次,让学生积极参与到教学活动中,并在真实的语境中恰当地应用所学的词汇。以NSEC教材Book 3 Unit1 Festival around the world为例,本单元节日的话题是学生很感兴趣的,教师给学生介绍话题时,可使用将要学习的词汇,如,festival, celebration, celebrate, custom, belief,ancestor, agricultural,feast, dress up, gather, clothing, firework,set off, take place, day and night,have fun with, in memory of, look forward to等。

T: What's your favorite festival and why?

S1: I like spring festival best because all our family member will come back home and have a big meal to celebrate the new year. We will get some lucky money and wear new clothes.

T: I also like the spring festival which is our country's traditional festival. It's a time for family reunion and celebration. We get together to celebrate the coming of new year and find time to have fun with each other. When I was young, I looked forward to the spring festival. Can you talk about other traditional festival?

S2: The Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite festival.

T: Who is it in memory of ?

S2: A great poet, Qu Yuan.

T: What will people do?

S3: People will eat Zongzi and have a dragon boat race.

教师在此基础上创设语境,给学生三幅图,分别是春节、端午节、中秋节,让学生用所给词汇描述图片。围绕:What's the festival? How do they celebrate? What do they do? 来描述这些节日。引导学生用这些词汇说出完整的句子和篇章,让学生在语境中学习和使用词汇。如:

1)The Spring Festival is the happiest festival in China. It may take place in February. It is on the first day of the first lunar month each year. Most family members get together and have a big meal on the eve of the Spring Festival. In Chinese custom, people often set off firework. It's an important festival that all look forward to the Spring Festival.

2)Mid-autumn Festival is a time for family reunion. It falls on August 15th of the Lunar calendar. Family members get together to enjoy a big meal. At night, people will sit together, admire the moon and eat moon cakes.

3) The Dragon Boat Festival falls on lunar May 5th. It has a long history of more than 2000 years. The Dragon Boat Festival is held in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan. He drown himself on the day when he heard that his country had been conquered. This festival is celebrated by eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats.




例如,NSEC教材Book 4 Unit1 Women of achievement 中的热身部分,为了更好地让学生掌握词汇,教师可以提出下列问题:

1. Why did Joan of Arc dress as a man?

2. What did Elizabeth do to help the prisoners?

3. What did Song Qingling concerned herself with?

4. How did Lin Qiaozhi help Chinese women and children?

5. Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to university?

6. Who helped found an international campaign to stop the making of landmines?

学生通过回答上述问题能够比较全面准确地掌握 Warming Up中出现的一些词汇如:dress as, fight for, drive, put to death, condition, concern, specialist, devote to, connection, human being, campaign, organization等的基本用法并学会在具体的语境中应用。


Hua Mulan, a legendary figure in ancient China, is famous for fighting for her father in war. Driven by her love for her father, she made up her mind to fight for her father, which could put her to death. Back home with the mission finished, the emperor expected to improve her living condition on account of her devotion to her country and family. For hundreds and thousands of years, Hua Mulan has been respected among all Chinese, because her name is closely connected with “bravery and devotion”. Her spirit encourages thousands of Chinese to fight for our motherland.



NSEC教材Book 1 Unit3 Travel journey讲述了一段沿湄公河而下的自行车旅行,主人公以旅游日志的形式详细地记录了这一过程。学生通过追随这一段旅程,探讨与旅游相关的话题,如,如何为旅游做准备、怎样确定旅游路线、计划等,学生两人一组谈论他们的假期,与大家分享。围绕词汇vacation,设置思维导图。如,关于vacation可以谈论place、activities、weather、food、people、feeling,等等。教师可以把将要学习的相关词汇用PPT 展示出来,如,transport, traffic, cycle, schedule, organize, modern, view, scenery, prefer, fare, finally, ancient, journey, safe, be considered as, be fond of, show great interest in, be famous for, an interesting experience, made up one's mind, give in等,教师引导学生用上述的词汇设计问题和回答问题,以培养学生自主提问的能力。如:1)What should you know before you plan to travel? 2) Where are you traveling? 3) How are you getting there? 4) How much are you spending on it? 5) How long are you staying there? 6) What can you see when you travel? 7) What difficulties will you meet? 8) What's the weather like there? 9) How do you feel about your trip?



教材中,语言学习中的练习大都集中了课文中重点词汇的练习,为巩固和运用词汇提供了语境。教师可以让学生好好利用这些练习。以NSEC教材Book 7 Unit3 Under the sea中的词汇练习为例:

Depth dive yell annual shark accommodation witness relationship flee shore

When I was young, my parents liked jogging on the beach. So we used to visit the seaside on our ______ holidays. We always stayed in ______ close to the ______ because my parents had a good ______ with the owner of the hotel. We also went snorkeling each time and would _____ under the waves to see the colorful fish. As I grew older I was allowed to go to greater ______ and further out beyond the bay. There I saw small ______ as they swam lazily around the sea bottom. One day I ______ how they would purse their prey swiftly, and the small fish had no time to ______ away. I want to ______ and warn the poor fish but that was impossible underwater. Thank God it was; otherwise, I might have been swallowed instead!

参考答案:( annual;accommodation;shore;relationship;dive;depths;sharks;witnessed;flee;yell )



生活化的语境就是以学生熟悉的人和事或亲身经历为素材,以生活的实际需要为交际目的,使英语交际的内容和形式尽可能地贴近生活、贴近真实的语言活动。我们知道每个学生都拥有自己的生活经历,也特别喜欢谈论与自己生活有关的话题。因此,生活化的语境可以激发学生的学习热情,让学生“有话可说”。创造语境启发学生思考,使学生对词汇的理解更加透彻。比如,在教授NSEC教材Book 1 Unit3 Travel journey中persuade, determined时,教师可以改变总让学生中文翻译成英文的做法,也就是口头句子翻译。为了提高教学效果,教师可以在教完词汇后,联系学生的实际生活进行追问,如:

T: If a student doesn't want to read English aloud in the morning, what should I do to make him do it?

Ss: You can persuade him to do it.

T: How can I persuade him?

Ss: You'd better tell him the importance of reading English aloud.

T: A good idea. I will try my best to persuade him.

T: He always tries to finish his homework, no matter how hard it is. What kind of student is he?

Ss: He is determined.

T: Would you like to be a determined person?

Ss: Of course!












[2]Jeremy Harmer.怎样教英语[M].外语教学与研究出版社,2000.



责任编辑  陈红兵

