王飞 王金梅 陈星宇
摘 要:高校思想政治理论课是落实立德树人的关键课程,在培养担当民族复兴大任时代新人中具有特殊重要的作用。农林院校学生思想政治理论课要以立德树人为根本,以强农兴农为己任,培养更多知农、爱农的新型合格人才,为全面推进乡村振兴作出新的更大贡献。文章通过对农林院校学生思想政治理论课有效性进行调查分析,从加强领导机制、健全教学机制、加大激励机制、建立保障机制、完善评价机制、建设协同机制等方面提出思想政治理论课有效性提升机制。
中图分类号:G641 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)21-0005-06
Abstract: Ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities are the key courses to implement morality and cultivate people, and play a particularly important role in training new people in the era of national rejuvenation. The ideological and political theory courses of students in agriculture and forestry colleges should be based on cultivating people by virtue and strengthening agriculture, so as to cultivate more qualified talents who know about and love agriculture and make new and greater contributions to promoting rural revitalization in an all-round way. Through the investigation and analysis, of the effectiveness of ideological and political theory courses for students in agriculture and forestry colleges, this paper puts forward the effectiveness improvement mechanism of ideological and political theory courses from the aspects of strengthening the leadership mechanism, improving the teaching mechanism, increasing the incentive mechanism, establishing the guarantee mechanism, improving the evaluation mechanism, and building the coordination mechanism.
Keywords: agricultural and forestry colleges; ideological and political theory course; effectiveness; mechanism
1. 学生对思政课重要性的认识。调查结果表明:学生认为思政课很重要的占31.38%,重要的占52.68%,无所谓的占12.22%,不重要的和很不重要的占3.72%。