

考试与评价·高一版 2021年2期




1. 使用非谓语动词

一般表达:All the way we were chatting, singing, laughing, and enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery.

精彩表达:All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful scenery. (现在分词短语作伴随状语)

一般表达:Mr. Smith came into the classroom and many students followed him.

精彩表达:Followed by many students, Mr. Smith came into the classroom. (过去分词短语作伴随状语)

一般表达:When he arrived in London, he gave me a phone call immediately.

精彩表达:On / Upon arriving in London, he gave me a phone call immediately.(动名词短语作介词的宾语)

一般表达:When they finally reached the airport, they found the plane had taken off.

精彩表达:They finally reached the airport only to find the plane had taken off. (only to do... 表示意想不到的结果)

2. 使用名词性从句

一般表达:To our surprise, they won the championship at last.

精彩表达:What surprised us was that they won the championship at last.

一般表达:I suggested that we should change the date. He agreed with me.

精彩表达:He agreed to my suggestion that we should change the date.

3. 使用定語从句

一般表达:In order to improve our English, we are going to hold an English party in our schools new gym and parties are often held there.

精彩表达:In order to improve our English, we are going to hold an English party in our schools new gym, where parties are often held.

一般表达:The English party will start from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. next Friday. During that time you will enjoy English stories, songs, poems as well as short plays at the party.

精彩表达:The English party will start from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. next Friday, during which you will enjoy English stories, songs, poems as well as short plays at the party. (介词+which引导定语从句)

4. 使用状语从句

一般表达:I will not believe his words.

精彩表达:No matter what he says, I wont believe him.

一般表达:It may rain. Youd better take an umbrella.

精彩表达:Youd better take an umbrella in case it rains.

5. 使用倒装结构

一般表达:We suffered from cold and hunger in those days. The days are gone.

精彩表达:Gone are the days when we suffered from cold and hunger.

一般表达:Tom didnt go to bed until his parents came back from work.

精彩表达:Not until his parents came back from work did Tom go to bed.

一般表达:It got us close to nature, gave us relaxation from heavy school work and promoted the friendship among us.

精彩表达:Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relaxation from heavy school work, but also it promoted the friendship among us.

6. 使用省略结构

一般表达:I havent succeeded, but I hope that I can succeed.

精彩表达:I havent succeeded, but I hope to.

一般表达:If I am given more time, I will do it better.

精彩表达:If given more time, I will do it better.

7. 使用强调结构

一般表达:He didnt attend the meeting because of illness.

精彩表达:It was because of illness that he failed to attend the meeting.

一般表达:He really wrote to his parents last week.

精彩表达:He did write to his parents last week.

8. 使用with复合结构

一般表达:Spring comes. The trees turn green.

精彩表达:With spring coming, the trees turn green.

一般表达:The teacher entered the classroom. There was a book in his hand.

精彩表达The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand.

9. 使用虚拟语气

一般表达:He didnt follow my advice. So the accident happened.

精彩表达:If he had followed my advice, the accident wouldnt have happened.

一般表达:They are talking. They seem to be old friends.

精彩表达:They are talking as if they were old friends.

10. 变换时态或语态

一般表达:The bell is ringing.

精彩表达:There goes the bell.

一般表達:We require all the contestants to speak no more than 5 minutes.

精彩表达:All the contestants are required to speak no more than 5 minutes.



1. The bus is coming.

2. We should pay much attention to protecting the environment.

3. We left late. So we missed the train.

4. He speaks German very fluently. He may have studied German in Germany.

5. He fell asleep but the light was on / burning.

6. She didnt go to work because her mother was ill.

7. The medicine is quite effective if it is taken in time.

8. He really works hard at English.

9. The environment will never improve until everyone takes care of it.

10. You can borrow it. But you should promise to take care of it.

11. Paul got fired last week. It obviously made him feel blue.

12. If you like anything, you can take it.

13. “We cant go out in this weather,” said Bob,

and looked out of the window.

14. She was born and brought up in the country. So she isnt used to city life now.

15. I woke up, but I found everyone gone.

16. When we were bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy.

17. I paid $5 for the book. The book is well worth reading.

18. We worked together for peace in those days. We wont forget those days.

