

农业工程学报 2021年5期

龚中良,张 镇


龚中良,张 镇

(中南林业科技大学机电工程学院,长沙 410004)

非均质物料质量差异较大且不可分割,组合称重定量过程中组合对象不确定,存在组合称重定量精度与组合速度的矛盾。该研究针对链式组合称重定量系统,提出以定量精度及组合效率为目标,对组合样本数和抽样数进行优化分析,达到保证组合称重定量精度下,减少数据计算量以提高组合定量速度的目的。研究表明,在相同允许组合误差下,增大组合样本数可提高组合成功概率,但组合计算量随组合样本数增加而呈指数增加。通过对服从正态分布(100, 102)的质量数据进行10 000轮组合计算发现,当组合定量目标质量为500 g,允许组合误差为0.1 g时,组合计算时间较短的组合样本数为14。并对优化组合样本数和抽样数的组合算法进行了链式组合称重定量试验验证。试验结果表明,在物料质量标准差≤30 g,允许定量组合误差为0.1 g时,优化后的组合算法与优化前遍历组合算法在定量组合成功概率总体上保持在95%左右,且优化后的算法组合计算时间减少了40%。研究结果可为非均质物料链式组合称重定量系统的研制提供参考。


0 引 言


1 链式组合称重定量系统及组合定量工作原理





1.物料盘 2.称台垫片 3.称重传感器 4.称重支架 5.光电传感器 6.卸料执行器 7.物料 8.物料收集箱 9.链条 10.链轮 11.传动电机

1.Material tray 2.Weighing platform gasket 3.Weighing sensor 4.Weighing bracket 5.Photoelectric sensor 6.Unloading actuator 7.Material 8.Material collection box 9.Chain 10.Sprocket 11.Drive motor

图1 链式组合称重定量装置结构图

Fig.1 Structural schematic diagram of chain quantitative combination weighing device


Note:1is the gravity of the material (N),2is the gravity of the whole material tray and the weighing pad (N),is the moment reference point,0is the arm of the mass measured by the weighing sensor relative to point(m),1is the arm of the gravity of the material relative to point(m),2is the arm of the gravity of the whole material tray and the weighing pad relative to point(m)

1.称重传感器 2.物料盘 3.物料 4.称重垫片 5.支撑架

1.Weighing sensor 2.Material tray 3.Material 4.Weighing gasket 5.Support frame

图2 称重传感器受力分析图

Fig.2 Force analysis diagram of weighing sensor


2 组合定量误差分析


组合计算一般采用2种算法[27-28]。一种是速度优先型算法,即在遍历所有组合,在运算过程中,第一次出现满足组合定量误差的结果就表示组合成功,这种算法的优点就是速度较快。当组合样本数为8个进行组合时,组合时间平均为80 ms,允许组合误差为±0.2%,但组合定量误差在允许组合误差内随机性较大;另一种是精度优先型算法,通过遍历所有可能的组合,在这些定量组合成功的结果中找寻组合定量误差最小的组合作为最后结果,这样虽然精度有所提高,但是组合计算时间增加。当组合样本数为8个进行组合时,允许组合误差为±0.2%,平均需要120 ms,它每次组合定量结果均为本轮误差最小的组合。当组合样本数更大时,组合时间还会更长。为了同时满足较高的组合定量精度及组合速度要求,本文对组合样本数和抽样数进行了优化分析。

2.1 组合样本数n和抽样数r对组合次数和组合误差的影响




2.2 抽样数r的确定

2.3 抽样数r对组合成功概率的影响

3 误差优化及试验

3.1 确定最佳样本数n

由图5可知,组合成功概率和组合计算时间随着样本数的增加而增加,当允许组合误差为0.05 g时,组合成功概率增加速度呈近似线性增加,在样本数为16时,组合成功概率才能达到95%以上;当允许组合误差为0.10~1.00 g时,组合成功概率随着样本数的增加呈现先保留快速后缓慢增加的趋势。这是因为前期样本数增大,数据组合次数随之增大,而误差范围相对较大,故符合误差范围的组合较多,组合成功概率呈较快增加,组合计算时间增加缓慢;到后期由于数据量骤增,所需的组合计算时间快速增加,而组合成功概率由于前期增加过快,后面趋于饱和,故缓慢趋近于1;此时,当样本数增加到14时,组合成功概率已经达到96%以上,组合计算时间为20 s左右,当样本数继续增加到16时,组合成功概率达到99%以上,但是组合计算时间上升到之前的3倍60 s左右。综合考虑组合成功概率和组合计算时间,当允许组合误差为0.05 g时,为保证组合成功概率,样本数应选择16以上为佳;当允许组合误差为0.10 g时,选择样本数为14较佳。

3.2 优化抽样数r的试验

根据前文对抽样数的论证,该试验对其进行验证。设计试验质量数据传递规律按照链式移位进入称重传感器。选择组合样本数为14,物料质量分布服从正态分布(100,2),为物料质量标准差,组合定量的目标质量为500 g,优化选取抽样数。测试在10 000轮组合计算下对不同标准差和不同误差范围内的组合成功概率的影响,并将其改进前组合算法进行对比,结果如表1。改进前的组合算法为从小到大进行顺序遍历组合的算法。试验结果为组合成功概率、组合计算时间和时间缩短比例。具体试验步骤如下:





表1 改进前后组合算法的组合成功概率和组合计算时间对比

3.3 试验验证

为验证优化后组合算法性能,搭建试验平台如图6所示。以砂糖橘作为物料,其符合非均质物料质量分布特性,单个物料质量对整体组合称重定量影响大等特点。经测试单个砂糖橘质量范围服从正态分布(34,62)。组合定量目标质量为100 g,组合样本数为14。试验结果如表2所示。

表2 砂糖橘定量组合试验结果

由表2可知,砂糖橘组合定量试验中,允许组合误差为0.1~1.0 g时,优化后的定量组合算法的组合成功率可达到95%以上,组合计算时间在1.5 ms以内,满足系统使用要求。

4 结 论


1)组合成功概率随着组合样本数的增加而增加,但组合计算量也呈指数增加。综合考虑组合成功概率与组合速度,发现当允许组合误差为0.1 g时,较优的组合样本数为14;




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Optimization and experiments of non-uniform objects quantitative combination algorithm based on chain transmission

Gong Zhongliang, Zhang Zhen


Effective mass of non-uniform objects varies differently and indivisibly, thereby making the combined object uncertain during the combined weighing and quantification process. Thus, there is a great contradiction between the quantitative accuracy of combined weighing and combined speed. In this study, a chain-drive combination weighing and quantitative system was proposed, where the precision-efficiency was treated as the combined operation target. A combined error of influence parameters was analyzed to evaluate the accuracy of combined weighing quantification. Besides, the number of combined samples and sampling were optimized to reduce the combined calculation time with a high combined quantitative speed. The results indicated that the number of combined samples increased the probability of combination success. However, the amount of combined calculation increased exponentially with the increase of the number of combined samples. Thus, the number of combined samples needed to be optimized for the tradeoff between the combined error and calculation time. A normal distribution was followed after 10 000 rounds of combined calculation on the quality data, where the mean value was equal to 100, and the variance was 102. It was found that the number of combined samples was 14 with the shorter calculation time when the target mass of combined quantification was 500 g and the allowable combined error was ±0.1 g. Moreover, the sampling numbers needed to be screened for the high requirements of combined error, due to the characteristics of non-uniform objects. In addition, a simulation experiment was designed to explore the influence of the total sampling number on the combined error and calculation time. The test results showed that the improved and previous combination maintained the success probability of quantitative combination at about 95% when the standard deviation of weight distribution was less than 30 g and the combined quantitative error was less than 0.1-1.0 g. The calculation time of the optimized combination was reduced by 40%, compared with the conventional one. The findings can provide a sound reference for the potential development of a chain combined weighing and quantitative system for non-uniform objects.

algorithm; optimization; chain quantitative combination weighing; non-uniform materials; quantitative accuracy; efficiency; error analysis

龚中良,张镇. 非均质物料链式组合称重定量算法优化与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(5):310-316. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.05.036

Gong Zhongliang, Zhang Zhen. Optimization and experiments of non-uniform objects quantitative combination algorithm based on chain transmission[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(5): 310-316. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.05.036






TH715; TP391.9




勘 误 声 明