

农业工程学报 2021年5期

张 静,龙新华,韩长杰,袁盼盼,高 杰


张 静1,龙新华1,韩长杰1※,袁盼盼1,高 杰2

(1. 新疆农业大学机电工程学院,乌鲁木齐 830052; 2. 新疆中收农牧机械有限公司,乌鲁木齐 830052)

针对目前半自动移栽机人工取投苗劳动强度大、工作效率低,控制系统复杂等问题,该研究结合当前新疆穴盘苗移栽作业模式和农艺要求,模仿人工取喂苗的方式设计了一种机械驱动式辣椒穴盘苗自动取投苗系统。该自动取投苗系统由地轮提供动力,通过穴盘进给装置的横向送苗驱动机构和纵向送苗驱动机构驱动穴盘横向、纵向准确移位,实现128穴整盘穴盘苗的自动进给,通过机械取投苗装置实现穴盘苗的自动取投。根据“己”字型穴盘进给方案和机械手取投苗轨迹与姿态要求,确定了机械取投苗装置偏转驱动机构和拔取驱动机构各构件的尺寸参数,构建了机械自动取投苗机构驱动装置的运动学模型,分析得出机械手末端位移、速度、加速度方程以及偏转、拔取驱动装置的主要参数和运动规律。为验证该系统的作业性能,利用Solidworks软件对机械手取投苗轨迹和运动规律进行仿真分析,选取苗龄60 d、基质含水率24.61%~31.57%的辣椒穴盘苗进行室内样机穴盘进给位移可靠性试验和取投苗试验。试验结果表明,机械手仿真运动轨迹满足设计要求;穴盘纵向和横向进给位移与理论偏差小于1 mm,满足穴盘进给装置的供苗要求;在取投苗速度64~88株/min范围内,随着取苗速度的增加,取苗成功率、投苗成功率先增大后减少,输苗成功率总体波动较小,取投苗总成功率先增大后减少,取投苗速度80株/min时效果最佳,此时系统平均取投苗总成功率、取苗成功率、投苗成功率、输苗成功率分别为92.54%、92.93%、99.57%和100.00%,作业过程中无伤苗情况,满足穴高45 mm的辣椒穴盘苗栽植前自动进给穴盘苗、取投苗、输苗等作业要求。研究结果可为后续机械式自动穴盘移栽机的设计提供参考。


0 引 言




1 机械驱动式自动取投苗系统

1.1 总体结构


1.2 工作原理


1.3 主要技术参数

参照JB/T 10291-2013标准[24],并结合新疆辣椒穴盘苗移栽种植农艺要求,确定系统的主要技术参数如表1所示。

表1 机械驱动式自动取投苗系统主要技术参数

2 关键部件设计

2.1 动力传送子系统


1.动力源 2.穴盘进给装置 3.自动取投苗机构驱动装置 4.输送喂入装置

1.Power source 2.Plug tray feeding device 3.Driving device of automatic seedlings taking and throwing mechanism 4.Conveying and feeding device


Note:1is the teeth number of sprocket Ⅰ,2is the teeth number of sprocket Ⅱ,3is the teeth number of sprocketlarge gear,4is the teeth number of sprocketsmall gear,5is the teeth number of sprocket Ⅲ,6is the teeth number of sprocket Ⅳ,7is the teeth number of bevel gears Ⅰ,7is the teeth number of bevel gears Ⅱ,9is the teeth number of sprocket Ⅴ,10is the teeth number of sprocket Ⅵ.

图2 动力传送子系统

Fig.2 Power transmission subsystem

2.2 穴盘进给装置

穴盘进给装置主要由供苗动力传动部件、机架、纵向送苗驱动机构、横向送苗驱动机构、穴盘步进移位部件组成,如图3所示。动力经由动力传送机构总成传输后,带动横向送苗驱动机构、纵向送苗驱动机构依次完成横向、纵向间歇输送穴盘苗作业。其中,横向送苗驱动机构采用往复丝杠和滑块组合结构,以凸轮分割器实现间歇运动。根据设计要求,凸轮分割器选用1/2周期,即横向送苗在机械手一次取喂苗周期的后半个周期完成,机械手在进行二次取苗时,穴盘经历停歇→移动→停歇的状态,并依此确定往复丝杠螺距20 mm,圈数为1.5圈。纵向送苗驱动部件采用棘轮和四杆机构组合结构,曲柄通过连杆带动摇杆每摆动一次,棘轮转过一个棘齿,穴盘步进一格。穴盘步进输送链轮分度圆直径81.37 mm,棘轮齿数为8个,即棘轮每转过1齿,棘轮转过角度为45°,穴盘步进一格,曲柄和摇杆尺寸分别为25.00和66.00 mm。


2.3 机械取投苗装置


2.3.1 驱动机构




测得齿轮旋转需承受的负载重力为113.40 N,有效力臂长度为0.16 m,齿轮半径为0.022 5 m,安全系数取1.5,依此计算得出齿轮的扭矩1为18.14 N·m,齿轮实际所需的扭矩为27.22 N·m,齿条的所需的推力为1 209.60 N。

1.摆臂 2.偏转驱动凸轮驱动轴 3.偏转驱动凸轮 4.滚子轴承Ⅰ 5.齿条 6.滑块Ⅰ 7.导轨Ⅰ 8.传动轴 9.齿轮 10.穴盘

1.Swing arm 2.Driving shaft of deflection driving cam 3.Deflection driving cam 4.Roller bearing Ⅰ 5.Rack 6.Slider Ⅰ 7.Guide Ⅰ 8.Transmission shaft 9.Gear 10.Plug tray


Note:1is the center of the CAM base circle;2is the hinge point of driving shaft;、、andare points on cam contour;andare the starting point and the end point of manipulator's deflection seedling taking, respectively;0and1are base circle radius and maximum outer contour radius of cam, m;is the diameter of the gear, m;is the angular velocity of cam, rad·s-1;isthe deflection Angle, (°);is the speed of slider Ⅰ, m·s-1.

图6 偏转驱动机构简图

Fig.6 Diagram of deflection driving mechanism



1.传动轴 2.拔取驱动凸轮 3.滚子轴承Ⅱ 4.拉杆 5.直线轴承

1.Shaft 2.Pulling driving cam 3.Roller bearing Ⅱ 4.Tie rod 5.Linear bearing


Note:0is the cam base circle center;,,andare points on cam contour;0and1are base circle radius and maximum outer contour radius of cam, m;is the angular velocity of cam, rad·s-1.

图7 拔取机构结构图

Fig.7 Structure diagram of pulling driving mechanism

2.3.2 机械手

机械手采用气驱动,各机械手相互独立,作业对象为吸塑成型的128穴矩形穴盘苗。穴盘(535 mm× 280 mm× 45 mm)以横向16穴、纵向8穴姿态放置,穴形呈四棱台形(31.75 mm×31.75 mm),相邻两穴孔中心距为31.75 mm。为防止出现挂苗、带苗情况,采用间隔取苗的方式取苗,8个机械手并排安装在机械手固定座上。为适应不同穴盘高度,取苗爪在拉杆上的高度可调。机械手间距为63.5 mm,以拖拉机电瓶供电,以拖拉机自带的气泵和自锁控制电路控制取苗爪实现定点定位精准取苗,投苗。机械手开闭控制电路由2个接近开关、1个中间继电器、1个电磁阀、1个12 V直流电源组成。机械手分布及控制电路如图8所示。

3 机械取投苗装置驱动机构的运动学分析

3.1 偏转驱动过程运动学分析


3.1.1 偏转机构数学模型



根据设计要求,选取齿轮直径为45 mm,依此求得齿条运动距离为23.55 mm,摆臂偏转角度即穴盘倾斜放置角度为60°,基圆半径0为30 mm,最大外轮廓半径1为53.55 mm。在动力输入轴转速=10 r/min下,基于多项式拟合法,用Matlab软件对偏转驱动凸轮理论轮廓曲线参数方程进行求解[25-31],结果显示三次拟合时效果最佳,驱动凸轮轮廓曲线参数方程如式(3),具体结构参数如表2所示。


表2 偏转驱动凸轮结构参数

3.1.2 偏转机构运动学模型


1.偏转驱动凸轮 2.滚子轴承Ⅰ 3.导轨Ⅰ

1.Deflection driving cam 2.Roller bearing Ⅰ 3.Slider Ⅰ

注:12为凸轮基圆圆心;13为凸轮和滑块Ⅰ机构连接点;23为齿轮和滑块Ⅰ机构连接点;为坐标原点;、-、aa-分别为凸轮偏转过程和回转过程的4个位置点;1为偏转驱动凸轮角速度,rad s-1;2为齿轮角速度,rad s-1;为机械手摆动角度,(°);xy分别为偏转角度时点横坐标和纵坐标,m;x-和y-分别为回转角度时-点横坐标和纵坐标,m;为齿条的运动速度,mm·s-1;vv分别为点和-点的线速度,mm·s-1。

Note:12is the cam base circle center;13is the institutions connection points for cam and slider Ⅰ;23is the institutions connection points for gear and the slider Ⅰ;is the origin of the coordinates;,-,a, anda-is the 4 position points of cam deflection process and rotation process respectively;1is the angular velocity of deflection driving cam, rad s-1;2is the angular velocity of the gear, rad s-1;is the swing angles, (°);xandyare the abscissa and ordinate of pointfor deflection angle, respectively, m;x-andy-are the abscissa and ordinate of point-for deflection angle, m;is the motion speed of rack, mm·s-1;vandvare the linear velocities at pointand point-, respectively, mm·s-1.

图9 偏转机构运动简图

Fig.9 Kinematic diagram of deflection mechanism





3.2 拔取驱动过程运动学分析


3.2.1 拔取机构数学模型




表3 穴苗拔取驱动凸轮结构参数

3.2.2 拔取机构运动学模型


4.拔取驱动凸轮 5.滚子轴承Ⅱ 6.直线轴承

4.Puling driving cam 5.Roller bearing Ⅱ 6.Linear bearing


Note:is the origin of coordinates;is roller bearing Ⅱ articulated point;,,andare points on cam contour;45is connection points for cam and roller bearing Ⅱ institutions;46is connection points for roller bearing Ⅱand linear bearing;is the angular velocity of driving cam, rad·s-1;2is the angular velocity of gear, rad·s-1;1is the motion speed of rack, mm·s-1.

图10 穴苗拔取机构运动简图

Fig.10 Kinematic diagram of seedlings pulling mechanism

4 试验验证

4.1 取投苗轨迹和姿态验证

为验证机械取投苗装置设计是否满足工作要求,结合机械取投苗装置驱动机构的运动学分析结果,用SolidWorks软件的motion模块对机械取投苗装置进行仿真分析,当自动取投苗机构驱动装置动力输入转速为10 r/min,获得机械手取投苗轨迹(图11)和取投苗的速度曲线(图12)。


1)取苗准备段(轨迹段):偏转驱动凸轮向下发生偏转,穴苗拔取驱动凸轮停止,机械手以为初始点向取苗位置移动,到达取苗位置点,偏转角位移为0°~60°。根据取苗阶段速度曲线可知,在0~1 s内(取苗阶段),机械手的切向速度先增加后减少,在取苗点处为0,符合定点夹苗要求。

2)夹苗拔取段(轨迹段):偏转驱动凸轮停止,拔取驱动凸轮向下发生偏转,机械手拔取带动穴盘苗从点向上运动至点,偏转角为60°~180°。根据拔苗阶段速度曲线可知,在1~3 s内(拔苗阶段),机械手的径向速度保持恒定,为0.2 mm/s,保证拔苗工作的稳定进行。

3)持苗回转段(轨迹段):偏转驱动凸轮向上发生偏转,穴苗拔取驱动凸轮停止,机械手在偏转驱动机构的作用下夹持穴苗从点向下移动至点,偏转角为180°~240°。根据回程阶段速度曲线可知,在3~4 s内(回程阶段),机械手的切向速度先减少后增加,方向与取苗阶段相反,在点切向速度为0,符合定点投苗要求。

4)投放苗段(轨迹段):偏转驱动凸轮停止,拔取驱动凸轮向上发生偏转,机械手在穴苗拔取驱动机构的作用下从点垂直向下移动至点释放穴盘苗,偏转角为240°~360°,随后以为起始点,以相同运动轨迹开始下一次取投苗作业。根据投苗阶段速度曲线可知,在4~6 s内(投苗阶段),机械手投苗径向速度恒定且与拔苗速度相等,方向相反,满足稳定投放苗要求。

4.2 样机试验


4.2.1 试验条件

试验于2019年11月3日在新疆农业大学农牧机械试验室内进行。试验用秧苗为标准培育的128穴型、60 d苗龄(育苗时间为2019年9月2日至11月2日)辣椒苗,穴盘苗平均高度163.5 mm,穴盘内所有秧苗均为优质秧苗,涨势良好,钵体无破损。穴盘内基质由草炭、蛭石、珍珠岩按照体积比1:1:1配得(基质含水率24.61%~31.57%)。输入动力由电机提供,所用压缩空气由气泵(ZBM-0.1/8型,压力保持在0.6~0.8 MPa之间)提供,经减压阀调整输出气压稳定在0.6 MPa,通过变频器(台达VFD015M43B,精度0.1 Hz)调节电机转速,机械式自动取投苗系统试验平台如图13所示。

4.2.2 试验方法


根据辣椒穴盘规格尺寸可知,相邻两穴孔中心距(即理论偏移距离)为31.75 mm。穴盘横向移动时,选取左侧和右侧两个待取苗点,分别以横向移位待取苗点距理论待取苗点的距离(左和右)及横向移动距离为试验指标;穴盘纵向移动时,选取上侧和下侧两个待取苗的点,分别以纵向移位待取苗点距理论待取苗点的距离及纵向移动距离为试验指标;以此测算出平均进给位移和标准差,以验证穴盘进给装置在横向与纵向横向移动的距离与理论移动的距离是否一致。









4.3 结果与分析

4.3.1 穴盘进给移位的准确性

随机抽取8盘长势相当的穴盘苗进行穴盘进给移位试验,分别测算纵向位移和横向位移,结果如表4。由表4可知,纵向移动的平均距离为31.54 mm,横向移动的平均距离为31.76 mm,纵向和横向的偏移距离与理论偏移距离存在一定的误差,但最大偏差距离均小于1mm,穴盘进给装置基本符合供苗功能要求。

表4 穴盘进给试验结果

4.3.2 取苗速度对取投苗成功率的影响

随机抽取4盘长势相当、可移栽的穴盘苗进行不同取苗速度试验。根据机械驱动式自动取投系统的移栽效率要求,经过初期试验,电机输出转速范围为8~11 r/min时,取投苗系统能按功能要求完成取投苗动作,因此试验中依次选取对应上述适宜电机输出转速范围的取苗速度64、72、80、88株/min。不同取苗速度下的试验结果如表5所示。


Note:is the rate of seedlings taking, plants·min-1;0is the initial number of plug seedlings;1is the number of successful taking seedlings;2is the number of accurately throwing seedlings;is the number of successful transplanting seedlings;1is the success rate of seedlings taking, %;2is the success rate of seedlings throwing, %;3is the success rate of seedlings transplanting,%;is the total success rate of seedlings taking and throwing, %. The same below.


4.3.3 取投苗可靠性分析


4.3.4 穴盘苗高度对基质损失率的影响

基质损失率是影响秧苗移栽后根系再生长和栽植质量的主要指标。随机选取18株长势良好的穴盘苗,在较佳取苗速度80株/min条件下进行试验,试验结果如表7所示。试验用穴盘苗的高度基本分布在150~170 mm之间,最小基质损失率为2.12%,最大基质损失率为14.27%,平均基质损失率9.44%,均小于25%,满足设计要求。通过对试验过程观察可知,穴盘苗基质损失率波动范围较大(SD=3.65%)的主要原因是部分秧苗根系不够发达,基质较松散,在取投苗过程中机械手的一些抖动、投苗和输送过程中穴盘苗落苗冲击和苗筒的间歇振动均对基质损失造成了一定影响。

表7 基质损失率试验结果


5 结 论



3)利用Solidworks软件获得取投苗轨迹和运动曲线,证明机械手运动规律满足设计要求;试制了自动取投系统样机和试验台架,以128穴辣椒苗进行室内穴盘进给移位试验、取投苗试验和基质损失率试验,试验结果表明:穴盘纵向和横向进给位移与理论偏差距离小于1 mm,验证了穴盘进给装置设计的合理性;取投苗系统能按设计要求完成各项动作,较佳取苗速度80株/min,满足自动取投苗系统设计要求;平均取投苗总成功率、取苗成功率、投苗成功率、输苗成功率分别为92.54%、92.93%、99.57%和100.00%;平均基质损失率为9.44%;达到《旱地栽植机械》中的相应要求。


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Design and experiments of mechanically-driven automatic taking and throwing system for chili plug seedlings

Zhang Jing1, Long Xinhua1, Han Changjie1※, Yuan Panpan1, Gao Jie2


Manual handling of plug seedling has significantly confined the mechanized planting in previous semi-automatic transplanting machines. It is necessary to update the current complex control system with high labor intensity and low work efficiency. In this study, a mechanically- driven system with automatic picking and throwing for plug seedling was developed, combining the latest transplanting mode of plug seedling and agronomic requirements in Xinjiang Region, China. Two devices were designed, including the tray feeding device as well as the mechanical seedlings taking and throwing device. The new system was mainly composed of power transmission subsystem, tray feeding, mechanical seedlings taking/throwing, and conveying device. The horizontal and vertical seedling driving mechanism was used for the tray feeding device to drive the plug for the automatic feeding and taking of 128-hole plug seedlings. The driven power was from the ground wheel. Moreover, the mechanical transmission was realized through the deflection/picking cam driving mechanism and the manipulator. The trajectory and posture of the manipulator were set in the “”-shaped plug feeding plan for taking and throwing seedlings. The dimensional relationship of the deflection/taking driving mechanism was determined for the mechanical seedlings taking and throwing device. A kinematics model was constructed for the driving device in the mechanical seedling taking and feeding mechanism. The main parameters were analyzed, including the end displacement, velocity, acceleration of manipulator, and motion equations of deflection and extraction drive device. SolidWorks software was used to simulate the trajectory and motion of the seedling, in order to verify the performance of the system. The transplanting objects were selected as the pepper plug seedlings with a 60-day seedling age and a substrate moisture content of 24.61% to 31.57%. A displacement reliability test of hole-plate feeding and an experiment indoor were carried out to determine the main technical parameters, and thereby to evaluate the indicators of performance. The standard of “dry land planting machinery” was used to describe the planting performance of clamp- and hanging-cup type transplanter. Test results showed that the motion track of the manipulator reached the design requirements, where the deviation was less than 1 mm for the simulated distance between the longitudinal and transverse displacements of hole-plate feeding, compared with the theoretical value. The seedlings taking and throwing system realized various actions, according to the design requirements. There was a significant impact of seedlings taking rate on the success rate in the range of 64-88 plants/min. Specifically, the success rate of seedlings taking and throwing increased first and then decreased, with the increase of seedlings taking rate. The total success rate of seedlings taking and throwing first increase and then decrease, and the overall success rate of seedling transplantation fluctuated slightly. The best performance was achieved at the taking rate of 80 plants/min, where the average values of the total success rate of seedlings taking and throwing, the success rate seedlings takign, the success rate of seedlings throwing, and the success rate of seedling transplantation were 92.54%, 92.93%, 99.57%, and 100.00%, respectively. The dispersion degree of each success rate index was small, and there was no damage to the seedlings during the process. In addition, the indicators were in agreement with the specified values of planting performance in the mechanical industry standard. The planting frequency and qualification rate were 80 plants/min and higher than 90%, respectively. The missed taking rate and seedling damage rate were lower than 5%. These results further demonstrated that the developed system met the demands of automatic feeding of plug seedlings, taking and throwing seedlings, as well as seedling delivery before planting pepper plug seedlings with a hole height of 45 mm, together with the feasibility and reliability of the access system. The findings can provide a potential reference to design the follow-up mechanical automatic plug transplanter.

agricultural machinery; experiments; transplanting; plug seedling; mechanical driven; automatic seedlings taking and throwing; chili

张静,龙新华,韩长杰,等. 机械驱动式辣椒穴盘苗自动取投苗系统设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(5):20-30.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.05.003

Zhang Jing, Long Xinhua, Han Changjie, et al. Design and experiments of mechanically-driven automatic taking and throwing system for chili plug seedlings[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(5): 20-30. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.05.003










