景观设计:Michel Desvigne
照明设计:Speirs and Major
设计/建造:2003 / 2008 年
摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所
Client: Beijing Capital International Airport Company Ltd.
Location: Beijing, China
Architectural Design: Foster + Partners
Local collaborating architect: BIAD (Beijing Institute of Architectural Design)
Structural & Mechanical Engineers: Arup
Landscape Architect: Michel Desvigne
Lighting Consultant: Speirs and Major
Design / Completion: 2003 / 2008
Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners
世界上最大的建筑——北京首都国际机场的新设航站楼——为2008 年奥运会提前开放。北京首都国际机场三号航站楼仅用了四年的时间便设计和建设完成,现已开放使用。作为世界上最大的建筑和最先进的机场,该航站楼无论是在科技上,还是在运作效率、乘客舒适度、可持续性和自然采光上,都提供给旅客无与伦比的飞行体验。作为第29 届奥运会参赛运动员进入北京的门户,其设计备受欢迎、振奋人心。高耸的空气动力屋顶和龙形结构是北京的象征,像是在赞颂飞行中的惊险和诗意。金色屋顶与紫禁城交相辉映,从红色到橙色再到黄色的内部调色引人注目,唤起了中国人的传统色彩归属。
三号航站楼和地面运输中心(GTC)位于现存东跑道和即将建立的第三跑道之间,占地约130 万平方米,大部分区域处于同一栋建筑中。作为突破100 万平方米关卡的第一座建筑,截至2020 年,预计每年可输送5000 万名旅客。这座建筑的规模空前,而其设计旨在解决现代航空旅行的复杂性,将空间清晰性与高服务标准结合起来。新航站楼和地面运输中心将为以友好、向上的态度服务旅客,同时提供更为便利的导航。建筑呈一个简单的对称图形分布,由三个相连的充满光照的T3A、T3B 和T3C 组成,两端呈扇形散开,以容纳T3A(连接航站楼和国内登机口)和T3B(国际登机口)的到达大厅和候机室。卫星T3C(国内登机口)处在对称图形的中心。这种布局是最大限度地扩大周长的一种有效手段,能够增加飞机停机坪的容量,同时保持高度紧凑的结构和可持续的承载面积。
The world’s largest building - the new Terminal at Beijing Capital International Airport -opens ahead of schedule for the 2008 Olympics. Designed and completed in only four years, Terminal 3 at Beijing Capital International Airport has opened. The world’s largest building and most advanced airport, the new terminal offers an unparalleled travelling experience, not only technologically, but also in terms of operational efficiency, passenger comfort, sustainability and access to natural light. Completed as the gateway to Beijing for athletes participating in the twenty-ninth Olympiad, it is designed to be welcoming and uplifting. A symbol of place, its soaring aerodynamic roof and its dragon-like form celebrate the thrill and poetry of flight. Its gold roof resonates with the Forbidden City,while the striking interior palette of red through orange to yellow evokes traditional Chinese colours.
Located between the existing eastern runway and the future third runway, Terminal 3 and the Ground Transportation Centre (GTC) together enclose a floor area of approximately 1.3 million m2, mostly under one roof. The first building to break the one million square meter barrier, it will accommodate an estimated 50 million passengers per annum by 2020.Although conceived on an unprecedented scale, the building’s design aims to resolve the complexities of modern air travel, combining spatial clarity with high service standards.It will be friendly and uplifting for the passenger as well as easy to navigate. Comprising three connected, light-filled volumes - T3A, B and C - the simple, symmetrical diagram fans out at either end to accommodate the arrivals and departure halls for T3A(processing terminal and domestic gates) and T3B (international gates).The satellite T3C (domestic gates) occupies the centre of the diagram. This arrangement is an efficient means of maximizing the perimeter, so increasing the capacity for aircraft stands, while maintaining a highly compact and sustainable footprint.
虽然从北到南的长度仅为3.25 公里,但这三个要素之间的视觉联系是由强大的视准线,以及低层与上层一个开放的夹层之间的视觉连接维持的。所有的空间依靠天然采光,大片的玻璃和天窗让人能时刻了解外面的情况以及天气变化。中轴线上的立有独特的红色柱子,这些柱子沿着建筑的外部边缘一直延伸到远处,让人联想到传统的中国寺庙。
© Ma Wenxiao
总平面 Site Plan
候机楼的环抱式弯曲悬臂梁摆出简单的欢迎手势,欢迎乘坐公路交通工具或从地面运输中心而来的乘客。登机处和到达处分布于不同楼层。传统的机场图在T3B 处被颠倒过来,到达大厅位于上层,这样一来,来京游客可以从最佳的有利地形感受这一巨大空间的宏伟壮观。
单一的一体屋顶天篷嵌有天窗以帮助定向,且能让阳光照射进建筑内部。建筑横跨16 个色调,T3A 入口由红色过渡到橙色,再过渡到T3B 远端的黄色。这种布局建立了一个微妙的分区式系统,对建筑规模进行分解,易于寻路。而这种色调也应用于候机大厅和到达大厅上方的天花板上,顺序为由北到南,加强了屋顶平面的曲面感。
T3A 和T3B 航站楼之间的连接使用高速旅客捷运系统(APM),时速可达80 千米,行车时间仅为两分钟。高速旅客捷运系统由出发楼层进入,处于经过“绿色”切削的景观中,暴露在日光下,旅客可以向上望向天空,或透过建筑物向外看,所有这些设计都有助于旅客保持一种方向感。
屋顶设计为一个带有三角形采光天窗和彩色金属面板的钢制立体框架。框架呈弯曲状,在中点上升,打造出一个巨大的如中央大教堂般的空间,而其在建筑边缘的方向逐渐变窄,以便为旅客在前往大门和登机处时提供更加私密的空间。支撑玻璃窗的桁架与屋顶不断变化的颜色系统相呼应——从红色到橙色再到黄色。幕墙的高透明度是通过超大的木框来实现的,这些木框的超大间距可使悬空玻璃产生更大跨度。航站楼是世界上最具可持续发展性质的建筑之一,其采用了一系列被动的环境设计理念,例如,东南方向的天窗可最大限度地利用清晨阳光获得热量,而综合环境控制系统可最大限度地减少能源消耗。航站楼并非由多个单独的建筑组成,而是将所有的结构紧密地连接在一起,以便在一个高效的结构中流动,从而减少了用地,但其总占地面积仍比希思罗机场的1、2、3、4 号航站楼和新设立的5 号航站楼大17%。在建筑方面,其设计优化了材料的性能,这些材料基于当地的可获得性、功能性、当地技术的应用和低成本采购原则而进行选择。
剖面 Section
© Fu Xing
Although the length from north to south is three and a quarter kilometres, the visual links between the three elements are maintained by strong sight lines as well as visual connections between the lower level and an open mezzanine level above. All spaces are naturally lit and the generous glazing and skylights maintain a link with the outside and its changing sky. Views along the central axis are marked by the distinctive red columns,which continue along the external edges of the building into the distance, evocative of traditional Chinese temples.
The embracing curved cantilever of the terminal greets passengers arriving by road or from the GTC in a single welcoming gesture. Departures and arrivals are on separate levels. The traditional airport diagram has been inverted at T3B, with arrivals on the upper level, to allow visitors to Beijing to experience the thrill of this dramatic space from the best vantage point.
The single unifying roof canopy is perforated with skylights to aid orientation and bring daylight deep into the building. The colour palette moves through 16 tones from red at the entrance at T3A through to orange and finally yellow at the far end of T3B. This establishes a subtle zoning system that breaks down the scale of the building and enables easy way finding. This palette is also applied north to south in the ceiling above the arrivals and departures halls, heightening the sense of curvature in the roof plane.
Connections between T3A and T3B take place on a high speed automated people mover(APM) which travels at up to 80kph, with a journey time of just two minutes. The APM is easily accessed from the main departure level and set within a landscaped ‘green’ cutting,exposed to daylight and views up and through the building, all of which helps to maintain a sense of orientation.
The roof is a steel space frame with triangular roof lights and coloured metal decking.It curves, rising at the midpoint to create a dramatic central cathedral-like space, and tapering towards the edges of the building to provide more intimate areas as passengers travel towards the gates and the aircraft piers. The trusses that support the glazing echo the changing colour system in the roof - shifting from red to orange to yellow. The high transparency of the curtain walling is made possible by extra large mullions, which are generously spaced to allow larger spans of suspended glazing. The terminal building is one of the world’s most sustainable, incorporating a range of passive environmental design concepts, such as the south-east orientated skylights, which maximise heat gain from the early morning sun, and an integrated environment-control system that minimises energy consumption. Rather than the sprawl of many separate buildings, it uses less land by bringing everything closer together for ease of communication in one efficient structure,yet it is still 17% bigger than the combined floor space of all of Heathrow’s terminals 1, 2, 3,4 and the new Terminal 5. In construction terms, its design optimised the performance of materials selected on the basis of local availability, functionality, application of local skills,and low cost procurement.