

世界建筑导报 2021年2期





场地面积: 3.2 英亩

建筑面积: 107 297 平方米

设计/建造:2013 / 2019 年

摄影:Nigel Young / 福斯特建筑事务所

Client: Bloomberg LP

Location: London, UK

Architect: Foster + Partners

Landscape Consultant: Charles Funke Associates

Site Area: 3.2 acres

Building Area: 107 297 m²

Design/Completion: 2013 / 2019

Photography: Nigel Young / Foster + Partners


从建筑形式、体量和材料来看,该新建筑具有独特的地理位置和建造时间——作为这座城市的自然延伸,该建筑将融入并改善周围公共场所的条件。建筑拥有英国BREEAM 项目建筑认证,是可持续发展的真正典范——具有所有大型办公建筑中最高的设计阶段评分。

总部由两栋建筑组成,占地3.2 英亩,横跨整个城市街区,两栋建筑由桥梁连接在一起,桥上建有拱廊。漫步其上,惠特灵大道(Watling Street)尽收眼底,人们可以感受古罗马时代的遗风。彭博拱廊现在是人们在城市中穿梭的关键路线,餐厅和咖啡馆位于地面,其后是一个有顶盖的柱廊,柱廊下为一面起伏状的外墙。拱廊的两端和建筑入口前建有三个公共广场,为伦敦“Square Mile”中心区提供了全新的市民活动空间。


Bloomberg’s new European headquarters is respectful of its location in the heart of the City of London,close to the Bank of England, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the church of St. Stephen’s Walbrook.

In its form, massing and materials, the new building is uniquely of their place and time - a natural extension of the City that will endure and improve the surrounding public realm. It is a true exemplar of sustainable development, with a BREEAM Outstanding rating - the highest design-stage score ever achieved by any major office development.

Occupying a full city block, the 3.2-acre site comprises two buildings united by bridges that span over a pedestrian arcade that reinstates Watling Street, an ancient Roman road that ran through the site. Bloomberg Arcade is now a key route for people moving around the City, with restaurants and cafes at ground level, set back behind an undulating façade under a covered colonnade. Three public plazas, located at each end of the arcade and in front of the building’s entrance, provide new civic spaces in the heart of the Square Mile.

Its striking facade is defined by a structural sandstone frame, with a series of large-scale bronze fins that shade the floor-to-ceiling glazing. The fins give the building a visual hierarchy and rhythm as they vary in scale, pitch and density across each facade according to orientation and solar exposure,while being an integral part of the building’s natural ventilation system.

剖视图 Section View

地面层 Ground Level

1 层平面 Level 1

3 层平面 Level 3

4 层平面 Level 4

5 层平面 Level 5

6 层平面 Level 6

7 层平面 Level 7

8 层平面 Level 8

艺术性是该建筑的一个核心因素,建筑内及建筑周围的各处场所都具有特定的艺术氛围。Cristina Iglesias的水景雕塑界定了彭博拱廊两侧的公共空间,雕塑由三部分组成,其中“被遗忘的溪流”(Forgotten Streams)是为致敬曾流经此地的沃尔布鲁克河(Walbrook River)。新的彭博社大楼还将罗马密特拉神庙的考古遗迹还原至最初发现的地点,增设了新的讲解中心和文化中心,旨在使该遗址的历史更加生动化,让游客产生身临其境之感。


© Aaron Hargreaves / Foster + Partners

Art plays a central role in the project, with major site-specific commissions in and around the building. Cristina Iglesias’ water sculpture in three parts, ‘Forgotten Streams’ - a homage to the ancient Walbrook River that once flowed through the site - defines the public spaces at each end of Bloomberg Arcade. The new Bloomberg building also returns the archaeological remains of the Roman Temple of Mithras to the site of their original discovery, with a new interpretation centre and cultural hub designed to give visitors an immersive experience of the temple and bring the history of the site to life.

The main entrance to Bloomberg is defined by a substantial porte-cochère, where the building forms two sides of a new formal city square. Arriving at the main entrance, everyone passes through the reception lobby before being drawn into the Vortex - a dramatic double-height space created by three inclined, curving timber shells. From here, high-speed fully glazed lifts with a unique concealed mechanism - another innovation developed specifically for the building - carry everyone directly to the sixth floor.


团队合作的理念融入到每一层的办公桌和布置中。线性辐射的办公桌可进行高度调节,呈聚集或排列分布,最多可容纳6 人,兼顾个人隐私、个性化、舒适性和协同工作要素。该建筑的天花板为另一个独特而创新的元素,其灵感源自纽约的压制金属天花板。独特的抛光铝板“花瓣”发挥着多重作用——天花板饰面、反光镜、冷却片和声音衰减装置——将传统办公室天花板的各种元素结合为一个节能集成系统。

Central to Bloomberg’s ethos, the double-height ‘pantry’ on the sixth floor is the heart of the building, reflecting the importance of sharing and collaboration at the company. Everyone passes through this animated space, increasing the likelihood of chance meetings and informal discussions. A distinctive hypotrochoid stepped ramp, characterized by its smooth continuous threedimensional loop, flows through the full height of the building, adding to the drama of the space. Clad in bronze, the ramp is designed and proportioned as a place of meeting and connection, allowing people to hold brief impromptu conversations with colleagues, whilst not impeding the flow of people.

The notion of teamwork and collaboration flows into the desking systems and layout of each floor. Bespoke height adjustable, radial desks are laid out in clusters and pods for up to six people, allowing for privacy, personalization,wellbeing and collaborative working. The ceiling is another unique and innovative element developed for the building, inspired by the pressed metal ceilings of New York. Its distinctive polished aluminium panels of ‘petals’ perform multiple roles - ceiling finish, light reflectors, cooling elements and acoustic attenuation - combining various elements of a typical office ceiling into an energy-saving integrated system.

© James Newton Photographs

© James Newton Photographs

东立面 East Elevation

© James Newton Photographs


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