

西部蒙古论坛 2021年4期

Summary Remarksand Contents

The League of Inner JasaγM ongoland Itsevolution in Qing Period…………………Darijab(003)

Jasaγbanner was a fundamentalmilitary and administrative organization of Mongol in Qing dynasty,and combined with League,was called the league and banner system.The League of Inner JasaγMongolwas an assembly of several jasaγs before the sixth year of Yong Zheng in Qing Dynasty,the chief of the league was a convener,directed by the imperial commissioner.After Qing government stopped sending imperial commissioner in the sixth year of Yongzheng,the chiefof league began to host the league assembly.He not only hosted the assembly,also dealtwith routine affairs,in charge ofmilitary and administrative affairs,and in factbecome amagistrate of league of the first rank in the Outer Province Mongols.With administrative affairs of the league increasing,some assistantofficials had been added in succession,including deputy league,commander in chiefof leaguemilitary and league assist.The league played a role as ifa rank ofmilitary and administrative unit,but it could notbecome a realadministrative unit in Qing period,for the character of Mongol nomadic society and Jasaγbanners system,and the Qing policy to divide and rule of Mongols.

The Yuan Establishmentof a Horse Ranch on Jeju Island and K ing Gong Ying’s Response to the Requestof Early M ing Court for Horse Tribute…………………………………Uyungowa(012)

In the Yuan Dynasty,a horse ranchwassetup on Jeju Island,where the royalhorsesof Taipusi,Xuanhuiyuan,Zhongzhengyuan,Zizhengyuan and other institutionswere herded.At the end of the Yuan Dynasty,Jeju Island became an area contested by various forces of the Yuan Dynasty and Korea.Korean King Gongmin attached great importance to the ownership of Jeju Island.Due to the frequent peasantwars at the end of the Yuan Dynasty,Emperor Toqontemur once planned to retreat to Jeju Island.Jeju Island was also an important place of logistical support for the Yuan Court to invade Japan.The Yuan Court provided war horses and food to invade Japan.In the days of KublaiKhan ruling,the Yuan Court setup a horse ranch on Jeju Island in Korea.At the end of the Yuan Dynasty,therewere a lotofhorses in Korea.After the fallof the Yuan Court,30,000mongolian horses herded by the Yuan Courtwere lefton Jeju Island.In the early Ming Dynasty,Zhu Yuanzhangwanted to get these horses left over by the Yuan on Jeju Island.He sent envoys to Koreamany times to ask Korea to pay tribute to the horses.Korean King Gongmin was naturally unwilling to give up these horses,looking for various reasons to refuse to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty.Thus,at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,the 30,000 horses left on Jeju Island by the Yuan oncebecamea focusof contention between Koreaand theMing Dynasty.

Study on Gansu Garrison and Xin jiang M ilitary Government in Qing Dynasty…………………………………………………………………………Fenghui ZHU Chenxi(019)

In the Qing Dynasty,Gansu Eight Banners and Green Camp Garrisonwere setup because of the threat of Jungar.In the reigns of Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong gradually formed amilitary garrison system with Ningxia,Zhuanglang and Liangzhou as the core,controlling the three defense fronts in Xinjiang,Mongolia and Qinghai-Tibet.After the Unification of Xinjiang,the Qing Courtmoved its troops to Gansu for the first time and setup the Yilimilitary palace around the illegal border crossing of nomadic tribes.When Turguts returned to the east,the Qing Dynastymoved its troops to Gansu again to build the Military government of the EastRoad of Xinjiang.In the late Qing Dynasty,with the‘domestic trouble and foreign invasion’at the northwest part of the country,Qing Government recovered Xinjiang with the backing of Gansu,abolished themilitary government and established Xinjiang Province.Gansu garrison is of far-reaching significance to Xinjiang’ssocialstability,ethnic integration and economic development.

The Eventof“Confucianism returning to the field”in the Yuan Court:Centered on theM onum entof Confucianism Returning to the Field on Zhenjiang Division………………JIN Shiguang(028)

The third room of the Jiaoshan Museum of Steles in Zhenjiang contains the“Zhenjiang Division Confucianism Futianji Stele”carved during the Yanyou period of the Yuan Dynasty.The inscription mainly records that the Zhenjiang Division school fieldswere invaded and occupied by the people,and aftera long period of time,and finally returned under the officialauspices.Through the eventof“Confucianism Restoring Fields”in the Yuan Dynasty,one of the changes in the idea of governing the country in themid-Yuan Dynasty can beglimpsed.

A Study on the Printing System ofM ongolian CivilOfficials in the Qing Dynasty…………………………………………………………………………………………Aburakhu(035)

The official sealwith Mongolian script in Qing Dynasty and its developmentand evolution are one of the important historicalmaterials to study the history ofManchu-Mongolian relations in Qing Dynasty.The use and rank ofMongolian seal in Qing Dynasty are notonly reflected in its seal,butalso in its shape.The hierarchical regulation of shape ismainly reflected in button type and texture,supplemented by size and shape.This paper startswith the Mongolian official seal system in the Qing Dynasty,combined with the historical materials and documents of the Qing Dynasty,in order to show the history of ruling the Mongolian nationality in the Qing Dynasty.

A Brief Analysisof the Relationship between IL-Khan and Nestorianism in the Early Stageof Ilkhanate from the perspective of Laban Sauma and M arco’s journey to theW est…………………………………………………………………………………………AO Fujun(044)

“Laban Sauma and Marco’s journey to theWest”is a faithfulhistory,and is an important reference to study the attitude of Il Khan to Nestorianism and the nestorian belief in Ilkhanate.In the early stage of the Ilkhanate,the ILKhan had notonly rewarded and favored the Nestorianism,butalso oppressed and neglected it.Generally speaking,the attitude of ILKhan towards Nestorianism in the early period of Ilkhanatewas mainly supportive and sympathetic.The reasons include notonly the family atmosphere and historical tradition,but also the personal factors of the Archbishop of Nestoria——Mar YaballahaIII.There are both foreign policy reasons and the need to govern.Through the above analysis,we can see the formation of ILKhan’s religious tendency and the formulation of Ilkhanate’s religious policy,the reasons should bemore complex.There are notonly the objective needs of the domestic and international situation,butalso the subjective factorsof the family and the ruler’sown preference.

Form and Function:Study on the Ritualsof Dharma Assem bly for M andala of Yam antaka in Yonghe Lama Temp le…………………………………………………………WANG Shuai(053)

The“Mandala of Yamantaka Dharma Assembly”in the Yonghe palace is an importantpartof the Manjusribelief in the Yonghe palace and one of the representatives of the Manjusribelief in Tibetan Buddhism.With research on the field visit,this paper aims to the ritualof the Dharma assembly for the Mandala of Yamantaka in Yonghe Palace.It introduces the process and form of the ritual in detail,aswellas analyzes the religious function and itseffectsof the ritual.

Understanding theW ay of Talents Em ploymentand Positive PsychologicalQuality of Genghis Khan by IntellectualHistory Approach……………………………………………XIAN Chenghai(057)

Genghis Khan was an outstanding leader.Hiswill and charisma of a leaderwas honed in hard circumstances.His careerhad grown because hewasgood atemploying people.On the one hand,he chose and employed personswith loyalty,faithfulness as the selection standard and he used it for talent,evenwithoutpersonal grudges.On the other hand,he was surrounded by a group of courtiers and generals who could help him to solvemany difficult problems.Genghis Khan’sway of employing people and positive psychological quality stillhasenlightenmentand reference value until today.

A Review of the Xinjiang YanqiM ongolian Culture Promotion Association in the Republic of China…………………………………………………………………………………WANG Xusong(066)

After the establishmentof YanqiMongolian Culture Promotion Association,itnotonly committed to the development of national culture and education,and actively supported the Anti-JapaneseWar,engaged in public welfare undertakings,paid attention to people’s livelihood,supported the developmentof localagriculture and forestry.The establishment of Mongolian Culture Promotion Association not only improved the culturalquality of the localMongolian people,butalso promoted the localeconomic and socialdevelopment.

Translation and Annotation of Tibetan Document“Overview of Erut Junggar K ings”……………………………………………………………………………………anjaitsereng(073)

“Overview of Olet Junggar Kings”is a Tibetan Jungar-Mongolian historicalwork written at the beginning of the 19th century.The article systematically describes the Jungar khan since Galdan Khan and the Tibetan Buddhistmonks of the past generations represented by the Living Buddha of Senchen in Jungar.The developmentof the history of Tibetan Buddhism has important reference value for studying the history of Jungar Buddhism and thehistory ofMongol-Tibet relations.

National Literaturew ith Two-dimensionsof Treasureand Truth:Commenton Heilong’s Study on Hundred TreasureM ongolian Archives in Qing Dynasty……………………………………………………………………LIN Biaozhou WANG Zhiqing(080)

Study on Hundred Treasure Mongolian Archives in Qing Dynasty compiled by Professor Heilong is a useful documentary work in history.The content layout is unique.It uses different categories to connect events,tribes and the time.The same thing can be seen in different places in the book,understood more comprehensively.It is clearly identifiable in the style and regulations,togetherwith the beginning and the end.The threemajor events and disputes in Khalkha,Alasha,and Oletare impressive.In addition to politicalhistory,they are related to folklore,religion,and literature.

On the Female Image and Its Deep Structure in Oral Tradition——A Case of the Epic of Fam ily Struggle in theOiratM ongols…………………………………………………Tsas’tsagaan(085)

Based on five textsof Epic of Family Struggle in Epic of the Oirats,Mongolian Heroic Epic series(volumes 1-4),this paper analyzed the deep structure of female images presented in these texts and the role of the structure in the birth of heroes,finding that the protagonist of the textsmust overcome the chaotic and disorderly female rules in the processofhisspiritualmaturity beforehe can constructhisownworld and dominate the order of his own world.On the other hand,he is also looking for a beautiful woman,in other words,he can understand and control the orderly feminine quality.After a series of interactions with females,the protagonist returns toand ruleshishome,whichmeansahero isborn.

On the Influence of Russian on Tuva Language in China………………………Bat’ochir Uzai(093)

From 1920s to 1958,Tuva language in Chinawas directly influenced by Russian to a certain extentand received some Russian loanwords.After 1958,Tuva language in China received some Russian loanwords through Kazakh language.Relatively speaking,the influence of Russian on Tuva language in China is not so deep.Its influence only stayson notionalwordsdominated by nouns,and there isno deep influence on grammarand soon.

On the Contribution of Female Folk Singers in the Inheritance of Long Tune………………………………………………………………………………………Hastsetseg(099)

For a long time,the role and status of female folk singers in the inheritance of long tune have notbeen recognized and concerned by the world.But in fact,female singers are of great significance in the inheritance and actual developmentof the long tune folk song system.Based on rich fieldwork,this paper discusses theoutstanding contributionsmadeby female folk singers in the inheritanceof long tune folk songs.

A Study on theM anuscrip tof Todo Gramm ar Copied by Nim a in 1940…………………………………………………………………………………Ochirjab Taivan(104)

Firstly,this papermainly introduces themanuscriptof Todo grammar copied by aman named Nima in 1940 and compares the grammatical terms and modern Mongolian Grammatical Terms.Then,from the aspects of catalogue and content,it is compared with Mongolian textbook Oirat Mongolian characters published by Tashkent in 1935 and Mongolian Grammar published in 1953.It is concluded that the Mongolian Grammar published in 1953 is not a reprint of Mongolian textbook OiratMongolian characters published by Tashkentin 1935,but themanuscript TodoGrammar copied by Nima in 1940,ora reprintof itsoriginal.

The Jangar Collected by the Zaisang of Baga Chokhor,Astrakhan,Kalm ykia,Arash Ankorov……………………………………………………………………………………Arbuk Basan(111)

Thispaperanalyzesand studiesamanuscriptofangarCollected by the Zaisangof Baga Chokhor,Astrakhan,Kalmykia,Arash Ankorov from four aspects:basic information of themanuscript,some problems in the contentof themanuscriptand the origin of themanuscript.Italso discusses the problems existing in its current research,and puts forward itsown views.

On the Origin of the River Name EmegelGol………………………………………M endubeleg(118)

This paper notes the incorrectexplanations of the river name Emegel Gol seen in the various books and works,and for the sake of a correctunderstanding of the original trace of the name,takes a lotof reference to the literary records,oldmaps and archives so as tomake clear of the antiquewriting of the name.On this base,we put forward a suggestion that the originalmeanings ofold place names,as historically transmitted,should notbe changed at random.

