

贵金属 2021年4期

篇名卷期页码 ◎贵金属冶金 失效氧化铝载体催化剂中钯的铁捕集研究4211 用铁粉置换回收氰化金泥精炼废水中的金和银4217 难选氧化金矿氰化助浸试验研究42111 吉林某金矿选矿工艺对比实验研究42116 硫脲浸金电化学行为研究42122 Pt/SiO2催化硝酸肼还原六价铀制备四价铀42128 蒸发材料用高纯金的制备研究42227 含铂族金属硅铁合金熔炼脱硅预处理工艺研究42232 失效汽车催化剂精炼渣中铂族金属的碱焙烧富集42237 紫金山铜金矿中金铜银的赋存状态研究42241 含铱废料回收技术研究进展42293 加压浸出法从失效重整催化剂中分离铂铼42341 加压碱溶综合回收失效重整催化剂中的铂和铝42347 缅甸某高硫高砷金矿碱浸预处理工艺研究42351 贵州某金矿浮选条件的响应曲面法优化研究42358 汽车尾气催化剂中铂族金属回收工艺概述42377 银钯合金靶材废料的综合回收研究42432 载体溶解法回收失效Pt/TiO2催化剂中的铂42437 高砷富银铋硫多金属精矿综合回收实验研究42441 ◎贵金属材料 银粉和触变剂对低温银浆挥发速率影响的研究42147 钌粉在不同温度下双向真空热压后的显微结构和晶体学演变(英文)42151 不同冷速Ag-5Sc合金的凝固组织42161 锐钛矿型TiO2(101)面与Ag相互作用的第一性原理研究42165 贵金属高温结构材料的强化及应用42170 环保型氧化物增强银基电接触功能复合材料研究进展42179 烧结制备Ag-Al电接触材料的组织和性能研究4221 银镁合金内氧化组织及断裂特征4229

磁控溅射银膜的晶粒结构对载流摩擦行为的影响42215 纯铂的热塑性变形行为及微观结构演变规律研究42221 AgSnO2触头微观结构设计及电弧侵蚀模拟的进展42272 贵金属超细丝材截面的EBSD与三维重构表征42364 金属铑的反演势构建和应用42371 Ag-SnO2电接触材料的研究进展及发展趋势42385 Ag含量对Zn-Mg-Ag合金组织和性能的影响4241 热轧和退火对Au-20Sn合金箔材组织和性能的影响4249 扩散偶实验研究Pd-M(M=Pt, Co, Ni)二元系的物相42415 银合金钎料对银触点钎着率影响的研究42421 导体厚度对LTCC电路微波性能的影响42427 ◎贵金属化学和催化 PDA@Ag纳米复合材料的制备及抑菌性能研究42134 冠状四核钯(Ⅱ)配合物的合成和晶体结构42141 电镀软金用硫基无氰金配合物电解质研究进展42188 催化碳烟氧化用PtCexZr1-xO2催化剂的制备及性能研究42249 酸碱性浸渍条件对钯炭催化剂加氢性能的影响42256 双(二叔丁基苯基膦)二卤化Pt(II)配合物的合成及结构测试42262 金纳米片的研究和应用进展42284 Ag2S/rGO纳米复合材料的细菌还原制备及光电性能研究4231 银量子点修饰的氮化碳及其光解水产氢性能研究42310 磁性纳米材料Fe3O4-RGO-NH2对Ag+的吸附性能研究42315 RuPt双金属在催化加氢反应中的性能研究42321 添加剂对Ru-Zn催化剂的结构及加氢性能的影响42326 一种离子型铱磷光配合物的合成及表征42331 Ag/ZnO复合材料在氮气光固定中的应用:构造肖特基势垒以实现有效的电荷载流子分离(英文)42447 二氧化硅表面化学镀银研究42455 低温电化学合成氨催化剂研究进展42476 乙炔氢氯化用钌催化剂概况42487 ◎贵金属分析测试 乙酸乙酯萃取-ICP-MS测定高纯金中杂质元素含量42267 火花直读光谱法测定合质金的含铂量42337 银餐具中银迁移量的影响因素研究42461 直接灰吹﹣ICP-AES测定粗铅中的金、银、铂和钯42466 LA-ICP-MS法测定高含量银饰品中的杂质元素42471

TitleVol.No.Page ◎Metallurgy Recovery of palladium in spent Al2O3-based catalyst by iron collecting4211 Replacement and recovery of gold and silver in cyanide gold slime refining wastewater with iron powder4217 Experimental study on cyanide leaching of refractory oxidized gold minerals42111 Comparative experimental study on beneficiation technology of a gold mine in Jilin42116 Study on the electrochemical behavior of thiourea leaching gold42122 Pt/SiO2 catalytic reduction of U(Ⅵ) to U(Ⅳ) with hydrazine nitrate42128 Study on preparation of high-purity gold for evaporation materials42227 Study on the pretreatment process of smelting desiliconization of Si-Fe alloy containing platinum group metals42232 Study on enrichment of platinum group metals in refining residue of spent automobile catalysts by alkali roasting42237 Study on occurrences of copper, gold and silver in Zijinshan Cu-Au deposit42241 Research progress on recovery technology of iridium containing waste42293 Separation of Pt and Re from spent reforming catalysts by pressure leaching42341 Study on comprehensive recovery of platinum and aluminum in spent reforming catalysts by pressurized alkali dissolution42347 Study on the alkaline leaching pretreatment technology of a high-sulfur and high-arsenic gold mine in Myanmar42351 Response surface method optimization study on flotation conditions of a gold mine in Guizhou42358 Review on recycling PGMs in automobile exhaust-gas catalysts42377 Research on the integrated recovery of waste AgPd alloy targets scraps42432 Recovery of platinum in spent Pt/TiO2 catalyst by carrier dissolution method42437 Study on the mineral processing experiment of a high As rich Ag-Bi-S polymetallic concentrate42441

◎Materials Study on silver powder and thixotropic agent affecting the volatilization rate of low-temperature silver paste42147 Microstructure and crystallographic evolution of ruthenium powder during biaxial vacuum hot pressing at different temperatures (in English)42151 Solidification structure of Ag-5Sc alloy with different cooling rates42161 First-principle study of the interaction between anatase TiO2(101) surface and Ag42165 Strengthening mechanism and application of precious metals high temperature structural materials42170 Advances in eco-friendly oxide-reinforced silver-based electrical contact materials42179 Study on the microstructure and properties of sintered Ag-Al electrical contact materials4221 Internal oxidation structure and fracture characteristics of Ag-Mg alloy4229 The effect of crystallographic structure of magnetron sputtering silver film on current-carrying friction behavior42215 Study on the hot plastic deformation behavior and microstructure of pure Pt42221 Research progress on microstructure design and arc-erosion simulation of AgSnO2 contact materials42272 EBSD and 3D reconstruction characterization of precious metal ultrafine wire sections42364 The construction and applications of the lattice inversion potential for rhodium metal42371 Research progress and development trend of Ag-SnO2 electrical contact materials42385 Effect of Ag contents on microstructure and properties of Zn-Mg-Ag alloys4241 Effect of hot rolling and annealing treatment on microstructure and properties of Au-20Sn alloy foil4249 Diffusion couple experimental study on the Pd-M (M = Pt, Co, Ni) binary system42415 Study on effect of silver brazing filler metals on the brazing rate of silver contacts42421 Effect of conductor thickness on microwave properties of LTCC circuits42427

◎Chemistry & Catalysis Study on preparation and antibacterial property of PDA@Ag composite nanomaterials42134 Synthesis and crystal structure of crown-shaped nuclear palladium(Ⅱ) complex42141 Research progress of sulfur-based cyanide-free water-soluble gold complex electrolyte for electroplating soft gold42188 Study on preparation and performance of PtCexZr1-xO2 catalysts for soot oxidation42249 Effect of acid/base impregnation conditions on hydrogenation performance of palladium carbon catalysts42256 Synthesis and structure test of bis(di-tert-butylphenylphosphine)platinum(Ⅱ) dihalide complexes42262 Research and application progress of gold nanoplates42284 Study on bacterial reduction preparation and photoelectric properties of Ag2S/rGO nanocomposites4231 Study on carbon nitride modified by silver quantum dots for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution42310 Study on adsorption performance of magnetic nano material Fe3O4-RGO-NH2 for Ag+42315 Research on the properties of RuPt bimetals in catalytic hydrogenation reaction42321 Effect of additives on the structure and hydrogenation performances of Ru-Zn catalysts42326 Synthesis and characterization of an ionic iridium phosphorescent complex42331 Application of Ag/ZnO composite materials in nitrogen photofixation: Constructing Schottky barrier to realized effective charge carrier separation (in English)42447 Study on silver plating on the surface of silicon dioxide42455 Research progress of low-temperature electrochemical ammonia synthesis catalyst42476 Review on Ru based catalysts for acetylene hydrochlorination42487 ◎Test & Analysis Determination of impurity elements in high purity gold by ethyl acetate extraction-ICP-MS42267 Determination of platinum content in alloy gold by spark emission spectrometry42337 Research on the influence factors of silver migration in silver tableware42461 Determination of gold, silver, platinum and palladium in crude lead by ICP-AES after direct soot blowing42466 Determination of impurity elements in high-purity silver ornaments by LA-ICP-MS42471


节前做多情绪不浓 贵金属一枝独秀