刘小青 才 琴 曹 静 樊俊威 边 毅 万学峰
[中图分类号]R739.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2021)12-0082-04
Clinical and Pathological Analysis of 10 Patients with Facial Melanoma
LIU Xiao-qing1,2,CAI Qin2,CAO Jing2,FAN Jun-wei2,BIAN Yi2,WAN Xue-feng2
(1.Department of Dermatology,Suzhou Dushu Lake Hospital(Dushu Lake Hospital Affiliated to Suzhou University),Suzhou 215125,Jiangsu,China;2.Department of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,Urumqi 830054,Xinjiang,China]
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical and pathological features of melanoma. Methods 10 cases of facial melanoma diagnosed in the Department of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University and removed by Slow Mohs micrographic surgery were retrospectively analyzed and collected clinicopathological data and treatment of the patients. Results Facial melanoma is usually clinically manifested as patches with unclear boundaries, papules and nodules of varying sizes can be seen on them, and some nodules can be ulcerated; in histopathology, they are manifested as epidermal atrophy and epidermal junctions. Or the superficial and middle dermis can be seen in nests or scattered heterosexual black cells, growing along the basal layer, and sunlight elastic fibrosis can be seen in the superficial and middle dermis, with slow Mohs micrography, the negative rate of one-time surgical resection was low, and the tumor could be completely removed only after 2 to 3 times of dilatation. Conclusion The skin lesions of facial melanoma patients were located at the exposure site, with unclear boundaries and obvious skin atrophy. When the surgical expansion range was determined according to the thickness of Breslow, the one-time surgical resection net rate was only 30%, but it was higher in the cases with active tumor lymphocyte infiltration.
Key words: facial; melanoma; flinicopathology; slow Mohs micrographic surgery
1 资料和方法
1.1 一般资料:收集2018年7月-2020年5月于笔者科室确诊并发生在面部的10例黑素瘤患者临床及病理资料。10例患者,其中女7例,男3例;汉族3例,少数民族7例;平均年龄64岁(43~79岁),病程2~20年,肿瘤大小2~5.5cm,8例肿瘤位于面颊、1例下唇、1例耳廓,其中6例皮损表面出现丘疹、结节,4例表面出现溃疡,1例皮损中央出现肿瘤消退现象。见表1,图1。同时再次审阅病理切片以进一步核对诊断,并明确病理分型。
1.2 方法:在住院期间,完善实验室检查、浅表淋巴结超声及PET-CT等相关检查,除外淋巴结及远处转移,在患者可耐受手术的情况下,局麻下行慢Mohs显微描记手术,根据黑素瘤诊治指南及规范确定手术扩切范围[3-4]。
1.2.1 黑素瘤扩切范围:①原位黑素瘤:扩切范围为0.5~1cm;②侵袭性黑素瘤:Breslow≤1mm,扩切范围1cm;Breslow>1~2mm,扩切范围1~2cm;Breslow>2~4mm,扩切范围2cm;Breslow≥4mm,扩切范围2cm。临床上均有黑素瘤的ABCDE表现:A.(Asymmetry)不对称;B.(Border irregularity)边界不规则;C.(Color variation)颜色不均匀;D.(Diameter)直径大于6mm;E.(Evolving或Elevation)进展或隆起。
1.2.2 Clark分级:指皮肤黑素瘤的浸润深度,分为5级。Ⅰ级表示肿瘤细胞局限于表皮层(原位黑素瘤);Ⅱ级表示肿瘤细胞浸润真皮乳头层但尚未充满真皮乳头层;Ⅲ级表示肿瘤细胞充满真皮乳头层到达乳头层和网状层交界处;Ⅳ级表示肿瘤细胞浸润真皮网状层;Ⅴ级表示肿瘤细胞浸润皮下组织。
TIL:肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞(Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte);LM:恶性雀斑样痣(Lentigo maligna)为原位黑素瘤;LMM:恶性雀斑样痣黑素瘤(Lentigo maligna melanoma)为侵袭性黑素瘤。
2 结果
3 讨论
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