张新立,唐群植,伍浩成,黎志刚,吕宏伟,汤 科
张新立,唐群植,伍浩成,黎志刚*,吕宏伟,汤 科
中国电子科技集团公司第三十四研究所,广西 桂林 541004
针对高功率光纤激光系统中光纤对接端面产生水雾凝结的问题,分析出产生该问题最重要因素为连接器不具备防潮密封性能,对其结构装配及使用过程进行剖析,同时指出其防潮密封缺陷原因,进行技术创新与工艺改进,设计了防潮密封型光纤连接器。介绍了该新型连接器防潮密封原理及结构组成;重点对该新型光纤连接器性能进行全面测试,包括浸水试验、恒定湿热试验、在线运行应用验证等。试验结果表明,其插入损耗小于0.2 dB,防潮密封性能良好,取得较好的预期效果。
1 引 言
2 光纤连接器结构及成型工艺
图1 传统普通单模光纤连接器结构图
图2 传统普通单模光纤连接器装配图
3 光纤连接器防潮密封性研究
3.1 防潮密封性缺陷原因分析
1) 部件5右半部分与部件6左半部分固定时,一方面为刚性接触,另一方面固定后两者之间还有1 mm的缝隙。
2) 部件9与部件6套接时,部件9中间凸起部分与部件6右端内平台为刚性接触,固定后存在缝隙。
3) 部件4、部件5和部件7套接时,一方面部件7左端外径尺寸小于部件5左端内径,另一方面部件7与部件4固定后,之间还有1 mm的缝隙。
4) 部件10压紧在部件9上,部件11压紧在部件10上,一方面这种压紧为刚性固定,其间存在缝隙,另一方面光纤外径尺寸远小于部件9与部件10的内径尺寸。
5) 部件6左侧内螺纹与部件1右侧外螺纹扭定后,一方面为刚性接触,另一方面部件1右侧外螺纹未到底,两者固定后,还有1.5 mm的缝隙。
3.2 防潮密封性技术创新与工艺改进
1) 设置I类密封圈,为硅胶O型密封圈,其内径尺寸等于部件5后端的外径尺寸,外径尺寸等于部件6前端的内径尺寸,线径大小满足部件5与部件6连接时为过渡密封。
2) 设置II类密封圈,为硅胶O型圈平垫片,其外径尺寸等于外螺6后端的内径尺寸、内径尺寸等于后套9前端的外径尺寸,胶圈厚度满足外螺6与后套9连接时为过渡密封。
3) 设置III类密封圈,为硅胶O型密封圈,其内径尺寸等于陶瓷插芯7的前端外径尺寸,外径尺寸等于前套5前端内径尺寸,线径大小满足外陶瓷芯管4、前套5与陶瓷插芯7连接时为过渡密封。
4) 使用硅橡胶粘胶工艺,粘胶覆盖后套9后半部外表面,压紧环10和圆环11的外表面的连接缝隙处,粘胶干涸后,尾纤套管12能正常套紧。
表1 测试使用仪器设备及环境条件
表2 防潮密封型光纤跳线IL测量结果
表3 浸水试验后跳线IL测量结果
图3 防潮密封型普通单模光纤连接器结构装配图
图4 防潮密封型光纤跳线插入损耗测量框图。(a) 输入光功率测量P0 (dBm);(b) 输出光功率测量P1 (dBm)
5) 设置IV类密封圈,为硅胶O型密封圈,其内径尺寸等于法兰1两侧无螺纹凹处外径尺寸,外径尺寸大于外螺6前端外径尺寸,满足法兰1、前套5与外螺6连接时为过渡密封。
4 防潮密封型连接器性能测试
4.1 光学指标测试
主要指光纤连接器插入损耗(IL)[11-12],IL测量原理如图4所示,测试所涉及实验仪器设备及环境条件如表1所示。测量对象是G.652光纤f3.0 mm单芯防潮密封型普通单模光纤跳线。
上述20根防潮密封型光纤跳线IL测量中,所有IL值全部小于0.2 dB,集中在0.1 dB左右,最大值为0.19 dB,符合通信行业标准YD/T1272.4-2007及YD/T2152-2010关于单模光纤跳线IL值不大于0.2 dB的规定。
4.2 密封性能测试
1) 浸水试验
图6 普通组合体浸入水中试验后光纤端面检测结果
图7 新工艺组合体浸入水中试验后光纤端面检测结果
按图5(a)中对普通组合体试验,30 min后普通组合体中光纤端面已经出现明显的浸水现象,1 h后光纤端面出现严重的浸水现象,相关检测结果如图6所示,说明普通光纤跳线与法兰应用时不具备防潮密封性能。同样,按图5(b)中对新工艺组合进行试验,30 min后光纤端面没有出现浸水迹象,24 h后光纤端面也未出现明显的浸水现象,相关检测结果如图7所示,说明新工艺光纤跳线与新工艺法兰防潮防水密封性能得到显著改善。
插损测量结果表明,普通跳线与法兰对接浸水试验后,其跳线插损明显增大,即光纤端面产生水雾凝结现象后会导致光纤线路损耗变大,且水雾凝结现象越严重,光纤线路损耗越大;同步试验后,新工艺跳线插损变化不明显,维持在固有插损0.2 dB范围内。
图8 防潮密封型光纤跳线与法兰连接关系
图9 新工艺组合体恒定湿热试验后光纤端面检测结果
2) 恒定湿热试验
为进一步考核新工艺组合体防潮密封性能,随机取出4根新工艺光纤跳线采用新工艺法兰依次紧固连接置于试验箱,如图8,按照GB/T2423.3-2006的要求进行恒定湿热试验,试验的严酷等级为温度(40±2) ℃、相对湿度(93±3)% RH,持续时间24 h,试验后各光纤端面检测结果如图9所示。
图5 组合体置于室温水中浸没试验。(a) 普通组合体浸没试验;(b) 新工艺组合体浸没试验
4.3 在线测试
1) 拷机测试
2) 高功率光纤激光系统在线应用
系统全面地对新工艺光纤跳线及法兰这一创新型防潮密封型光纤连接器进行研究分析与设计实现,为高功率光纤激光系统提供了一种光纤连接器的新选择。这里介绍防潮密封型光纤连接器在资助项目(高功率光纤激光系统)的实际应用,防潮密封型光纤跳线及其法兰分别安装在设备光输入/出处进行光路级联,系统输出8束主光路(各束脉冲能量≥1.0 μJ/5 ns方波/1 Hz),其主要光学指标与高功率激光装置前端系统相同,但整体性能有较大提升,普通单模跳线、保偏光纤跳线、单偏振光纤跳线均有应用,共计100余根,其中防潮密封型光纤跳线(10根)目前针对普通单模跳线,在线运行应用90天后,随机取出若干光纤跳线进行端面检测,结果如图12所示。
图10 防潮密封型光纤跳线拷机试验连接
图11 新工艺组合体拷机试验后光纤端面检测结果
图12 在线应用90天后各类光纤端面检测结果
5 结 论
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Moisture-proof seal optical fiber connector
Zhang Xinli, Tang Qunzhi, Wu Haocheng, Li Zhigang*, Lv Hongwei, Tang Ke
No. 34 Research Institute, CETC, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China
Structure of moisture-proof seal fiber connector
Overview:In the application of high-power laser optical fiber transmission and measurement, the transmission power of optical fiber is higher. With the laser disconnected, the ceramic insert core is cooled, and the water vapor in the air will condense at the end face of the connector. It will increase the fiber splicing loss and even damage the fiber end face. It is necessary to fundamentally solve the problem of water mist condensation on the end face of the connector. The most important factor of water mist condensation is that the traditional optical fiber connector does not have moisture-proof sealing performance. This paper analyzes the structure assembly and use process of the connector, and points out five defects of the moisture-proof seal. Specifically, there is no sealing process or moisture-proof sealing treatment in the assembly process. In addition, when the connector is used for the butt joint with flange, no moisture-proof sealing process has been carried out. It causes the dust and water vapor in the air to enter the surrounding and end face of the ceramic insert core. So, the internal humidity and cleanliness of the connector are not up to standard, which brings serious consequences to the field of optical transmission and optical measurement. Through technological innovation and process improvement, a new moisture-proof seal fiber connector is designed and completed without changing the original structure and size of the optical fiber connector. The principle and structure of the moisture-proof seal of the new connector are introduced. The main performances of the new connector are tested comprehensively, including the main optical performance test, immersion test, constant damp heat test, and online application test. The experimental results show that the new connector has better moisture-proof seal with IL less than 0.2 dB. After immersion test, the insertion loss index of the connector also meets the expected requirements. The main optical parameters meet the application requirements. The new moisture-proof sealing connector solves the problem of water mist condensation on the end face of the connector, and can be used in high power fiber laser system for a mid-long term, that will have good prospects. In the next step, we will continue to innovate and introduce this innovative technology and improved process into the single polarization fiber connector and the polarization-maintaining fiber connector. We will design and complete the moisture-proof sealing single-polarization optical fiber connector and moisture-proof sealing polarization-maintaining fiber connector to meet the new application requirements of the fiber laser system.
Citation: Zhang X L, Tang Q Z, Wu H C,Moisture-proof seal optical fiber connector[J]., 2020, 47(12): 200067
* E-mail: jx_lizhigang@163.com
Moisture-proof seal optical fiber connector
Zhang Xinli, Tang Qunzhi, Wu Haocheng, Li Zhigang*, Lv Hongwei, Tang Ke
No.34 Research Institute, CETC, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, China
Aiming at the problem of water mist condensation on the fiber end face in a high-power fiber laser system, the most important factor causing this problem is that the traditional optical fiber connector does not have the moisture-proof sealing performance. The connector structure assembly and use process are analyzed in-depth, and the causes of the moisture-proof seal defects are pointed out. Through technological innovation and process improvement, a moisture-proof seal fiber connector is designed and completed. The principle and structure of the moisture-proof seal of the new connector are introduced. The main performances of the new connector are tested comprehensively, including immersion test, constant damp heat test, online application test. The experimental results show that the new connector has a better moisture-proof seal with IL less than 0.2 dB.
high power fiber laser; water mist condensation; moisture-proof seal; fiber connector; fiber end face
Guangxi Innovation Driven Development Project (Major Science and Technology Projects: GuiKe AA18118032)
张新立,唐群植,伍浩成,等. 防潮密封型光纤连接器[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(12): 200067
: Zhang X L, Tang Q Z, Wu H C,Moisture-proof seal optical fiber connector[J]., 2020, 47(12): 200067