

考试与评价·高一版 2020年6期









1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Granny Liu in the Grand View Garden (大观园)

A story comes from the famous Qing Dynasty novel Dream of Red Mansions (《红楼梦》).

Some young generations of the Jias lived in the Grand View Garden, that was much like an emperor's garden. Granny Liu was a poor woman who was distant related to the Jias. He came to the Jia's Mansion to ask for help and was led out into the Grand View Garden.

Madam Jia, the head of the family, was bored her daily life. She wish to hear about something fresh, but she asked Granny Liu to stay for some days. Granny Liu made many funny mistake in the Grand View Garden.

Now this phrase“Granny Liu in the Grand View Garden” is often used to describing a poor person feeling embarrassed after seeing a great number of valuable things or on unfamiliar occasions.


A→This / The; that→which; distant→distantly; He→She; 去掉led后的out; bored后加with; wish→wished; but→so / and; mistake→mistakes; describing→describe






(A) Read the following passage. Summarise the main idea of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Laini was worried all week about taking piano lessons. She had never played a musical instrument before. She also felt anxious because she never met the new girl who moved next door a couple of days ago. They were going to take lessons together.

About a month earlier, Laini's mother had approached her and said, “Laini, I think you should learn to play the piano. We have that fine piano, which your grandmother left. What do you think?” Laini said, “Well... I suppose that would be OK.” “I found a great instructor,” said her mother. “I spoke with our new neighbour, and her daughter is going to sign up for lessons, too. It would be a chance for you to make a new friend.” “Oh no, mother! How could you do this? First, I'm not sure about piano lessons. Now you tell me I have to go with a complete stranger!”

The next week, Laini and the new girl went to their first piano lesson. They returned home, laughing. Laini's mother asked Laini what was so funny. “It's fun, mother. My friend is not new. It's Sally. We know each other from school. We're not strangers at all! Both of us were worried about this lesson before we met! And our teacher is Mrs Casella. She is a very kind teacher!”

(B) Please use some examples to explain how you understand the saying “Practice makes perfect” in no fewer than 100 words.


(A) One possible version:

Laini was worried about taking piano lessons. She was afraid to take the lessons with a stranger. Her mother let her use their old but fine piano. She thought it would be a chance for Laini to make a new friend. In the end, Laini went to her lesson and met the new girl whom she already knew from school.

(60 words)

(B) One possible version:

It's known to us all that “Practice makes perfect.” This proverb means the more we practise, the better we will do things.

Learning English is a good case in point. Take my neighbour for example. He seldom spends time in learning English. As a result, his English is very poor and he begins to hate English now. On the contrary, I spend more than two hours each day learning English, so I have become good at it. And the better grades I have got, the more willingly I learn English.

Practice is the key to success, not only in study but also in our future work. In a word, practice will make a difference.

(114 words)


1. 注意审题。必须仔细而认真地阅读所给题目和要求,以了解文章的题材,确定文章的体裁和格式等。审题是展开写作的基础,只有正确理解题目,才能保证在写作过程中不“跑题”。

2. 抓住要点。抓住要点是写作的关键。如果写作抓不住要点,也必然会造成要点遗漏或重复,以至文章缺乏条理、层次不清,不该写的地方写得太多,该写的却没有写。

3. 组织语言。写作过程中,句型、句式要富于变化,简单句、并列句和复合句要交叉使用;多用高级词汇和句型(倒装句、强调句、定语从句等),以打造文章的亮点;写作语言要符合英语表达习惯,确保语言的准确性;恰当选择过渡性词汇,提高行文的逻辑性和连贯性;书写要避免常见语法错误(动词的时态和语态、主谓一致、可数名词的单复数、形容词和副词的级等)和拼写错误。

4. 卷面整洁。打好草稿后,应认真修改,避免大小写及标点符号错误,誊写时应书写工整,布局美观,卷面整洁,这会增加得高分的机会。

