—— 外滩金融中心南区商场


中国建筑装饰装修 2020年9期


一家涵盖建筑及室内设计的事务所,在业界屡获殊荣,由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani和Andrea Destefanis 于2000 年联合创立于威尼斯。

自2002 年公司总部设于上海以来,Kokaistudios 已拥有60 余位杰出设计师,并成长为一家多元文化背景的设计公司,与客户协同合作,完成了涵盖亚洲、中东、欧洲及北美洲的众多创新设计项目。

Kokaistudios 专注于发展文化、商业、酒店及零售等方面的项目,更广泛涉及城市更新与文化遗产再造的项目,旨在为项目所在的城市增添蓬勃生机。

Andrea Destefanis

出生于意大利都灵,早年间即对视觉艺术和舞台布景有浓厚的兴趣。完成了威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,Andrea 开始了同多个建筑事务所合作的职业生涯,参与了很多获奖的建筑和城市规划项目。受其对设计中不同领域的兴趣驱动,Andrea 成立了合作工作室,致力于研究计算机平面设计的创新方法。2000 年他与Filippo Gabbiani 共同成立了Kokaistudios 设计事务所。

Filippo Gabbiani

出生于意大利威尼斯,自幼展现出对艺术和设计的多重兴趣。在完成了威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,出于其对不同学科和多元文化的好奇心,Filippo 先后闯荡于欧洲数国及美国,曾与多家世界顶级的建筑、室内及工业设计事务所合作。2000 年他与Andrea Destefanis 共同成立了Kokaistudios 设计事务所。



建 筑 面 积:91982 m2( 地 上:49060m2; 地 下:42922m2)



首席设计师:Andrea Destefanis、 Filippo Gabbiani

室内建筑设计总监:Pietro Peyron


室内设计团队:赵牧云、Andrea Antonucci、 刘畅、陈芳汀、黄婉倩、许馨洁、陈芸苇、徐睿辰、Kasia Gorecka、Marta Pinheiro


撰文:Frances Arnold

媒体负责:Jacqueline Chiang


It is an award winning architecture and interior design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani & Andrea Destefanis.

Headquartered in Shanghai since 2002 we have grown into multi-cultural firm of 60 people working on a global scale with projects in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Kokaistudios partners with our clients to collaboratively develop innovative & ground breaking projects in diverse fields of design.

Primarily focused on developing cultural, corporate, commercial, hospitality & retail projects we have also worked extensively on urban regeneration projects involving the requalification of heritage locations.

Kokaistudios aims to develop projects that add positively to the built environment and social fabric of the cities and countries in which they are located.


Born in Turin, Italy, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography. After graduating from University of Architecture Venice, he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a cooperative studio focused on research of innovative instrument of design in computer graphics before co-founding Kokaistudios together with Filippo Gabbiani.


Born in Venice, Italy, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Upon graduating from the University of Architecture Venice, he began work on a European Community sponsored research project on the usage of alternative energies in architecture and worked in several countries in Europe and in the U.S.A. cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design before meeting Andrea Destefanis with whom he founded Kokaistudios in 2000.

Service Scope: Interior Design

Location: Shanghai, China

Floor Area: 91,982sqm (Above Ground: 49,060sqm; Underground: 42,922sqm)

Design Duration: Feb, 2016-Jun, 2017

Opening Date: December 12, 2019

Principal Designers: Andrea Destefanis, Filippo Gabbiani

Interior Architecture Director: Pietro Peyron

Interior Design Director: Rake Wang

Interior Design Team: Muyun Zhao, Andrea Antonucci, Chang Liu, Christine Chen, Rebecca Huang, Jessica Xu, Winnie Chen, Samo Xu, Kasia Gorecka, Marta Pinheiro

Photography: Terrence Zhang

Text: Frances Arnold

Media Contact: Jacqueline Chiang

1 4 层连廊区域绝佳的景观视野

近期,Kokaistudios 在国际竞赛中夺魁,受复星地产的委托,领衔负责外滩金融中心南区商场的室内设计。该项目见证了一个顶级商业空间的华丽转变,也见证了Kokaistudios 强势回归外滩这一上海黄金滨水地带。这座由Heatherwick Studios 与Foster + Partners 联合设计的建筑群总面积 达91,982 平方米,在丰富了城市天际线的同时也成为连接上海历史旧城区与现代商业中心的纽带。对Kokaistudios 而言,该室内设计项目的挑战是在概念上打造轻松愉悦的滨海度假风情、模糊室内外的界限,并满足现代购物及生活方式的需求。

作为一个大型综合开发项目,外滩金融中心将上海的商业中心与旧城区连结,建成后迅速成为城市的标志性建筑。Kokaistudios 与外滩区域渊源颇深,早在2006 年,由该事务所倾力改造的外滩18 号就获得了联合国教科文组织颁发的遗产保护杰出大奖。

BFC 南区商场有六层,位于外滩金融中心两座180 米高的塔楼中的南座,商场设有一个美食超市、健身馆和数个餐厅等功能空间,均分布在地下两层和地上四层,因此人流的动线设计是首要考量的因素。此外,为功能开发预留空间,在设计中更要注入灵活性。

上海的商业市场动向发展迅速且影响深远,而如今电子商务的迅速崛起更引发了实体商业空间角色和功能的重大变化。因此,Kokaistudios 在参与该项目室内设计的新方向讨论时,更倾向将其规划为生活方式空间,而不仅仅是单一的零售场所。

Kokaistudios 在Foster + Partners 设 计 的 建 筑框架内进行室内设计,在接手项目时,商场内部已有两个重要租户:一间3000 平方米的高端健身会所和一个大型儿童及宠物游乐中心。延续了这两家商户所强调的内在幸福、身心放松的内涵,并以基地靠近黄浦江岸线为灵感,团队以“水系”为线索,设定了“滨海度假”的主题。

Kokaistudios 采用多种设计方式,成功将商场从单一购物转型为全面生活方式空间。设计首先通过与Foster+Partners 的密切合作,打破建筑原本沉重的外立面,并将窗户朝向外置,让商场与浦东新区华丽的天际线相连,而对内则延伸至一个中央庭院。这样的做法赋予空间一个强有力的亮点:以绝佳的景观吸引过路行人的注意。而庭院中设计了一个下沉广场以加强与公共空间的关系,并为B1 层的美食广场区引入充裕的自然光。

2 1 层平面图

3 地下小中庭

1 天窗下端的散口喇叭式处理,引入更多自然光

2 过道空间天花铝板的延伸





Kokaistudios 提倡将BFC 南区商场从“纯商业空间”转变为“可容纳更广泛生活方式的空间”,因此最终呈现的室内设计与原初规划相比有很大转变。这些转变工作甚为繁杂,宏观到对原本平面图的调整,细微到扩大卫生间的梳妆台和全身镜,使之更为舒适。目前,该商场餐饮租户的占比高达50%,更纳入了米其林星级餐厅以飨食客。

3 地面图案像阳光海滩的沙粒一样自然散开

多样的设计元素结合在BFC 南区商场中,创造了一种让人远离城市喧嚣而惬意放松的氛围。设计从所处的滨江环境中获得灵感,精心拣选材质与饰面以唤起人们对海滨度假生活的向往,也为国内外商业空间的室内设计树立了新标杆。BFC 南区商场代表了在当今电子商务推动下不断进化的购物中心,它们将庞大的建筑体量积极融入城市公共空间,激发城市活力,并重新思考以市场为导向的新型商业空间该如何运作、发展、进一步向前。

After winning the international design competition, Kokaistudios returned to Shanghai’s most exclusive waterfront district and completed a multifaceted interiors project for landmark architecture scheme, Bund Finance Center. Designed by Heatherwick Studios in partnership with Foster + Partners, the 91,982 sqm mixed-use development represents a significant addition to the city’s skyline, connecting Shanghai’s historic old town to its commercial heart. Occupying the development’s southern district, the BFC Mall represented an exciting challenge for Kokaistudios to create interiors that conceptually link to its riverside locale; blur boundaries between inside and out; and above all, support the shopping center’s lifestyle remit.

A major mixed-use development connecting Shanghai’s commercial heart to its old town, Bund Finance Center’s landmark architecture has fast become a Shanghai icon. Called upon to design interiors for the project’s mall, the project marks Kokaistudios a return to the city’s historic Bund, where in 2006 they led the renovation of UNESCO Heritage Award-winning Bund 18.

BFC Mall occupies six storeys of one of the development’s two 180-meter tall towers to the south of the site. With facilities including a gourmet supermarket, gym, and multiple restaurants, all spread across two below-ground levels and four above, visitor circulation was a particular priority. Similarly, and in order to plan for a range of future lifestyle-oriented uses, injecting flexibility was important.

In Shanghai, market trends develop fast, and with impact. Case in point: the rapid rise of e-commerce has triggered significant changes in the role and function of commercial spaces. To that end, and during its construction, BFC Mall’s programming was re-conceived for a lifestyle focus over exclusively retail, with Kokaistudios enlisted to steer the space’s interiors in this new direction.

Working within Foster + Partners’ existing and unfolding physical framework, Kokaistudios’ concept was inspired both by the venue’s prime riverside location at the southern end of Shanghai’s Bund, as well as its two anchor tenants. They are a 3,000sqm fully equipped gym, and expansive children’s and pets’ play area. Expanding on both establishments’ inherent connotations of wellbeing, relaxation, and escape, as well as the site’s close proximity to the shoreline of the Huangpu River, the team devised overarching themes of beachside vacations, and above all, water.

In moving away from the mall’s original objective and towards lifestyle, Kokaistudios opened up the space in multiple ways. First, and in close collaboration with Foster + Partners, outwardfacing windows were installed to connect the mall to Pudong’s impressive skyline to the east of the development, as well as inwards to a central courtyard. The intervention lends the venue an additional attractive feature - dramatic views - and serves to draw the attention of passing foot traきc. A sunken plaza has been designed in the courtyard to strength the relation with the public space and to bring natural light to B1’s food court area.

1 商铺与公共空间的自然衔接

2 斜面开放式的电梯厅

3 地下一层的过道空间

Further blurring boundaries between outside and in, and inspired by the inherently inexact shoreline of the Huangpu River beyond, perimeters of tenant spaces are deliberately vague, and without a defined ‘shop front.’ The effect is one of openness, flexibility, and in keeping with a broader water motif that transcends the venue, fluidity. Also, adding open shop areas facing the central courtyard breaking the corridors in a dynamic way and bringing natural light.

Associations of water run throughout, including brass circles inlaid into the ground level’s terrazzo floor like rippled pools. The motif conceptually links the two below-ground floors with the four above, with basement levels imagined as an underwater world. Realized through a reversal of finishes and materials - below ground, the shimmering terrazzo tiles applied to the floors of levels one to four are used on the ceiling, for example - as well as reflective stainless steel, a more muted palette evokes a mysterious underwater landscape.

Punctuating the basement levels’ softened tones are splashes of playfulness and vivid color. They include a dramatic chandelier, pouring down from the atrium and comprising spherical bubblelike pendant lighting, interspersed with glass fish. Elsewhere, the centerpiece of a ’coral reef’ area is a vibrant ceiling installation in inviting peach, pink, and orange tones. A multipurpose zone with fluidity at its core, its modular seating accommodates events of all kinds, in keeping with the mall’s lifestyle and public space focus.

4 洗手间

Throughout, materials and finishes match the project’s overall holiday feel. For example, walls feature both custom-made ceramic tiles, as well as wood: more evocative of a beachside hotel or eatery, they strike a clear lifestyle tone. Throughout, terrazzo tiles checkered and variegated for a pixelated effect visually support interiors’ overarching aim of blurring boundaries, much like a shoreline.

Initiators of BFC Mall’s directional shift from purely commercial to a broader lifestyle concept, Kokaistudios’ interiors accommodate a significant change of programming from that which was originally planned. The switch in approach necessitated adjustments to the original floor plan to include larger, more accommodating bathrooms, complete with vanity areas and full-length mirrors. Currently comprising almost 50% food and beverage tenants, the venue boasts also Michelin stars across multiple eateries.

At BFC Mall, these various components come together to create an atmosphere of escape from the bustle of city life, in which leisure and relaxation are paramount. Comprising materials and finishes to evoke a beach getaway, and taking direct inspiration from its riverside setting, the resulting interiors set a new standard for commercial spaces in China, and beyond. Representative of an ongoing evolution of shopping malls, prompted in part by e-commerce, as well as a drive to better integrate these often-vast architectural footprints into the city’s public space, BFC Mall marks an innovative, market-informed rethink of how commercial spaces might function, develop, and forward.

