Hotels are joining the anti?plastic fight 酒店加入“反塑料战斗”


疯狂英语·爱英语 2020年5期

A single 200?room four?star hotel can use about 300,000 pieces of single?use plastic in a month if its at full?capacity and doesnt invest in any eco?friendly alternatives, according to calculations done by sustainability and plastics expert Marissa Jablonski. The estimate includes 20,000 plastic water bottles, 49,765 plastic amenities(设施) and packages, and 216,693 pieces of plastic for food and beverage operations.

The figures show the depth of the challenge for the hospitality industry as it takes increasing efforts to go plastic?free. In August 2019, the Marriott group announced that itll replace most of its hotels single?use shampoo, conditioner and bath gel(沐浴露) bottles with larger ones by 2020, preventing about 500 million of the tiny plastic bottles polluting the environment yearly.

The Hilton chain has removed plastic straws from its hotel operations, switched from plastic key cards to digital ones at a number of hotels and removed plastic water bottles from meetings and events at hotels it manages in the Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Additionally, its seeking alternatives to plastic wrap for its food and beverage operations.

While many major hotel chains have announced measures to reduce their plastic use, theres still something worrying about the industry, added other experts. Grace Kang, managing partner of GreenView, a Singapore?based sustainability consulting and research firm, noted that its latest Green Lodging Trends Report 2018 surveyed 4,544 hotels in 61 countries, and just 30.7% of them reported theyd removed or reduced to an absolute minimum their use of single?use plastic. Another 38% said they were making progress in doing so, but only 14.4% said theyd accomplish it within a year.

Removing plastic bottles, one of the biggest sources of plastic use in hotels, comes with its own challenges. At the Six Senses Singapore hotels, staff refill the glass bottles and clean up the mess when guests break them. “This is additional work for them that they arent used to. We have to provide them training,” said Chew Siew Moon, Six Senses sustainability manager.


1. What problem is suggested in the first paragraph?

A. Too much use of plastic in the world.

B. Popularity of the hotel?related pollution.

C. The seriousness of global plastic pollution.

D. The large consumption of plastic in hotels.

2. Which may be Grace Kangs opinion about the hospitality industry?

A. It still has a long way to go in order to go green.

B. It has no trouble in going green in the near future.

C. Its efforts to go green have spread around the world.

D. Its various environmental issues are still worrying.

3. What can we infer about the hospitality industry from the text?

A. The use of plastic bottles is banned in it.

B. Most hotels are even close to going green.

C. Trying to go green is already a trend in it.

D. Going green is the biggest challenge for it.



The Hilton chain has removed plastic straws from its hotel operations, switched from plastic key cards to digital ones at a number of hotels and removed plastic water bottles from meetings and events at hotels it manages in the Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa. 希尔顿连锁酒店在其酒店业务中已经停止使用塑料吸管,部分连锁酒店将塑料钥匙卡换成了数字钥匙卡;另外,在该公司管理的亚太、欧洲、中东和非洲地区的酒店里举行的会议和活动中严禁使用塑料水瓶。

该句为主从复合句,句中it manages in the Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East and Africa为定语从句修饰hotels。


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