(浙江工业大学,浙江 杭州 31004)
1 引言
我国外语教学实践中普遍存在的一个现象是“重课本、轻应用”,课堂教学以课文为中心。“产出导向法”(Production-Oriented Approach,POA)是北京外国语大学中国外语与教育研究中心团队创建、经过十多年发展的教学法理论[1-5],借鉴国外外语教学理论与实践的精华,旨在克服外语教学中 “学用分离”的弊端。迄今为止已有不少教学一线的老师在自己的教学实践中采用“产出导向法”[6-9],汇报了教学成果,并对该理论的具体环节作出辩证反思[10-11]。
2 教学实践
2.1 背景介绍
该课程的教学安排围绕七项核心产出技能展开,分别是如何下定义及介绍研究背景(How to define and contextualize)、如何区别描述和分析(How to differ between description and analysis)、如何形成一个论点并用论据支撑 (How to develop an argument and support)、如何引用(How to cite)、如何比较相似点和不同点 (How to compare and contrast)、如何总结(How to summarize)、如何结尾(How to draw a conclusion)。
2.2 课堂授课示例
以 “如何下定义及介绍研究背景”主题的一次45分钟的课为例。
1)Architecture is about designing buildings.
2)Software engineering is part of computer science,which designs and updates softwares.
Economics is a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production,distribution,and consumption of goods and service.
Physics is a science that deals with the nature and properties of matter and energy.
Astronomy is a branch of scientific study primarily concerned with celestial objects inside and outside of the earth’s atmosphere.
Material science is a branch of science that deals with the structure,properties,and processing of materials,especially with regard to theirpotential usefulness.
1)term;category;simple words to illustrate the subject
2)nature of the term;usage;characteristics
3)assertive sentence structure;properties;details
4)the class it belongs to;functions;some important details
5)category;what it deals with;something relevant
7)research object;characteristics;scope of application
8)subject classification;features;function
1)What is a definition?
A definition is a statement which captures the meaning,the use,the properties,the function and the essence of a term,a thing or a concept.
It is a formal attempt to answer the question:“what is it?”
Defining things or concepts in a clear way is extremely importantin academic communication and helpsto avoid misunderstandingsorconfusions.
2)What are the qualities of a good definition?
A formaldefinition containsthree parts:the term or concept to be defined;the class it belongs to;and its differentiating features.
For example,inductive reasoning is the process of recognizing or observing patterns and drawing a conclusion.
A good definition should be concise and have a logical pattern.
3)Why is it necessary to learn how to define in an academic setting?
Most physical objects have a definition that most people agree on.That means the definition of most physical objects does not change from person to person.You do not need to define them unless you are trying to give them new meanings.
However,a clear definition is required for abstract concepts because the definition may change from person to person.
To be specific,there are several situations when a definition should be given.
One,when your writing contains a term that may be key to audience understanding and that term could likely be unfamiliar to them.
Two,when a commonly-used word or phrase has layers of subjectivity or evaluation in the way you choose to use it.
Three,when you want your readers or audience to have a new way of understanding things or concepts.
In your academic communication,it is of great importance that you define the key concepts,theories,and technical terms clearly.
1)Architecture is the art and practice of designing and building structures,especially those for humans to inhabit.
2)Software engineering is a detailed study of engineering to the development of software.
3 讨论
3.1 “产出导向法”的优势
3.2 对“输入促成环节”的思考
以第二部分的 “如何下定义”课堂教学实践为例,经过产出驱动、输入促成、评价环节后,学生基本掌握规范地下定义技能,但是对什么时候需要用到下定义,什么语境下需要详细地下定义、什么时候需要分析该定义与其他定义的全部还不明白。究其原因,教师提供的输出促成语料只截止了“下定义”这个关键句子,没有提供这个句子在什么样的段落当中、这个段落的表达目的是什么等重要信息。
Mobile learning (m-learning),which is defined as e-learning using mobile devices such as smart phones,personal digital assistants and tablets,allows learners to learn anywhere and anytime.It is an effective component of learning as today’s learners are mobile and frequently utilise mobile devices to study on the move.Thiscan clearly affecttheir learning experience by making ubiquitous learning possible.
(Source:Karimi,S.2016.Do learners’characteristics matter?An exploration of mobile learning adoption in self-directed learning.Computers in Human Behavior,63:769-776.)
这个语料不仅能体现一个好的定义的三个构成要素:专业术语term(mobile learning)、所属类别class (e-learning)、区分其他的特征differentiating features(using mobile devices...),还能帮助读者明白为什么在这里要先介绍mobile learning,以及为什么有必要解释mobile learning的影响力。这个语境包含文献来源、上下文两个参数,而这两个参数刚好能体现“语境化”这个维度。
4 建议