

管理工程学报 2020年4期

陈玉玉,李帮义,柏庆国,王 哲,王 玥,周 扬


陈玉玉1,李帮义1,柏庆国2,王 哲1,王 玥1,周 扬1

(1. 南京航天航空大学 经济与管理学院,江苏 南京 211106; 2.曲阜师范大学 管理学院、运筹学研究院,山东 日照 276826)



0 引言

减少碳排放量和实现资源循环利用已成为学者们关注的热点话题。随着科技水平的不断提高,极大丰富了人类物质生活水平,废旧电子电器设备(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, WEEE)的数量也急剧增加。据统计,2014年全球WEEE总数高达4180万吨,预计2018年可达5000万吨[1]。WEEE产品内含有大量的重金属和化学有毒物质,如果得不到有效处置,将会对环境产生恶劣的影响。另一方面,WEEE的回收处理,可以节约制造成本和实现资源循环利用。在WEEE循环再利用的众多方式中,再制造无论从环境还是从资源的角度,都是最佳的商业化方式。目前华为、IBM和苹果等国际知名企业已经参与到再制造中,并以此获取经济利益和实现社会责任。







政府层面,决定生产者的量化回收责任并设计成可执行、可验证的规定制度。如,欧盟WEEE指令规定2016年生产者最低回收率为45%,日本特定家用电器回收法(SHARL)规定循环和再制造率在50%-60%之间[2]。合规计划(Compliance Schemes)是指将EPR立法转化成环境绩效。

生产者层面,生产者面临着复杂决策以实现政府的规制要求,如生产决策(通过碳交易市场)、价值恢复决策(再制造)和回收决策。尽规(Due Diligence)指生产者尽最大的能力、配置必要的资源,以实现立法的要求。尽规模式就是回答生产者责任实现情况,即对政府规制的实现状况和程度。

目前,对于生产者尽规模式选择的研究正在兴起,而本文也是对生产者尽规模式选择进行研究。Webster等[17]研究包含单个生产者和单个再制造商的两周期决策模型,其中生产者不从事再制造,通过数值实验分析了回收法规对企业利润和再制造决策的影响。Esenduran等[18]考虑存在再制造商的竞争,生产者同时生产新产品和再制造,分析回收法规和双方竞争对再制造水平和环境的影响。而本文重点研究回收规制政策对垄断生产者的再制造决策的影响,故不考虑竞争情形。和本文研究背景类似,Karakayali等[19]探究了是否应该将再利用目标纳入回收目标,Esenduran等[2]分析了回收法规对再制造和环境的影响。关于合规计划设计的研究较多,相关文献见Esenduran等[20, 21]、Atasu等[22-24]和Jacobs等[25]。



1 问题描述和符号介绍

1.1 问题描述

图1 模型基本思路图

Figure 1 Basic idea of the model


进行减排投资不仅会产生环境成本,而且会影响市场需求,最终导致生产者利润的变化,因此本文基于碳交易环境和减排投资,考虑新产品和再制造品的异质替代性,分别探究两种情形:(1)不考虑循环率规制,记作模式NR (No Regulation);(2)考虑循环率规制,记作模式R (Regulation)。通过对两种情形下生产者最优决策进行比较,分析循环率规制对生产者尽规模式的影响机理。然后探究随着政府规制要求的提高,生产者实现尽规的方式是怎样的,以及不断严格的规制要求对社会福利(包括生产者利润、消费者剩余和碳排放量)的影响。

1.2 符号系统

文中符号说明如表1所示,其中上标R (Regulation)和NR (No Regulation)分别表示有、无循环率规制政策。

表1 符号说明

1.3 减排约束下的市场结构

图2 消费者行为导向的市场结构

Figure 2 Consumer-oriented market structure

2 生产者生产决策驱动的尽规模式分析


2.1 无循环率规制时的最优决策(NR)

图3 无循环率规制时的最优方案

Figure 3 Optimal solution without recycling rate regulation


2.2 有循环率规制时的最优决策(R)


图4 有循环率规制时的最优方案

Figure 4 Optimal solution with recycling rate regulation

表2 生产者的最优决策

3 政府循环率目标的影响分析


3.1 循环率目标对生产者决策的影响

3.2 循环率目标对社会福利的影响

循环率规制的目标是将WEEE的处理责任由政府转移给生产者,而生产者通常会对价格的调整又将责任转移给消费者,最终导致消费者剩余的降低,然而研究表明并非总是如此。为充分理解这种影响,下面分析生产者利润和消费者剩余随循环率目标的变化情况。消费者剩余(Consumer Surplus, CS)为购买新产品的消费者剩余与购买再制造产品的消费者剩余之和:


4 数值分析

图5 最优决策变量随对最优决策变量的影响

图6 对最优决策变量的影响

图7 和对生产者利润的影响

5 结论与展望




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The impacts of recycling rate regulation on due diligence patterns of producer under carbon trading environment

CHEN Yuyu1, LI Bangyi1, BAI Qingguo2, WANG Zhe1, WANG Yue1, ZHOU Yang1

(1. College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China; 2. School of Management, Institute of Operations Research, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China)

Green development requires producers to take responsibility for energy conservation, emission reduction, recycling, and reuse. The carbon cap-and-trade regulation not only constrains producers’ behavior, but also induces the transformation of producers’ production methods. The recycling rate regulation forces producers to take responsibility for the recycling and reuse of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).

Although the existing literature has separately studied carbon emission and WEEE recycling based on the carbon cap-and-trade regulation in the production process, no scholars have considered in tandem the two sides of production and sales. The government not only needs to regulate carbon emissions in the production process, but also needs to guide the recycling of WEEE at the end of its useful life.

This paper introduces carbon cap-and-trade and recycling rate regulation policies into manufacturing/remanufacturing production decisions, in consideration of sustainable and emissions-reducing investment. With the objective of maximizing the profit of monopolist producers, we construct the optimal production decision model of producers under carbon cap-and trade and recycling rate regulation, and explore the producers' choice of due diligence patterns as well as analyze the impact of the recycling rate target on the producer decision-making process and social welfare. Finally, the theoretical results are verified by a case study.

Part 2 explores the increasingly strict laws and regulations and the way they influence how producers achieve due diligence, and analyzes the impact of higher recycling rate targets on social welfare. The study finds that, in the face of increasingly stringent laws and regulations, producers can achieve due diligence by limiting sustainable and emissions-reducing investments, limiting production of new products, and expanding the scale of production of remanufactured products; it also finds that, as the recycling rate target increases, the profit of producers decreases. But this does not mean a reduction in consumer surplus and a reduction in environmental impact. Specifically, producers will shift responsibility to consumers by adjusting prices, which ultimately leads to a reduction in consumer surplus, although we find that this is not always the case. More importantly, when carbon emissions in the remanufacturing process are high, an increase in the recycling rate target may lead to an increase in environmental impact.

In summary, when producers make manufacturing/remanufacturing production decisions based on recycling rate regulations, it is important for them to consider carbon emissions, as doing so will help them generate more profit. In addition, the government should pay more attention to potential unintended consequences when raising the recycling rate target.

Remanufacturing; Recycling rate regulation; Cap-and-trade regulation; Sustainability investment; Due diligence patterns



The work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (71771138, 71702087), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (NP2016303, NS2017057) and the Funding of Jiangsu Innovation Program for Graduate Education (KYCX18_0236)









中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Boping Yan

