张子健,李 傲
张子健,李 傲
(重庆交通大学 经济与管理学院,重庆 400074)
0 引言
互联网络下的供应链近些年已经变得越来越脆弱,一些引人注目的网络攻击事件瘫痪了知名大公司的供应链,揭示出黑客的进入常常是针对供应链间连接的薄弱环节。美国信息安全论坛(Information Security Forum)2013年所发布的研究报告显示,企业组织所遭遇的数据安全破坏有40%以上是来自于其供应商所形成的攻击[1]。网络犯罪者越来越意识到“这是能够进行网络攻击的有效渠道”[1]。不断增加的复杂性以及对供应链可视化要求的提升,更加恶化了这一情况。供应链的本质要求企业与其合作伙伴之间交换敏感信息,整个供应链中,零售商、供应商、第三方物流公司等对信息数据保护的能力高度不同,互联网窃贼常常会利用最薄弱的环节,即利用网络脆弱点展开攻击。而就互联网风险而言,不断增加的对互联网的依赖性导致在一个网络中的供应商数量不断增加,因此这又增加了组织间连接的数量(Dederick et al., 2008)[2],这些链接增加了网络脆弱性,为网络攻击提供了温床并且以此来进行对网络中其他部分的攻击。基于此,业界与研究者将此类由关键信息组件和服务所构成的供应链定义为“网络空间供应链(Cyber Supply Chain)”,意指整个网络空间的关键成员,包括系统终端使用者、信息供应商、系统整合商、政策制定者,这些成员在所构成的供应链组织及流程层面交互计划、建设、管理、维系并保护网络空间[3,4]。对其安全管理的专门研究领域“网络空间供应链安全(Cyber Supply Chain Security)”也正在快速形成(Boyson et al., 2009;Linton et al., 2014;Bartol,2014)[5-7],致力于通过系统终端使用者、信息供应商、系统整合商以及政策制定者共同治理和维护网络安全,实现网络空间供应链各环节的安全性和可控性。
1 模型
1.1 基本假设与描述
1.2 模型
2 网络空间供应链的安全弹性投资决策
2.1 供应链分散决策
2.2 供应链集中决策
命题3 集中决策情形下,供应链成员的网络安全弹性投资水平表现为:
命题4 分散决策情形下,网络脆弱性影响下供应商和零售商对网络安全弹性的投资不足。
3 合作协调机制
4 数值分析
4.1 网络脆弱性对投资水平的影响
图1 网络脆弱性对供应商安全投资水平的影响
Figure 1 Impact of network vulnerability on supplier's security investment level
图2 网络脆弱性对零售商安全投资水平的影响
Figure 2 Impact of network vulnerability on retailer's security investment level
4.2 网络脆弱性对供应链投资成本的影响
图3 网络脆弱性对供应商总成本的影响
Figure 3 Impact of network vulnerability on supplier's total cost
图4 网络脆弱性对零售商总成本的影响
Figure 4 Impact of network vulnerability on retailer's total cost
图5 网络脆弱性对转移支付的影响
Figure 5 Impact of network vulnerability on transfer payments
5 结语
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Network vulnerability and the coordination mechanism of cyber supply chain security resilience investment
ZHANG Zijian, LI Ao
(School of economics and management, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China)
Enterprise network security level under the Internet depends not only on its network security investment but also on many other factors such as the supply chain network vulnerability and the investment in network security. In the cyber supply chain, the network data protection ability of suppliers, retailers, and third-party logistics companies are profoundly different, and internet hackers often use the weakest link as the network attacking vulnerable point. Key members in the whole cyberspace need to plan, construct, manage, and maintain interactively in the supply chain organization and process level against attacks from the Internet.
This paper considers a binary cyber supply chain consisting of an upstream supplier and a downstream retailer. The two enterprises in the supply chain connect through the Internet. The network hacker can compromise the supply chain system directly. Alternatively, the network hackers can invade the enterprise associated with the supply chain. Hackers can also indirectly invade the information system of the supply chain through the network system and gain economic benefits from the targeted enterprises. It is necessary to increase cybersecurity resilience and reduce cyber vulnerability in the supply chain through security investment to improve cybersecurity. As a result, the probability of external intrusion and reduce network loss can be reduced. In this context, this paper discusses the decentralized decision-making and centralized decision-making processes of the supply chain under the influence of cyber vulnerability. It establishes the coordination mechanism in the supply chain.
Our proposed model assumes that once the information system of the supply chain is damaged, the supplier and the retailer will afford certain losses, and that will come from direct losses and indirect losses, respectively. The probability of direct loss of supplier or retailer depends on their investment level of cybersecurity resilience, and the probability function is a second-order differentiable convex function. The function shows that the probability of direct loss decreases with the increase of cybersecurity investment, but its effect is marginal decrease. As for the indirect loss, the model assumes that the probability of the indirect invasion to the supplier or retailer is constant. The constant is the vulnerability of the network location of the supplier or retailer. On this basis, the expected cost function of suppliers and retailers is established in the case of the cybersecurity resilience investment of each member.
In the first part, the decentralized model discusses the choice of investment strategies for the cybersecurity resilience of the supplier and the retailer in the case of decentralized decision-making of supply chains. With decentralized decision-making, the decision of security resilience investment in the cyber supply chain is a non-cooperative game to maximize the interests of the supplier or the retailer itself. Based on this, it analyzes the influence of network vulnerability on the input of supply chain members and their affiliated enterprises in network security. The result shows that the level of cybersecurity resilience investment of the supplier and the retailer decreases with the cyber vulnerability and increases with each other in the supply chain.
In the second part, the centralized model discusses the investment decision-making process of the cybersecurity resilience of the supplier and the retailer under centralized decision-making. With centralized decision making, the supplier and the retailer can coordinate their investment level to improve the security investment level and optimize the overall cybersecurity investment of the supply chain.
In the third part, the comparative analysis compares the decentralized decision and centralized decision in the supply chain. It then establishes the transfer payment mechanism among the members of the supply chain to realize the coordination of the supply chain with the investment of security resilience,solving the double marginal effect of cybersecurity investment in the supply chain.
Finally, The numerical simulation analyzes the influence of cyber vulnerability on the investment decision of the supplier and the retailer. It respectively analyzes cases along with the change of cyber vulnerability, how the cybersecurity resilience investment levels and the investment cost change, as so to describe the influence of cyber vulnerability to security investment decisions in the supply chain.
Cyber supply chain(CSC); Network vulnerability; Security resilience; Coordination mechanism
Supported by the National Social Sciences Foundation of China(17BGL177)
中文编辑:杜 健;英文编辑:Charlie C. Chen