王新坤,姚吉成,徐胜荣,张中华,朱登平,李 华
王新坤1,姚吉成1,徐胜荣1,张中华2,朱登平2,李 华2
(1. 江苏大学流体机械工程技术研究中心,镇江 212013;2. 华维节水科技集团股份有限公司/上海节水灌溉工程技术研究中心,上海 201505)
负压反馈射流喷头(简称射流喷头)是中国自主研发的新型中程灌溉喷头。喷管是喷头的重要组成部分,对喷头水力性能影响重大。为针对性研究喷管参数(仰角、长度组合)对射流喷头水力性能的影响,寻找最优喷管参数,开展了不同喷管参数下射流喷头与PY210摇臂式喷头水力性能对比试验。结果表明,在相同主喷嘴尺寸时,不同工作压力和不同喷管参数下,射流喷头均同比摇臂式喷头射程远1~2.5 m;射流喷头水量分布中近程呈现较好的“三角形”分布,远处出现水量“凸峰”。最后对试验数据采用综合评分法和熵权法进行分析,同时综合考虑实际喷头野外抗风性能和单一造价,确定最优综合评分下的主副喷管参数为:主副喷管长度组合4.2 cm×4.2 cm,工作压力为0.20~0.30 MPa时,主副喷管仰角40°×40°;工作压力为0.35 MPa时,主副喷管仰角30°×30°。
0 引 言
1 喷头工作原理介绍
基于射流附壁切换技术设计的射流喷头,工作时压力水流会进行左右周期性偏转出射,水流的高频次偏转与碰撞会造成较大能量损失。图1为射流喷头流道结构与射流偏转右侧时的Fluent模拟压力云图[21]。由图1 b分析可知,当红色主射流偏转至右侧时,会与右侧喷管内壁产生多次碰撞,而碰撞会加大横向环流和涡流的产生,造成能量损失,同时影响喷头出射水流平顺度,对喷头稳定性和水力性能影响显著。合适的主副喷管仰角和长度组合有利于减少压力水流的碰撞损失,增加出射水流平顺度。
Note:is the nominal diameter of the sprinkler inlet, mm;1is the inlet contraction angle, °;is the inlet width of the jet element, mm;is the inlet depth of the jet element, mm;is the width of the control channel, mm;is the offset mm;is the side wall inclination angle, (°);1is the split pitch, mm;c1is the shunt structure radius, mm;cpis the radius of curvature of the elbow, mm;cm1is the length of the main nozzle, cm;cm2is the length of the sub-nozzle, cm;is the elevation angle of the nozzle, (°);c1is the diameter of the main nozzle, mm;c2is the diameter of the sub-nozzle, mm.
图1 负压反馈射流喷头流道结构与压力云图
Fig.1 Negative pressure feedback jet sprinkler flow channel and pressure contour
2 材料与方法
2.1 试验方法
试验于江苏大学喷灌试验室内进行,针对不同喷管仰角和长度组合下的射流喷头和PY210摇臂式喷头(以下简称摇臂喷头)进行水力性能对比试验。摇臂喷头的主要参数为:主副喷管仰角均为30°,长度4.5 cm×25 cm,主副喷嘴直径4 mm×3 mm。考虑到喷头的整体设计和喷管直径对压力补偿系数的影响[22-24],设计喷管直径为7 mm。中、近射程喷头的喷管长度一般取4~10[25],因此试验所用的“主×副”喷管长度设计为4.2 cm×4.2 cm、5.6 cm×4.2 cm、7.0 cm×4.2 cm、5.6 cm×5.6 cm、7.0 cm× 5.6 cm、7.0 cm×7.0 cm;仰角参照摇臂式喷头设计[26]分别取20°、30°、40°和50°。
试验采用控制变量法。在研究不同主副喷管仰角对喷头水力性能影响时,保持喷头其他尺寸不变,主要为位差2 mm;侧壁倾角10°;劈距28 mm;主副喷管长度组合4.2 cm×4.2 cm;主副喷嘴直径4 mm×4 mm。同理在研究不同喷管组合对射流喷头水力性能影响时,主副喷管仰角控制为30°,其他尺寸保持不变。同时,考虑到主副喷管采用不同仰角会引起喷头受到的侧向压力不对称,影响喷头转动均匀性,试验中主副喷管仰角采取同步变化;由于转动周期对射程对比影响较大,为减少试验误差,试验中通过增减塑胶垫片来调整转动机构的松紧度进而控制喷头转动周期,按照《喷灌工程技术规范》[27]转动周期控制在3.0~3.5 min。具体试验方案设计参照GB/T 22999-2008[28]。
2.2 水力性能评价方法
3 结果与分析
3.1 射 程
不同喷管仰角和喷管长度组合下的射流喷头与摇臂喷头的射程对比,如图2所示。由图2a可以看出,仅当喷管仰角为20°时射流喷头射程小于PY210摇臂喷头,其余仰角下射流喷头在不同压力下的射程均同比摇臂喷头远1 ~2.5 m,主要是由于射流喷头出射水流具有强烈脉冲湍动能引起的。当喷管仰角为30°时,射流喷头射程随工作压力增加呈递增趋势,且仰角为30°,工作压力为0.35 MPa时射程达到最大值14 m,此时仰角较为合适;当喷管仰角为40°和50°时,射程随着工作压力增加呈先增后减趋势,工作压力为0.25 MPa时达到极大值13.7 m,主要是因为压力增大导致出射水流破碎加剧,射流末端破碎加剧引起末端水帘迎风阻力增加,导致喷头射程减小。
由图2b可以看出,当主副喷管长度组合为4.2 cm× 4.2 cm、5.6 cm×4.2 cm、7.0 cm×4.2 cm时,射流喷头的射程同比PY10摇臂式喷头较远,其中主副喷管组合为4.2 cm×4.2 cm时射程最远,在0.30 MPa时达到极大值13.5 m;且在副喷管长度不变情况下,喷头射程随主喷管长度增加而减小,这是因为射流喷头喷管内部流动为高频脉冲间断冲击出流,喷管长度增加会加剧内部水流的碰撞,水流紊乱程度加剧,导致压力损失增加引起射程减小;同时射程随着工作压力增加呈先增后减趋势,主要是因为压力增大导致出射水流破碎加剧,主射流剥离加剧,导致射程减小。由主副喷管长度组合为7.0 cm× 4.2 cm、7.0 cm×5.6 cm、7.0 cm×7.0 cm时,喷头射程变化趋势可以看出,在主喷管长度不变的情况下,喷头射程随副喷管长度增加而减小,这是由于喷头内部的射流偏转不仅与控制管处的偏向流有关,主副喷嘴处的脉冲压力回流对射流的偏转也具有较大影响,副喷管长度增加在一定程度上对主射流偏转产生了影响,造成主喷管内部水流流态的变化,进而引起喷头射程的变化。
图2 不同喷管仰角和长度组合下射流喷头与摇臂式喷头射程对比
3.2 水量分布
图3 不同工作压力和喷管仰角下射流喷头与摇臂喷头径向降水深对比
对于射流喷头,当喷管仰角为20°时,在不同工作压力下,水量分布整体相似,呈现近处和远处的水量多、中间少趋势,在距离喷头6~8 m处,出现水量凹峰,主要是因为小仰角下副喷嘴的射程较近。
当喷管仰角为30°、40°时,在工作压力为0.20、0.30、0.35 MPa时径向水量呈现近、中处多趋势,在距离喷头8~10 m处,出现水量凹峰。0.25 MPa下主副喷嘴射程搭配较好,水量分布整体呈现类“三角形”。
当喷管仰角为50°时,径向水量呈现近处多,中间少分布。在2~4 m处水量骤然增加,主要是由于仰角过大,水滴在空中破碎,漂移近处较多。8~10 m处水量凹峰的出现,主要是因为高仰角下副喷嘴射程较近,主副喷嘴射程搭配不合理。
由图4可以看出,不同主副喷管长度组合下的射流喷头径向降水曲线变化趋势差别较小,说明喷管长度变化对水量分布影响较小。水量分布主要呈现近中处“三角形分布”,远处水量增加,形成水量凸峰,且随着工作压力增大凸峰高度不断降低,这是由于压力的增加加剧了射流的破碎,使得水量分布更加均匀,水量凸峰变缓。水量凸峰的形成主要是因为射流喷头的脉冲间断出射水流的湍动能较大,导致末端水滴较大,因此末端水量较多。总体来看,在0.35 MPa下的水量分布较好,呈“三角形分布”,主要是由于大压力下的出射水流破碎,雾化效果较好,一定程度上弥补了中间水量。
图4 不同工作压力和喷管长度组合下射流喷头与摇臂喷头径向降水深对比图
3.3 组合喷洒均匀性
图5为不同喷管仰角和不同长度组合下的射流喷头与PY210摇臂式喷头的喷灌均匀性系数随工作压力变化趋势对比图。由图5 a可知,对于射流喷头喷管仰角越大,喷灌均匀性越高。不同喷管仰角下的射流喷头喷灌均匀性与摇臂式同比较低,相差范围为0~13%。且当进口水压为0.25 MPa和0.35 MPa时,除喷管仰角20°外,其他仰角下的射流喷头喷灌均匀性相差较小。由图5b可知,主副喷管组合为4.2 cm×4.2 cm、7.0 cm×4.2 cm时,射流喷头喷灌均匀性较高且随工作压力波动较小与摇臂式喷头相似。其他喷管长度组合下的喷灌均匀性较差,喷灌均匀性随压力增加而增加,其中主副喷管组合为7.0 cm×7.0 cm和7.0 cm×5.6 cm时,分别在工作压力为0.30和0.35 MPa时喷灌均匀性系数同比摇臂式喷头较高。
图5 不同喷管仰角和长度组合下的射流喷头与摇臂式喷头喷灌均匀性系数对比
3.4 水力性能综合评价
表1 不同主副喷管仰角组合试验结果分析
Note: Weights of the irrigation uniformity coefficient and range are 0.5576, 0.4424, respectively.
表2 不同主副喷管长度组合多指标试验结果分析
注:灌水均匀性系数与射程的权重分别为0.611 8,0.388 2
Note: Weights of the irrigation uniformity coefficient and range are 0.611 8 ,0.388 2, respectively.
以S作为喷头综合水力性能评价指标,当工作压力为0.20 MPa,主副喷管仰角为50°×50°时,单一工况下综合评分最高为0.823;当工作压力为0.35 MPa,主副喷管仰角为30°×30°时次之,单一工况综合评分为0.716。同时,当主副喷管仰角为40°×40°时,喷头在压力为0.25~0.35 MPa评分也较高,为0.707~0.718。
由于喷灌工程在实际运行时,喷头工作压力为额定值,且工作压力是影响喷灌系统实际运行能耗的重要指标,同时喷管仰角越大,喷头野外运行抗风性越差,不利于喷头性能发挥。综合考虑设计工作压力对喷灌工程造价的影响和喷头的野外抗风性能。不宜采用主副喷管仰角为50°×50°,建议喷灌工程设计工作压力为0.35 MPa时,主副喷管仰角为30°×30°。设计工作压力为0.20~0.30 MPa时,采用主副喷管仰角为40°×40°。
喷管越长,单一喷头的成本也相应越高。同时工作压力越高,喷灌工程能耗也越高。当主副喷灌组合为4.2 cm×4.2 cm时,各压力下评分均较高。结合以上分析结果,综合考虑成本和综合评分结果,主副喷管长度组合择优选用4.2 cm×4.2 cm。
4 结 论
1)通过对不同主副喷管参数(包括仰角与长度)的负压反馈射流喷头与PY210摇臂式喷头的射程进行对比试验,发现射流喷头的射程同比摇臂远1~2.5 m,主要是由于射流喷头出射水流具有强烈脉冲湍能。
3)采用综合评分法对试验数据进行评价分析,并综合考虑实际运行的抗风性能、成本,给出了负压反馈射流喷头主副喷管的建议工作参数分别为:主副喷管长度组合4.2 cm×4.2 cm,工作压力为0.20~0.30 MPa时,主副喷管仰角40°×40°;工作压力为0.35 MPa时,主副喷管仰角30°×30°。
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Effects of nozzle elevation and length on hydraulic performance of negative pressure feedback jet sprinkler
Wang Xinkun1, Yao Jicheng1, Xu Shengrong1, Zhang Zhonghua2, Zhu Dengping2, Li Hua2
(1.212013,; 2.201505,)
The negative pressure feedback jet sprinkler is a new type of irrigation nozzle independently developed by China. The nozzle is an important part of the sprinkler. Due to the unique water flow of the jet sprinkler, the ejection mechanism is intermittently deflected from left to right, the water will collide with the inner wall of the nozzle, and the collision will cause a large amount of energy loss. Appropriate nozzle parameters are conducive to reducing the head loss and increasing the nozzle range and the uniformity of the combined irrigation. In order to specifically study the influence of nozzle parameters (including elevation angle and length combination) on the hydraulic performance of negative pressure feedback jet sprinklers and find the optimal nozzle parameter combination, the sprinkler comparison tests for negative pressure feedback jet sprinkler and PY210 rocker sprinkler under different nozzle parameters were performed. The main parameters of the PY210 impact sprinkler were the elevation angle of the main and auxiliary nozzles 30°, the length 45 mm×25 mm, and the diameter of the main and auxiliary spray head 4 mm×3 mm. The controlled variable method was used in the test. Namely, keeping the other dimensions of the sprinkler unchanged when studying the influence of different main and auxiliary nozzle elevation angles on the hydraulic performance of the sprinkler. The parameters mainly for the jet mechanism were offset 2 mm, side wall inclination angle 10°, split pitch 28 mm, main and auxiliary nozzle length combination 4.2 cm×4.2 cm, main and auxiliary nozzle spray head 4 mm×4 mm. Similarly, when studying the effect of different nozzle combinations on the hydraulic performance of the jet sprinkler, the elevation angle of the main and auxiliary nozzles was controlled to 30°, and the size of the spray mechanism was the same as the diameter of the main and auxiliary nozzles. At the same time, considering that the main and auxiliary nozzles adopt different elevation angles, the pressure on the nozzles will be asymmetric, which will affect the rotation uniformity of the nozzles. During the tests, the elevation angles of the main and auxiliary nozzles will be synchronized. In order to reduce the test error, the tightness of the rotation mechanism was adjusted by adding or removing plastic gaskets during the test, and then the rotation period of the nozzle was controlled. According to the GB/T 50085-2007, the rotation period was controlled from 3 min to 3.5 min. The specific test scheme design refers to the national standard GB/T 22999-2008. The experimental results showed that with the same nozzle size, the range of the negative pressure feedback jet nozzle was 1-2.5 m farther than the PY210 impact sprinkler under different working pressure and different nozzle parameters. The range of the negative pressure feedback jet nozzle was far because of its unique pulse characteristics, which resulted in the strong pulse turbulence of the outgoing water stream. In the negative pressure feedback jet nozzle, the water distribution of the nozzle showed a good “triangular” distribution in the short range. The water volume distribution showed a “water volume peak” far away from the sprinkler, and as the pressure increases, the “water volume peak” gradually disappeared. The formation of the “convex peak” of water volume is mainly due to the large turbulent kinetic energy of the intermittently ejected water jet from the jet nozzle, which resulted in a larger water droplet at the end, so the end has more water. Finally, based on the measured experimental data, a comprehensive scoring method and an entropy weight method were used. Taking into account the wind resistance of the sprinkler field work and the nozzle cost, the parameters of the main and auxiliary nozzles under the optimal comprehensive score were determined as follows. The length of the main and auxiliary nozzles was 4.2 cm×4.2 cm, when the working pressure was 0.20-0.30 MPa, the elevation angle of the main and auxiliary nozzles was 40°×40° while the working pressure was 0.35 MPa, the elevation angle of the main and auxiliary nozzles was 30°×30°.
nozzle; range; water distribution; comprehensive scoring method; negative pressure feedback jet sprinkler
王新坤,姚吉成,徐胜荣,等. 喷管仰角和长度对负压反馈射流喷头水力性能的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(13):75-82.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.009 http://www.tcsae.org
Wang Xinkun, Yao Jicheng, Xu Shengrong, et al. Effects of nozzle elevation and length on hydraulic performance of negative pressure feedback jet sprinkler[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(13): 75-82. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.009 http://www.tcsae.org