生态屋V01(Niu Haus)原型
世界建筑导报 2020年3期
设计:MAEB 学生
摄影:Adrià Goula, Chelsea Sherman
生态屋V01 原型是一间小房子,它包含有许多大构想,率先提出设计、建筑和生活方式间的生态关系。该项目建筑有意将其居住者的生活地与美好环境相联系,使参与设计和作品制作的学生们、未来的居住者以及到最后每一位了解它的人都能受此熏陶。
The Ecohouse V01 Prototype is a tiny house proposing many big ideas, first and foremost an ecological relationship of design, construction and lifestyle. The students engaged in the design and production, the future residents and ultimately anyone familiar with the project will thus be educated by an architecture deliberately designed to consciously connect its dwellers with their place of living and greater environment.