新疆鹰嘴豆壳二孢疫病病菌Ascochyta rabiei交配型、致病力及其对3种杀菌剂的敏感性测定


植物保护 2020年3期

蔡军 马德英 郁帆 羌松

摘要 新疆是我国鹰嘴豆主要生产地,然而随着鹰嘴豆种植面积的扩大,集约化种植模式的发展以及广泛从国内外引种,鹰嘴豆壳二孢疫病(Ascochyta blight)开始发生。由于该病害在新疆发生历史较短,相关的研究还甚少。本研究对新疆鹰嘴豆壳二孢疫病病菌Ascochyta rabiei的交配型、致病力及对3种杀菌剂敏感性进行测定,结果表明,A.rabiei的交配型MAT1-1和MAT1-2在新疆木垒地区的分离频率明显偏离1∶1,以MAT1-2为优势种群,但其致病力与MAT1-1无显著差异,而MAT1-1对30%醚菌酯EC的敏感性显著低于MAT1-2。

关键词 鹰嘴豆; 壳二孢疫病; Ascochyta rabiei; 交配型; 致病力; 杀菌剂敏感性

中图分类号: S 432.1

文献标识码: A

DOI: 10.16688/j.zwbh.2019086

Determination of mating type, virulence of Ascochyta rabiei

in Xinjiang and its sensitivity to three fungicides

CAI Jun, MA Deying, YU Fan, QIANG Song

(Key Laboratory of the Pest Monitoring and Safety Control on Crop and Forest at Universities of Xinjiang Uygur

Autonomous Region, College of Agronomy, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, China)


Xinjiang is the main production area of chickpea in China. However, with the expansion of chickpea planting area, the development of intensive planting mode and the wide introduction of chickpea from home and abroad, Ascochyta blight occurred. Because of the short history of the disease in Xinjiang, little is known about this disease. In this study, the mating type and virulence of Ascochyta rabiei were characterized, and its sensitivity to three fungicides was also tested in Xinjiang. The results showed that the separation ratio of two mating types, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2, deviated from 1∶1 obviously in Mulei area of Xinjiang. The MAT1-2 was the dominant population, but its virulence showed no significant difference with that of MAT1-1. The sensitivity of the MAT1-1 mating type to kresoxim-methyl 30% EC was significantly lower than that of MAT1-2.

Key words

chickpea; Ascochyta blight; Ascochyta rabiei; mating type; virulence; fungicide sensitivity

鹰嘴豆Cicer arietinumL.是世界上种植面积居第2位的食用豆类,2017年世界总种植面积为1 456万hm2,总产量约达1 478万t[1]。壳二孢疫病(Ascochyta blight,病原菌为Ascochyta rabiei)是世界上危害鹰嘴豆最严重的病害[23]。该病原菌致病力变异是影响病害发生和流行的关键因素,而有性生殖是影响致病力变异的重要因素之一。真菌的有性生殖主要是由交配型基因控制[4]。A.rabiei是一种具有二极性交配系統的异宗结合子囊菌[57]。在世界上大多数鹰嘴豆种植地区,病原菌有性态(Didymella rabiei)在病残体上越冬,并在病害流行中起着重要作用。与大多数子囊菌一样,A.rabiei有性繁殖由具有两个等位基因的单个交配型基因位点(MAT)控制[8]。该位点基因控制雌雄配子配合和两性亲和细胞的激素调节,控制性别分化和有性发育,以及子囊孢子的大小等[4]。调控有性生殖的两种交配类型被称为MAT1-1和MAT1-2[57]。A.rabiei的有性繁殖取决于地理邻近的两种交配型的存在。地区间或地区内两种交配型的比例显著低于1∶1可能阻止有性阶段的形成,从而消除病原菌的重要来源并改变该病害的流行病学。缺乏有性阶段可能会对真菌在田间的传播、病害的流行病学或在鹰嘴豆作物间的长期存活产生重大影响[8]。


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收稿日期: 20190206   修订日期: 20190401


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