From SARS to COVID-19: Zhong Nanshan 从“非典”到新冠肺炎:钟南山


疯狂英语·初中版 2020年2期



Zhong Nanshan, was born in Nanjing in October 1936. He is a member of theCommunist Party of China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering,a famous 1)respiratory expert, and a leading figure in the fight against SARS in China.He once served as the president and Secretary of the Party committee of GuangzhouMedical College, the director of Guangzhou Institute of respiratory diseases, the directorof Guangzhou National Key Laboratory of respiratory diseases, and the president ofthe Chinese Medical Association. ZhongNanshan comes from a medical family. Hisfather Zhong Shifan is a famous 2)pediatricexpert in China, and his mother Liao Yueqinis one of the founders of Guangdong cancerhospital.

1) respiratory [r?'spir?tri] adj.呼吸的

2) pediatric [,pi:di'?tnk] adj.儿科的

Zhong Nanshan has been engaged in medical treatment, teaching andscientific research of respiratory medicinefor a long time. Focus on the standardizeddiagnosis and treatment of 3)asthma,COPD, respiratory failure and commonrespiratory diseases, as well as themonitoring and treatment of difficultdiseases, rare diseases and critical respiratory diseases. It is the first time to confirmthe existence of 4)latent asthma. The success rate of his research institute in diagnosing5)chronic cough of unknown cause is 85%, and the success rate of rescue in ICU is91%. He has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of respiratorydiseases for more than 50 years, and is one of the discipline leaderS to promote thedevelopment of Chinese respiratory diseases to the international forefront. In theSARS 6)epidemic, he took the lead in leading the team to put into the rescue action,established the etiology of Guangdong Province, organized the research on theprevention and control of SARS in Guangdong Province, and achieved the highestsurvival rate in the world.

In 2003, Zhong was awarded the only specialmerit by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committeeand the Provincial Government, and the highest7)honorary title of the domestic health system-theBethune Medal. The following year, he was honoredas "one the most important Chinese who touchespeople to the heart" by the government of China. Heis the Chinese hero against the terrifying respiratoryvirus known as SARS-Cov. Today, 17 years later,

3) asthma['?sm?]n。哮喘

4) latent ['leitnt] adj.潛在的

5) chronic ['kr?nik] adj.慢性的

6) epidemic [,epi'demik]n.流行病

7) honorary ['?n?r?ri] adj.荣誉的When the novel coronavirus epidemic broke outin early 2020, the 84-year-old Zhong returnedto the 8)battlefield and was appointed to headboth China's COVID-19 Expert Team and theHigh-Ievel Expert Group of the NHC. After hisfield trip to Wuhan, he warned in a TV interviewthat there was a 9)phenomenon of human-to-human transmission for the novel coronavirus.During the outbreak, Zhong educated thepublic about the virus, updated them on thetrend of the epidemic as well as relative drugR&D. He also led his team to focus on curing10)severe cases, critically ill cases and caseswith complex diseases. He is hailed by theChinese people as a "national idol" and a "one-of-a-kind talent".

On Weibo, People's Daily commented,"Zhong Nanshan, 84 years old, has theprofessionalism of an academician, the braveryof a soldier, and the responsibility of a Chinesescholar. He is 11)tireless all the way, for thecountry and the people. He is indeed reverent."

Winter will eventually pass, and spring issure to come. Masks 12)muffle the words, andthe epidemic 13)disperses gatherings, but these problems will never cut off our love andundermine our determination to conquer. Although the outbreak in the beginning of 2020is fierce, it also connects the hearts of every Chinese more intimately through the struggleto contain it. We once collaboratively defeated SARS together, and we will definitelydefeat COVID-19!

8) battlefield ['b?tlfi:ld]n.战场 9)phenomenon [f?'n?min?n] n.现象 10) severe [si'vi?(r)] adj.严重的

11) tireless ['tai?l?s] adj.不知疲倦的 12) muffle ['m?fl]v.围住,裹住 13) disperse [di'sp?:s]v.使分散

词组加油站 Chinese Medical Association 中华医学会

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