All That Is Hot 新闻一箩筐


疯狂英语·初中版 2020年2期


‘Reef-toxic' sunscreen ban 帕劳今年起禁用防晒霜

Palau has become the first countryin the world to ban sun cream whichdamages coral reefs [珊瑚礁 ] and othersea life.The Pacific island country, whichis in the Western Pacific ocean nearthe Philippines, is one of the most popular diving destinations in the world.Ithas banned sun cream which contains common components [成分] such asoxybenzone [氧苯酮] from being either applied or sold in shops.Tourists willhave the forbidden sun cream seized when entering Palau and shops whichsell it could be hit with fines of up to $1,000.The new measures, which are anelement of Palau's new Responsible Tourism Education Act, came into forceon Jan 1.They form just one part of a broader government goal to safeguardthe island nation's environment from tourists.


Fill in the blanks: ___________,which are an element of Palau's Responsible Tourism Education Act,came into force______________.

2 Destroyer Nanchang rolls out 万吨驱逐舰南昌舰入列

The Nanchang, China's first Type 055guided-missile destroyer [导弹驱逐舰] , wascommissioned [使服役] in the People'sLiberation Army Navy on the morning of Jan12 in the port city of Qingdao, Shandongprovince.The 10,000 ton-class destroyer officially debuted at the multinationalrtaval parade [海上阅兵] in celebration of the Chinese Navy's 70th foundinganniversary on April 23, 2019.Launched on June 28, 2017, the destroyer wasequipped with new air defense, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarineweapons, said a statement from the Navy.The commission of Nanchangmarks the Navy's leap from the third generation to the fourth generation ofdestroyers, according to the statement.


Fill in the blanks: The destroyer was equipped with___________,__________,___________and_________________,said a statement from the Navy.

3 "Joker" leads Oscar's race 《小丑》获奥斯卡11项提名

Psychological thriller [惊悚片] film "Joker" led the race for the 92ndAcademy Awards, or the Oscars, with 11 nominations, the Academyof Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced.Based on DC Comicscharacters, "Joker" is directed by Todd Phillips and stars JoaquinPhoenix in the lead role [主角] . "Joker" picked up nominations across aseries of major categories, including best picture, best actor for Phoenixand best director for Phillips.Three films were close behind "Joker" with10 nominations each: mob drama [黑幫片] "The Irishan" , WorldWar I epic "1917" and comedy drama "Once Upon a Time inHollywood".The 92nd Academy Awards ceremony will be held on Feb 9at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles.


Fill in the blanks: "Joker" picked up nominations across a series of major categories, including______________,__________________________and_____________________.

4 Enrollment plan targets basics 36所高校试点“强基计划”

The Ministry of Education launched a pilot enrollment plan for collegesthat will replace China's independent enrollment [自主招生] scheme thisyear.The "strengthening basic disciplines [基础学科] plan" at 36 topuniversities focuses on students with special talents in majors in basicdisciplines including math, physics, chemistry, biology, history, philosophyand ancient characters.Students will be able to sign up for the plan in April.After they take the national college entrance exam [高考] (or gaokao) inearly June, the 36 universities will release the list of students qualifying forthe plan based on their gaokao scores.The universities should then givethose students written and physical tests and interviews before releasingfinal enrollment lists by July 5.


Fills in the blanks: The universities should then give those students_______________and______________before releasing final enrollment lists by July 5.


Todd’s New Friend托德的新朋友
质地清爽就伤肤?NONONO! 全面解析防晒霜雪白美肌迎接美丽一夏