任晓静 葛楠楠
关键词:KP-Boussinesq方程; BKP-Boussinesq方程; 简化的齐次平衡法; 非线性变换; 孤子解
Soliton solutions of (3+1)-dimensional KP-Boussinesq andBKP-Boussinesq equations
REN Xiaojing, GE Nannan
(School of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi′an 710127, China)
Abstract: Using the simplified homogeneous balance method(SHB), the nonlinear transformation of the (3+1)-dimensional KP-Boussinesq and BKP-Boussinesq equations are derived. With the help of nonlinear transformations, the one-soliton and two-soliton solutions of these two equations are obtained, enriching their exact solution system.
Key words: KP-Boussinesq equation; BKP-Boussinesq equation; simplified homogeneous balance; nonlinear transformation; soliton solutions
3 结语
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(編 辑 张 欢)