

世界建筑导报 2020年1期

作者:Pitupong Chaowakul 泰国超级机器设计工作室主持建筑师

Essay by Pitupong Chaowakul; Principal Architect of Supermachine Studio, Thailand


While I am writing this, my hometown in Ubonratchathani, a city located 600 kilometers away from Bangkok, has just been struck by 2 tropical storms. There have been river overflows causing a flood in large scale affecting thousands of families both in suburbs and urban areas, my family house included. I took a flight home when I realized things had gone very serious. Arriving at the airport in Ubon on Friday evening, I didn't sense any ab-normalcy. I had asked my brother to pick me up, once my brother was driving closer to the low line area, reality started to reveal itself. Darkness has governed our neighborhood because the city cut off electricity due to safety reasons. The flood level was at a grown-up man's chest.Majority of the people have evacuated, leaving some households like ours which was built quite high up fighting to protect our properties with sandbags and a lot of diesel water pumps. Global warming,mismanagement, corruption, inefficient government policy... you name it. As an architect, I have been thinking hard, what we can do in these times where new factors are challenging the profession. Think about those other worldly critical issues like micro-plastic in our oceans, unbearable traffic conditions in our cities or social changes caused by social networks, “What can architects do, MORE to address them?”or “Can we do anything at all?”


I consider myself to have 2 modes of architectural education, one back here in Thailand to lay aesthetic and spatial logic foundation, and the other as a critical wake up call on my profession during my study in the Netherlands some 20 years ago. To read Supermachine studio's work, one can not skip these 2 inputs that have been shaping our design approaches. It is somewhat typical that architects were trained in design schools to understand different typologies of buildings from houses to museums to hospitals and so on. But at the same time, it is also utterly important to design those different types of architectures critically by looking at socio-anthropological forces around them. An architecture then can surpass a building that only serves programmatic or commercial requirement. Becoming practices in different forms (interior, text,drawing, animation etc.) that serve our societies.


Underneath the playful outlook of Supermachine Studio's works, hide critical observations towards what's happening in our societies. One can look at a lot of our projects as messages. The same way as artists are sending messages through music, film directors through movies, chefs through cuisines.For us messages are produced using architectures. Questions towards issues affecting our lives always oscillate back and forth in our heads. Topics range from the way Thais exchange messages through contemporary applications on smartphones to poor footpath-scape to logic of over-decorated disco buses to overloaded street sticker karts on our streets. The list of our curiosity goes on and on. Overtime, there had been multiple opportunities that we, as designers, could inscribe these messages into our projects both conceptual and realized ones. Whether the attempts can create any awareness among the users/audiences or not, we feel that we are responsible in doing so.


Architecture as reality check

智能手机“侵入”我们的生活。就像Elon Musk提到的那样,手机已经成为我们身体的延伸部分/我们的四肢。我们的生活离不开手机。像中国这样已经建立了如此强大的电子支付系统的国家,让我们明白了几百年的实物货币很快就会成为历史。我们现在只需使用一部智能手机就能做很多事情,这是前所未有的突破。从点餐、约会、到与世界另一端的朋友聊天……一切凡是你能想到的事情。我们盯着手机屏幕的时间越来越长,因为要尽可能维持手机的充足电量以保证我们全天不会错过重要工作,所以备用的移动电源显得尤为重要。

Smartphones have been invading our lives.. well they have become our bodies extension/ our limbs like Elon Musk mentioned. There is no way we can avoid them anymore. Countries like China has created such a strong system of e-payment that soon physical money as we understood for hundreds of years will become just history. Like never before, we can do plenty of things that we can do now by using just a smartphone.From ordering food, finding dates, or chatting with friends on the other side of the world... you name it. More and more we will spend our time on our screens, the spare power banks will be so important because the phones will have to stay on as long as possible to serve us on important tasks throughout the day.大家都在谈论智能手机对我们社会的影响,这不是什么新鲜事。当我们被邀请为邦盛海滩(曼谷以东100公里的一个沿海城市)的一个社区设计


This is not new, everyone has been talking about the effects of smartphones on our society. When we were asked to design a playground that will be given to a community in Bangsaen (a coastal town 100km east of Bangkok), we thought it would be important that the built structure was, in one dimension, a monument towards a society that is transforming. Specially in Thailand, an Asian culture that adopted this formless technologies in such deliberate fashion. Every square meter in this country where there are people and internet, people are just pinching their phones screen; train passengers,truck drivers, security guards,polices basically almost every one. There are more happening behind those touchscreens than in the real physical world it seems. On the dining table, families don't talk to each other. In the office, colleagues talk to friends somewhere else. In a country like Thailand where public space is scarce and not care for enough, there are less and less opportunities for people to meet in real life.

1,居民于十卡塔旁野餐╱Picnic in 10 Cal Tower's shadow(摄影╱Photo:Spaceshift Studio)

2,在十卡塔中的趣味路径/ A few possible routes to enjoy the Labyrinth(绘图/ Diagram: Supermachine Studio)

3,十卡塔中游玩的家庭/ 10 Cal Tower: Parent and kid(摄影/ Photo:W Workspace)


At a typical playground, there are no differences, parents bring their kids to run, climb ,and slide around on those colorful play elements which are always made in children scale. A conventional playground is an ancient apparatus that stretches relationship between adults and kids. There is not that much tension between them other than an overly care actions from parents that are terrified of an imaginary danger to their overly active children. Comes the inauguration of smartphones, the boring parents standing next to kids' playgrounds finally have something to kill their time. The already poor adult-kid experience exchanges have become eternally malfunction.


10 Cal tower is just about creating a meeting place, one that parents and their children can meet in reality.Play elements in the intertwined red concrete labyrinth is the act of hide and seek for each other so that physical relationships among people are strengthened and not vice-versa. Walking up and down the staircases, one will have to put in 10 Calories through different choices of routes, so the playground is named after this amount of energy. But more than stating the issue about adults and kids, it is also meant for all age groups in the neighborhood. From the very beginning, as it is placed in a public park, 10 Cal tower is meant for everyone to come in and explore. Teenagers can be around flirting with each other while stranger can walk to the top level using it as an observation tower looking at Bangsaen seascape.


To have a version of public playground looking brutally different from those conventional ones is almost a great challenge in itself, especially in Thailand where objects in our public realm are usually not taken care of in a good way. Through the years we have seen people interacting with the “playground” in different ways than we can expect. Once the building was completed and given to the public, architects can just witness its reality. Many times people park their pick-up truck next to the tower and have a seafood picnic under its shade, using it as an umbrella. The activity is so popular along the coconut trees on Bangsaenbeach,so popular that the playground has to do the job as well. Once popping around on the internet, a photo of a famous Thai rapper fold himself nakedly in between the labyrinth's red railing during his free running exercise. A truly unexpected image for its designer in a lovely way. Grafitis started to appear as expected together with a bad graphic municipality's signage warning to fine 2,000 Thai Baht if they can catch it in action (which of course never happened.) Again... it is a reality, the graffiti and government's signage, which one is more ugly? Every once in a while, we also see 10Cal tower as a background for different products, cars, bags, garments. European male models with his six pack twisting his body on a structure designed to be a playground. Thinking about its identity on an abstract level, a real“meeting place” in many dimensions perhaps.


Architecture as reality distortion


Thailand's lower sky-scape is a mess.... if we look 6 meters up. A tropical country that is known for bad flood management decided to hang electrical and communication wires in the air rather than putting them underground for safety and financial reasons. Thai people are used to a handful of black wires that stretched through our second and third floors. It is a reality that we accept. Easy for maintenance and addition.


For ages, we had known that our not-so-sufficient electrical and telephone office can not deal with a more complex underground ducts. But with the explosion of internet usages among households during the last decade, our cities' lower sky-scape are changing again. In the age of wireless internet on our mobile phones, much faster fiber optic wires that have to be installed in every house for demands for even faster internet at home, for higher bandwidth movies offered by international content providers like Netflix or HBO. With the particular way of installing the fiber optic wires by private data providers, the wires in Thailand's cities are getting thicker and messier like never before. Usually they will only add new lines onto the existing and never take out old ones that are unused due to the uninstallation costs. The lines are also over-lengthed, rolled up and tied onto electric polls for future extensions. On polls in big city like Bangkok,we usually see a gigantic wires from different companies tangled like scaled up grape bunch a few meters above our heads. In many cases, the wires are so thick that they form a flying black walls floating over footpaths on both sides of our city's road. Yet one more modern urban element created by the need to be connected.

4,十卡塔地面景观/ 10 Cal Tower: On ground level(摄影/ Photo: W Workspace)

5,十卡塔中的儿童通道/ 10 Cal Tower:A special kid channel(摄影/ Photo: W Workspace)

6,十卡塔创造了相遇空间/ 10 Cal Tower: Meeting place(摄影/ Photo: W Workspace)


Another real problem caused by the situation is that our cities' public tree planting line are planned (or unplanned) to be on the same projection as these wires. Once the public trees grow higher than the wires,they start to create greater mess with the already messy networks, some skilless gardeners are sent to the locations to trim those trees. It is known to us that gardeners will trim our trees mercilessly. Trimming and cutting can not be distinguished as far as they are concerned. The need for green or faster internet. It's obvious which has been serving Thais better. That's what is causing this ambiguous urban setting where trees in Thai cities can never grow in a normal way and destined to be dwarf forever.


This urban reality happens to be our design concept for CHANGE in one of the exhibitions in 2013 involving 12 other architects who proposed designs that can affect our way of living for the better. For the exhibition, we propose our smallest architecture yet, a house for small animals that used to live in our public trees. This house is, in a way, an attempt to create a situation that city like Bangkok can have trees that can together grow naturally together with complex wire networks hovering just above pedestrian footpaths. In action, we propose to create holes in tree foliage for wires to pass through and cover those wires with molded insulated tubes that will protect the growing branches from damaging the complex network of communication and electrical lines. The particular tube, nicknamed RU-YERB, shall have an outer skin which is porous enough for small animals like birds or squirrels to live in.


In this case, our architecture stays in a form of illustration, a dream picture. We imagined Bangkok to be a green tropical city, but unfortunately unplanned developments in history created many complicated problems in the city that we love. With our designed apparatus, we have pictured a distorted reality of the metropolis.Without placing millions of wires underground risking to be flooded in the monsoon season but also leaving public plantation where they stand so they could grow naturally, we can uniquely be quite a green tropical capital, a green forest together with modern skyscrapers. Different kinds of animals like monkeys and wild rabbits can coexist together with humans in this densely populated Bangkok like never before.


Sci-fi architecture


Architecture has a major role in envisioning humanity's future. And once in a while, it needs to be sci-fi,one step beyond futuristic, to drive people's imagination towards possible built environment. Film directors can be good examples in what they do with their movies. Nolan's movies like Insterstella creates such dystopian setting of earth covered by dust storm, too harsh for humans to live, that we have to deport ourselves to a new territory in space.


Disasters are usual suspects for creation of art forms. They destroy and create following the processes.One of the greatest disasters that happened in Thailand was a great flood on Chao Praya river delta back in 2011. After a very big tropical storm hit the upper part of our country. Without precise climate prediction and upheaval water management (plus bad politics), more than 10,000 million cubic meters of water overflow Chao Praya's tributaries causing serious damages on agricultural land, commercial, and governmental districts in many northern cities. Later on, that same amount of flood water slowly move down and destroyed cities after cities, Bangkok was not spared, as the only thing that the water wanted to go was to go down south to the Gulf of Thailand. The tragic event last 3 months, killed more than 300 lives,damaged 3 mega industrial estates, and cost the country billions of Thai Baht.


During the catastrophe, scientists, engineers and many other experts were asked to join forces in advising in short term plans to tackle the event. Guess whom has never been asked to be in the missions... yes...architects!!! This profession is, for Thai people in general, one that deals with aesthetic or slightly more serious jobs like fixing leaks in houses. Never that it was considered important in creating sustainable built environment that enable Thai people to live good quality lives. We can not blame our public since Thai architectural discourses have never gone over those shallow issues and produced a profound understanding of what else we are responsible for. One of the problems was that we forgot that creating images of the future is part of our jobs (although 99% of them have been wrong.)


One year after the flood tragedy, Supermachie studio curated a project for Association of Siamese

Architects in 2015, titled 6 water cities, asking 5 other architects to propose visionary images of 6 different.cities in Thailand that have been prone to flood problems. The end product were to be physical models and images of their architectural imagination based on what they observed. As well as the other 5 studios, we also took part in the creation.

7,超级水坝城/ Superbowl project(模型/ Model:Supermachine Studio)

8 超级水坝城╱Superbowl project(绘图╱Diagram:Supermachine Studio)

9,超级水坝城/ Superbowl project(模型/ Model: Supermachine Studio)


Superbowl project was our futuristic city created on Nakornsawan, an important trade city from ancient times. The city is 250 kilometers north of the capital, Bangkok. It is where 3 rivers join and create Chao Phraya river, the most important water stream of Thailand. And because of that the city has faced many flood events in the past and did not escape the 2011's great water downpour.


After a research at length, although our visionary image of the city is on Nakornsawan, but Superbowl project wanted to address the larger issue that cause mismanagement of water in the country, something that has been part of Thai people's everyday lives “RICE.” As known, Thailand is one of the largest rice exporters in the world. And to keep on being the top rice seller, the country has to sacrifice large area to be rice farms which normally have no big trees (rice hates shadow) and very large amount of water has to be fed to them. Rice is important. It is what Thai people eat every day but, as a product, it is cheap and not environmentally friendly. A lot of fertilizer pollutes natural water resources once farmers drain their farm lands. Most of all, the need of water to grow rice becomes power struggle between different areas and annually cause flood. In our view, rice farming should be rethought. Superbowl project has also included reorganized rice farming model into the city itself.


In our vision, Thailand needs superstructure that can efficiently deal with uncertain precipitation that will only be harder to forecast because of more severe global warming situation. Superbowl suggest a new colony that can accommodate 500,000 people built on a 300 meters high soil dike. The 7x3 kilometer wide bowl is a mega hydraulic mechanism that will manage 1,500 million cubic meters of water; taking in water during monsoon season and releasing during dry seasons similar to conventional dam. The difference is that, the dike is habitable in a complete way. In fact we picture that the entire Nakornsawan's population will move up high and live in the new mega structure.


A continuous 30 meter wide stripe of building meandering on the outer slope of the dike is intertwining with green area where we locate big trees, an urban tropical forest. All programs will be accommodated in the building; animal farms, industrial,markets, retails, cultural... a complete city. In the dike, there are multilayer mass transit, tube systems cross-connecting by diagonal elevators. People will mainly travel in this city without personal cars. On the inner side where water is collected, there are a number of public piers that people can choose to travel with. The water body is so large that we propose to move Nakornsawan airport into Superbowl itself. It will be a floating airport that has a long enough runway for an Airbus A380 to land conveniently. At the top of Superbowl, it is a band of ring road 42.195 kilometers long to be exact. The band connects multiple public park placing at the highest level of city. There are no penthouses in this city.It is highly democratic habitat.


Superbowl produces only clean energy, mainly from 2 sources; high voltage wind turbine farm installed higher than 300 meters high and new generation of super efficient solar cell installed on every square meter of the building skin. Methane of animal farms and garbage recycling process is also used to heat water to create additional energy. Superbowl should be highly sustainable.


On the inner slope of the dike where water level is constantly managed, lies terrace rice farms. Production of rice here is mainly for the residence of the city, so the area is strictly controlled. Rice that planted here have been through deep research. It has 6 crop cycles per year with extremely high harvesting percentage per square meter. Moreover it sustain flood up to 3 weeks. No more endless rice farming landscape, it is the end of intelligent agriculture.


What “MORE” can an architect do?


Supermachine studio is a great believer in architecture but we also aware of its’ limited power. Architecture are not saviors for all problems in the world today but there are ways in which architecture can be a critical tool that reflects our everyday lives' complications. Nothing can be taken for granted in contemporary design frontier. Relationships between ordinary things that surround us is the greatest fuel for architect to do “MORE***”


***“MORE” is a code name of SupermachineStudio's first monologue that has been in the making. The studio target to launch the book at the end of 2020

10,鸟瞰超级水坝城/ Superbowl project from sky(制图/ Collage: Supermachine Studio)

11,安装前/ Ru-yerb: Operation Ru-yerb(制图/ Collage: Supermachine Studio)

12,安装后/ Ru-yerb: Imaginable urban forest(制图/ Collage: Supermachine Studio)

