

农业工程学报 2020年1期

刘佩贵,夏 艳,尚熳廷


刘佩贵1,夏 艳1,尚熳廷2※

(1. 合肥工业大学土木与水利工程学院,合肥 230009;2. 合肥工业大学汽车与交通工程学院,合肥 230009)



0 引 言

潜水蒸发是陆面蒸发、水文循环的重要组成部分,是浅层地下水的主要消耗项之一,同时也是土壤盐碱化的主要驱动因素之一[1-4]。开展潜水蒸发相关方面的研究,不仅可以深入理解蒸发在水文循环中的作用、提高地下水资源评价结果的可靠度,也有助于揭示土壤盐碱化形成机制。在将潜水蒸发应用于上述研究领域时,地下水水位埋深为0时的潜水蒸发量(0)是不可缺少的重要指标[5-7],该值的大小直接影响到潜水蒸发计算结果的精度。通常认为0近似等于大气蒸发强度,可用水面蒸发强度代替[6, 8-9]。实际上潜水蒸发是指潜水在土壤吸力作用下,向包气带土壤中输送水分,并通过土壤蒸发或(和)植物蒸腾进入大气的过程,水面蒸发是指水面的水分从液态转化为气态逸出水面的过程[10-14],二者蒸发过程存在差异。存在差异的主要原因是土壤质地[11, 15-16],土壤质地是影响土壤导水能力的重要因素,即使在相同的外部条件下,不同土壤质地的土壤水分运移过程也存在差异[17-19],并且对于不同的土壤质地来说,由于孔隙尺度以及连通性等特性不同,在太阳辐射等自然条件下土壤和水的响应程度也有差别,此时土壤含水率和土壤温度会因不同的响应程度发生变化,进而影响潜水蒸发速率和整个蒸发过程[20-22]。可见,潜水蒸发和水面蒸发的影响因素和对外界的响应程度有所不同,因此,忽略这些差异,直接用水面蒸发强度代替0必然会产生误差,影响计算结果的精度。


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验装置

为对比不同土壤质地条件下二者之间的定量关系,本文自制了一套试验装置(图1),装置主体为直径分别为60、25 mm的同心环,高均为42 mm,底部密封,顶部开口,外环填充40 mm高的试样;内环侧壁布有均匀的小孔,并用过滤网包裹,内环装水,保持内环水面高度与外环试样高度齐平,且内环上部密封。

该试验操作的关键问题之一为如何合理控制潜水水位埋深为0,因为随着蒸发的进行,必然引起试样中的水位下降。为尽量减小补水所产生的误差,并保证蒸发的同时水位埋深始终为0,研制了潜水蒸发的自动补水装置。将50 mL规格试管进行改装(试管的量程应略大于相邻2次读数间隔时间内的蒸发量),上部密封,为防止水附着在试管内壁,试管底部侧边开1个30°左右的斜口,装满水后竖直倒扣在内环水面上,在大气压作用下试管口与水面接触,用蝴蝶夹固定在铁架台上。根据连通器原理,若试样中水位下降,则内环中的水及时补充,而试管中的水在重力的作用下,及时补充到内环中,从而使砂样中的水位埋深保持为0,当试验中的水即将用完时对水进行补充。

图1 潜水埋深为0的蒸发试验装置示意图

1.2 试验方案



1.3 潜水蒸发计算方法

1.3.1 潜水埋深为0处潜水蒸发量







1.3.2 不同潜水埋深处潜水蒸发量

用阿维里扬诺夫公式(式(3))计算潜水埋深0.4 m处的潜水蒸发量为


2 结果与分析

2.1 日蒸发量对比分析


图2 日蒸发量过程线

对比分析图2中的日蒸发量变化过程线可以看出,观测前期(12月24日—2月25日)正好属于冬季,气温偏低,且气温变幅较小,而冬季蒸发主要受气温因素控制[15, 29-30],各试样的日蒸发量变化幅度也相对较小。观测后期(2月25日—4月29日)逐渐进入春季,气温开始逐渐升高,此时日蒸发量也表现出增大的趋势。其中,在2月27日—3月2日及3月23日时出现温度较高但蒸发量偏低的情况,主要是由于这几天天气为小到中雨,空气湿度较大。试验期间蒸发量的观测数据与理论分析趋势一致,也间接表明了数据的有效性。

试验期间0和水面蒸发量的变化趋势基本一致,气温越高,蒸发量越大。但不同观测时段不同试样的0与水面蒸发量并不完全相等,大体趋势是砂土和壤土的0均明显高于水面蒸发量,细砂的0总体上略高于水面蒸发量,而粗砂的0则呈现出略低于水面蒸发量的现象,且随着气温的升高,二者之间的差异性越明显。以3月30日的观测值为例,气温、日照、风速等外界环境相同条件下,细砂、粗砂、壤土、砂土的0值分别为9.10、7.86、9.81、10.36 mm,水面蒸发量为8.39 mm,分别相差0.71、−0.53、1.42、1.97 mm,差值分别占潜水蒸发量的7.80%、−6.74%、14.48%、19.02%。由此可见,相同外界环境条件下,不同质地试样0与水面蒸发量之间的差异较明显,且随着气温升高,差异性越显著。

2.2 E0与水面蒸发量之间的定量关系分析




2.3 模型验证

以五道沟试验场的壤土和砂土为例,选取2018年1月五道沟气象观测场的实测数据进行分析,用阿维里扬诺夫公式(式(3))计算潜水埋深0.4 m处的潜水蒸发量,计算结果如表1所示。为便于对分析计算结果的科学表述,本文将直接用水面蒸发量代替0值计算潜水蒸发量的方法称为替代法;将用折算系数与水面蒸发量的乘积计算潜水蒸发量的方法称为0系数法。

由表1可以看出,利用不同的方法计算得到的0值代入到阿维里扬诺夫公式中计算潜水蒸发量的精度有一定的差异。当潜水埋深为0.4 m时,用替代法和0系数法计算出的壤土潜水蒸发量与实测值的差值分别为−1.93 mm、0.42 mm,相对误差分别为−10.30%、2.25%;用替代法计算出的砂土潜水蒸发量与实测值小5.11 mm,相对误差为−17.79%,而用0系数法计算出的砂土潜水蒸发量仅小于实测值0.56 mm,相对误差为−1.94%,0系数法的计算误差相对较小。由此可见,计算不同深度处潜水蒸发强度时,直接用水面蒸发量代替0必然会引起较大的误差;而根据0系数法计算的潜水蒸发强度值误差更小,更接近于实测值,提高了潜水蒸发计算结果的可靠度。

表1 不同计算方式下潜水蒸发量计算结果

注:潜水埋深为0.4 m。

Note: Groundwater table is 0.4 m.





3 结 论



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Estimation methods of phreatic evaporation for different textures in bare soil area

Liu Peigui1, Xia Yan1, Shang Manting2※

(1.230009,; 2.,230009,)

In order to quantitatively analyze the relationship between the phreatic evaporation and water surface evaporation of different soil textures in bare soil area, soils with different texture and sand samples were taken from the test site in Hefei University of Technology. After pretreatment such as drying and particles sieving, 4 types of homogeneous test materials were selected including coarse sand, fine sand, loam and sand soil. Then, a self-made phreatic evaporation measurement device was made with diameters of 60 and 25 mm and a height of 42 mm. It can easily solve the problem of automatic water replenishment during the evaporation process, so that the groundwater depth can always be 0. Based on the self-designed device, a total of 5 groups of comparative test schemes were constructed, including coarse sand, fine sand, loam, sandy soil and water in bare soil area. Under the same environmental conditions, daily phreatic evaporation of the 4 different soil textures and water surface evaporation were observed for a total of 127 days from December 24, 2018 to April 29, 2019. By analyzing the relationship between phreatic evaporation and water surface evaporation for soils with different textures, linear mathematical equations were established. The results revealed that the change trend of phreatic evaporation and water surface evaporation was basically the same during the experiment. The high air temperature would lead to larger soil evaporation. However, the phreatic evaporation of the 4 different soil textures was not equal to the water surface evaporation, and the difference between them was more significant as the air temperature was increased. The determination coefficients between phreatic evaporation value of different soil textures and the water surface evaporation were all greater than 0.97. Especially for fine sand, the correlation coefficient reached 0.99, which indicated that there was a significant correlation between phreatic evaporation and water surface evaporation (<0.05). And the conversion coefficients were achieved between them according to the linear mathematical equations. Generally, in soil bare areas with similar climatic conditions in Hefei, the conversion coefficient of coarse sand was 0.94, and the coefficients of fine sand, loam and sand are 1.04, 1.14 and 1.19, respectively. The phreatic evaporation value of coarse sand was less than the evaporation of water surface. The phreatic evaporation values of fine sand, loam and sand were greater than water evaporation. Under bare soil conditions, this conversion coefficient was only related to soil texture. In addition, the loam and sandy soil evaporation in the Wudaogou test site of Anhui Province, China was selected to verify the rationality of the conversion coefficient obtained above. The results showed that when the groundwater depth was 0.4 m, the relative error of the loam evaporation calculated by the substitution method and the phreatic evaporation coefficient method were -10.30% and 2.25%, respectively. Moreover, the sand evaporation calculated by the substitution method was 5.11 mm smaller than the measured value with a relative error of -17.79%, while the sand evaporation calculated using the phreatic evaporation coefficient method was only less than the measured value of 0.56 mm, and the relative error was reduced to -1.94%. Therefore, when calculating the phreatic evaporation at different groundwater depths, directly replacing phreatic evaporation with water surface evaporation would inevitably cause larger relative errors. However, the relative error of the calculation result obtained from the phreatic evaporation coefficient method was smaller, and the calculated value was much closer to the measured value. The coefficient method proposed in this paper would significantly improve the reliability and accuracy of the calculation results of phreatic evaporation.

evaporation; soils; texture; relationship; groundwater depth; bare soil

刘佩贵,夏 艳,尚熳廷. 不同质地裸土潜水蒸发估算方法[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(1):148-153.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.017

Liu Peigui, Xia Yan, Shang Manting. Estimation methods of phreatic evaporation for different textures in bare soil area[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(1): 148-153. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.017










