

农业工程学报 2020年1期

刘厚林,张立新,董 亮,刘嘉伟


刘厚林,张立新,董 亮※,刘嘉伟

(江苏大学流体机械工程技术研究中心,镇江 212013)

为研究叶片倾角、充液率对液力减速器启动过程瞬态压力脉动的影响,该文基于INV3020数据采集系统组成的瞬态压力脉动测试系统,对60°、75°、90°共3种叶片倾角和60%、70%、80%、90%、100%共5种充液率工况下的压力脉动信号进行采集。结果表明:不同叶片倾角的液力减速器在启动过程压力脉动峰值所对应的频率均出现在200 Hz以下,压力脉动主要集中于叶频处且随着叶片倾角的增加呈现增大的趋势。不同充液率液力减速器在启动过程压力脉动主要集中于叶频处,在60%~90%充液率工况下,压力脉动幅值随着充液率上升而减小,在90%~100%充液率工况下,随着充液率上升而快速增大。因此,减小叶片倾角和维持充液率在70%~90%下能有效减小压力脉动。研究结果揭示了不同叶片倾角,不同充液率对液力减速器启动瞬态压力脉动的影响规律,可为低振动,低噪声液力减速器的优化设计提供理论依据。


0 引 言





1 试验对象与测量系统

1.1 试验对象


1.泵轮 2.涡轮 3.壳体 4.后盖板 5.机械密封 6.传动轴 7.轴承箱 8.轴承 9.地脚螺栓

泵轮与涡轮叶片倾角相同,倾角分别为60°、75°和90°,循环圆内径为50 mm,外径为150 mm,叶片高度均为20 mm,泵轮叶片数为11片、涡轮叶片数为12片。泵轮、涡轮几何参数如表1所示。

表1 泵轮、涡轮几何参数

1.2 试验方案

以60°、75°、90°叶片倾角的液力减速器为试验对象,调节腔体内充液量,对60%、70%、80%、90%、100%充液量,700、800、900、1 000 r/min时的液力减速器进行压力脉动信号采集。

1.3 试验测量系统


表2 电机参数

1.变频器 2.INV3020C数据采集系统 3.转速转矩采集仪 4.电机 5.转速转矩传感器 6.出口球阀 7.压力脉动传感器 8.进口球阀 9.液力减速器 10.排液球阀 11.增压泵 12.水池









表3 HM90高频动态压力脉动传感器参数

图4 高频动态压力变送器安装位置

采样频率过高会导致特征信号混叠,采样频率过低则会导致特征信号无法被捕捉,无法保证采集信号对原始信号的真实还原。为反映真实瞬态压力脉动信号,根据奈奎斯特理论,将采样频率设为高于原始信号最高频率的2倍[26]。本文选取采样频率为6 400 Hz,采样时间为30 s。

2 试验结果与分析

2.1 液力减速器瞬态压力脉动模型








2.2 压力脉动信号分析

2.2.1 不同叶片倾角对压力脉动的影响

对试验数据的压力脉动时域进行时频变换,本文采样频率为6 400 Hz,样本点32 768个,采用汉宁窗进行数据处理[30]。选取充液率70%下的各倾角叶轮时域信号内连续数点做汉宁窗的快速傅里叶变换,图5为不同角度叶轮在70%充液率下启动至转速分别达到800、900、1 000 r/min的瞬态过程压力脉动频域图,试验结果如图5所示。本文下面所说轴频、叶频、干涉频率都是针对于目标转速而言。

图5 不同叶片倾角在70%充液率下的压力脉动频域图

从图5可以看出,各角度叶轮的压力脉动峰值所对应的频率均出现在200 Hz以下,启动过程压力脉动峰值点出现在叶频处,这是由于液力减速器启动瞬间转速的快速增加导致了干涉频率。90°叶轮的压力脉动峰值最大,且压力脉动主要集中于轴频、干涉频率及其倍频处。75°叶轮和60°叶轮与90°叶轮有相似的规律,在干涉频率处压力脉动幅值最大,且干涉频率处压力脉动幅值随着叶频倍数的增加呈现下降趋势。压力脉动由泵轮与涡轮干涉产生,且表现为干涉频率倍频脉动。为进一步分析不同倾角叶轮对压力脉动的影响,取轴频、干涉频率及其倍频处的压力脉动幅值,得到了不同倾角叶轮在70%充液率情况下启动到不同转速情况下轴频、干涉频率压力脉动幅值如表4所示。

从表4中可以看出,在轴频处,压力脉动幅值表现为随着叶轮角度的增大先减小后增加的变化趋势。瞬态过程中压力脉动主要集中于叶频处,在充液率70%情况下,较低转速即700、800 r/min时,压力脉动幅值随着叶轮角度增大而上升;较高转速时,压力脉动幅值随着叶轮角度增大先减小后大幅度上升。在90°叶轮达到峰值1 670 Pa。在叶频倍频处,叶片倾角的增加也引起压力脉动幅值的增大。因此,减小叶片倾角角度能有效的降低压力脉动幅值,从而降低动静叶片干涉产生的射流尾迹影响。

表4 70%充液率下不同叶片倾角的压力脉动幅值

2.2.2 不同充液率对压力脉动的影响

截取75°叶轮下的各充液率在不同转速时域信号内连续数点做汉宁窗的快速傅里叶变换,分析频域0~1 000 Hz内主要频率成分及其幅值大小,如图6所示。

图6 启动至不同转速的压力脉动频域图

从图6可以得出,瞬态过程下,压力脉动主要集中在0~400 Hz。随着充液率的增加,压力脉动幅值先减小后增大,在100%充液率时液体所具有的动能达到最大,此时叶频处压力脉动为最高值。压力脉动峰值存在于轴频、叶频及叶频倍频处。不同充液率下的轴频、叶频及叶频倍频处压力脉动见图7。


图7 不同充液率压力脉动幅值折线图

3 结 论




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Analysis of transient pressure pulsation during hydraulic retarder starting process

Liu Houlin, Zhang Lixin, Dong Liang※, Liu Jiawei


Hydraulic retarder is a highly efficient auxiliary brake device in vehicle transmission system. Compared with traditional vehicle braking systems, it can improve braking and transmission thereby improving safety in driving. Being able to independently design and manufacture hydraulic retarders is therefore essential to safeguarding development of vehicle industry for a country. The internal pressure pulsation in the hydraulic retarder is one of important factors that could cause vibrations and noise in a vehicle, while there is limited study on how the transient pressure pulsation changes responsively to the impeller angle and liquid filling rate in the transmission system. The purpose of this paper is to bridge this gap by presenting the results of an experiment study on the impact of the impeller angle and charging rate on transient pressure pulsation in a hydraulic retarder during its starting process. We compared three blade inclination angles: 60°, 75° and 90°, and five liquid filling rate: 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100%, and conducted the experiments in a transient pressure pulsation test system equipped with an INV3020 data acquisition system. The test system included a frequency converter, a drive motor, a hydraulic retarder, a high frequency dynamic pressure sensor, a torque speed collector and a booster pump. During the test, the motor speed was adjusted by the inverter, and the liquid filling rate was adjusted by the inlet ball valve and the outlet ball valve in the hydraulic reducer as well as the booster pump to control water-filling of the hydraulic reducer cavity. The amplitude of the pressure pulsation at the axial frequency and the leaf frequency was analyzed to elucidate the effect of the impeller angle and the liquid filling rate. The results showed that the peaks of the pressure pulsation in the hydraulic retarder under different blade inclination angles occurred below 200 Hz, and the pressure pulsation mainly occurred at the leaf frequency and increased with the blade inclination. The pressure pulsation under different liquid filling rate mainly occurred at the leaf frequency. The amplitude of the pressure pulsation decreased as the charging rate increased from 60% to 90%, and then increased steadily when the charging rate further increased from 90% to 100%. Reducing the impeller angle and maintaining the charging rate at 70%-90% can therefore effectively reduce the pressure pulsation. The results presented in this paper unravel the impact of the impeller angle and charging rate on transient pressure pulsation in the hydraulic retarder, and have important implications for optimal design of low-vibration and low-noisy hydraulic retarders.

pressure; models; hydraulic retarder; liquid filling rate; blade inclination angles; transient

刘厚林,张立新,董 亮,刘嘉伟. 液力减速器启动过程的瞬态压力脉动分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(1):67-73.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.008

Liu Houlin, Zhang Lixin, Dong Liang, Liu Jiawei. Analysis of transient pressure pulsation during hydraulic retarder starting process[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(1): 67-73. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.008





董 亮,副研究员,主要研究方向为旋转机械设计与优化。






基于ANSYS Workbench 的ATB260 减速器箱体模态分析