

农业工程学报 2020年1期

侯加林,田 林,李天华,牛子孺,李玉华


侯加林,田 林,李天华,牛子孺,李玉华※

(1. 山东农业大学机械与电子工程学院,泰安 271018;2.山东省农业装备智能化工程实验室,泰安 271018)

针对现有大蒜播种机难以满足杂交蒜种“鳞芽朝上、直立栽种”农艺要求的问题,提出了一种基于图像识别的蒜种鳞芽识别与正芽方法,设计了大蒜排种及正芽试验台,实现了蒜种的单粒取种、图像采集、鳞芽方向识别、鳞芽扶正等功能。以杂交大蒜为试验对象,通过试验确定了影响蒜种鳞芽扶正效果的4个主要因素:通道宽度、电动机转速、拍摄距离、识别阈值,建立了蒜种鳞芽扶正率与试验因素之间的回归模型,模型决定系数2值为0.903 8,分析了各因素对蒜种鳞芽扶正率的影响,各因素对蒜种扶正率影响的显著性顺序从大到小依次为通道宽度、电动机转速、拍摄距离、识别阈值。并对试验因素进行了综合优化。最优工作参数组合为:电动机转速为18 r/min、蒜种通道宽度为38 mm、拍摄距离为8.6 mm、识别阈值为178时,蒜种鳞芽扶正率为90.56%,平均每粒蒜种识别用时0.29 s,满足大蒜播种机播种要求。该文结果可为解决杂交大蒜直立播种问题提供参考。


0 引 言




1 系统结构与工作原理



2 机械系统设计

2.1 单粒取种与横向有序排列机构

单粒取种与横向有序排列机构的功能是从种箱单粒取种,并实现蒜种的横向排列。其组成如图1b所示,主要包括机架、调速电动机、蒜种箱、单粒取种勺、蒜种挡板、链轮、取种链条和蒜种通道等。单粒取种勺由蒜种挡板和2个容积不同的取种勺体组成,单粒取种机构工作时,调速电机驱动链轮运动,链轮带动安装在链条上的取种勺运动,取种勺经过种箱时通过大蒜种群相互挤压实现取种功能,由容积较大的勺体取出一粒或多粒蒜种,接着单粒取种勺翻转90°,取出的蒜种落入容积较小的取种勺中,由于取种勺容积较小,只能容纳一粒蒜种,多余的蒜种落入种箱中。单粒取种勺由螺栓固定于取种链条上,取种勺的间距为2个链节(38.1 mm),共26个取种勺。取种链条选用滚子链(链号12A,节距19.05 mm)。

1.单粒取种勺 2.取种链条 3.蒜种横向有序排列机构 4.蒜种箱 5.杠杆式蒜种扶正机构 6.调速电动机 7.图像采集机构 8.传动机构 9.蒜种挡板 10.链轮 11.动力链条 12.蒜种通道底板 13.蒜种通道宽度调节槽 14.蒜种通道 15. 机架


1.蒜种通道底板 2.单粒取种勺 3.蒜种挡板 4.鳞芽朝右蒜种 5.磷芽朝左蒜种

2.2 图像采集与识别机构


1.左侧采集通道 2.左侧摄像头调节槽 3.右侧摄像头调节槽 4.右侧采集通道

图像采集机构工作时,电动机驱动链轮运动,链轮带动安装在链条上的光电传感器触发装置运动,触发U型光电传感器(日本OMRON公司生产,型号为EE-SX674-WR),触发蒜种通道两侧的USB摄像头分别采集一张图像,处理器对采集到的图像进行鳞芽方向识别。光电传感器触发装置通过螺栓安装于取种链条上,每个触发装置间距为2个链节(38.1 mm),共26个触发装置,U型光电传感器通过I/O口与树莓派相连,2组USB摄像头(30万像素,摄像头自带6颗可调节亮度的LED补光灯)分别安装于蒜种通道两边的蒜种图像采集通道中,通过USB接口连接树莓派。

2.3 杠杆式蒜种扶正机构


1.电磁铁 2.支架 3.限位螺栓 4.扶正通道 5.左侧调整叉 6.右侧调整叉 7.连接销

1.Electromagnet 2.Frame 3.Limit bolt 4.Adjustment channel 5.Left directing device 6.Right directing device 7.Pin


Note: Direction of arrow is the direction of garlic movement.

图4 杠杆式蒜种扶正机构示意图

Fig.4 Schematic of lever type garlic adjustment mechanism

3 控制系统设计

3.1 硬件设计


图5 系统硬件结构图

所采用的控制器为嵌入式Linux树莓派3代B型处理器,运行基于Linux的开源系统,其体积小(82 mm× 56 mm×19.5 mm,50 g),功耗低,适于野外长期工作。树莓派3代B型采用64位1.2G主频的四核芯ARM v8处理器(Broadcom BCM2837),有1G的RAM,以SD/MicroSD卡为内存硬盘,主板周围有4个USB接口、一个以太网接口和丰富的外部I/O口,本系统将其作为蒜种鳞芽方向识别与鳞芽扶正的主控模块。

3.2 软件设计

3.2.1 系统工作流程


图6 大蒜排种及正芽试验台工作流程图

3.2.2 识别方法


图7 蒜种头尾特征对照曲线

图8 不同阈值时蒜种头尾图像的黑色像素点数目

图9 不同阈值时蒜种头尾阈值效果图

4 试验结果与分析

4.1 试验条件与方法




4.2 单因素试验


由图10可知,当转速低于30 r/min,电动机转速对蒜种扶正率影响不明显,当转速高于30 r/min时,蒜种扶正率下降;随着通道宽度、拍摄距离、识别阈值的增加,蒜种扶正率均呈先升高后降低的趋势变化。为寻找最优组合,选取电动机转速为10、20、30 r/min,通道宽度为38、41、44 mm,拍摄距离为5、10、15 mm,识别阈值为155、175、195进行正交试验。

4.3 正交试验优化

4.3.1 试验结果

依据 Box-Behnken 试验原理设计试验方案[33-34],每组试验选用120粒蒜种进行测试,试验方案及结果如表1所示。

注:电动机转速单因素试验时,固定因素条件为:通道宽度为38 mm,拍摄距离10 mm,识别阈值为175;通道宽度单因素试验时,固定因素条件为:电动机转速为10 r·min-1,拍摄距离10 mm,识别阈值为175;拍摄距离单因素试验时,固定因素条件为:电动机转速为10 r·min-1,通道宽度为38 mm,识别阈值为175;识别阈值单因素试验时,固定因素条件为:电动机转速为10 r·min-1,通道宽度为38 mm,拍摄距离10 mm。

表1 试验方案与结果


Note: The actual values of1,2,3,4are shown in brackets. The units of1,2,3,4are r·min-1, mm and mm, and dimensionless.

4.3.2 回归模型的建立与方差分析

运用 Design-Expert 10 数据处理软件对试验数据进行多元回归拟合,得到各因素与蒜种扶正率的回归方程


表2 回归模型方差分析


Note: * Means the influence is significant,<0.05; ** means the influence is highly significant,<0.01.

4.3.3 因素影响效应分析

依据建立的扶正率回归模型,将其中 2 个试验因素置于零水平,考虑其他2因素对试验指标的影响,绘制响应面图,如图11所示。

如图11a所示为拍摄距离、识别阈值处于中心水平时,电动机转速与通道宽度对蒜种扶正率的响应曲面图。通道宽度一定时,随着电动机转速的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。电动机转速一定时,随着通道宽度的增加,蒜种扶正率减小。在电动机转速为15~25 r/min,通道宽度为38 mm时,扶正率较高。如图11b所示为通道宽度、识别阈值处于中心水平时,电动机转速与拍摄距离对蒜种扶正率的响应曲面图。由图可知,拍摄距离与电动机转速的交互作用不显著。如图11c所示为通道宽度、拍摄距离处于中心水平时,电动机转速与识别阈值对蒜种扶正率的响应曲面图。识别阈值一定时,随着电动机转速的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。电动机转速一定时,随着识别阈值的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。在电动机转速为15~20 r/min,识别阈值为165~185时,扶正率较高。如图11d所示为电动机转速、识别阈值处于中心水平时,通道宽度与拍摄距离对蒜种扶正率的响应曲面图。拍摄距离一定时,随着通道宽度的增加,蒜种扶正率减小。通道宽度一定时,随着拍摄距离的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。在通道宽度为38 mm,拍摄距离为7~13 mm时,扶正率较高。如图11e所示为电动机转速、拍摄距离处于中心水平时,通道宽度与识别阈值对蒜种扶正率的响应曲面图。识别阈值一定时,随着通道宽度的增加,蒜种扶正率减小。通道宽度一定时,随着识别阈值的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。在通道宽度为38 mm,识别阈值为175~185时,扶正率较高。如图11f所示为电动机转速、通道宽度处于中心水平时,拍摄距离与识别阈值对蒜种扶正率的响应曲面图。识别阈值一定时,随着拍摄距离的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。拍摄距离一定时,随着识别阈值的增加,蒜种扶正率先增大后减小。在拍摄距离为7~13 mm,识别阈值为175~185时,扶正率较高。

图11 交互因素对蒜种扶正率影响的响应曲面

4.3.4 参数优化


利用Design-Expert 数据分析软件对参数进行最优化求解,优化后得到影响杂交蒜种扶正率因素的最佳参数组合为:电动机转速为18.34 r/min、通道宽度为38 mm、拍摄距离为8.64 mm、识别阈值为178.36,此时蒜种扶正率为91.67%。

4.3.5 验证试验

为验证优化结果的准确性,对优化参数进行适当取整,设置电动机转速为18 r/min、通道宽度为38 mm、拍摄距离为8.6 mm、识别阈值为178,进行3次重复试验取平均值,每组试验选用120粒蒜种进行测试,试验验证结果如表3所示,蒜种平均扶正率为90.56%,实测值与预测值的相对误差为1.11%,小于5% ,实测值与预测值较为吻合,说明回归模型可靠,每粒蒜种的平均识别时间为0.29 s。


表3 优化值与试验验证值

5 结 论


2)通过单因素试验和正交试验对影响蒜种扶正率的因素(电动机转速、通道宽度、拍摄距离、识别阈值)进行了研究,采用Box-Behnken试验设计方法建立了以杂交大蒜扶正率为响应指标的二次回归模型,模型决定系数2值为0.903 8。对所建立的回归模型进行优化,最优工作参数组合为:电动机转速为18.34 r/min、通道宽度为38 mm、拍摄距离为8.64 mm、识别阈值为178.36,此时扶正率为91.67%。对该最优参数组合进行取整并进行试验,结果为90.56%,实测值与预测值的相对误差为1.11%,与预测值较为吻合,平均每粒蒜种识别时间为0.29 s,满足大蒜机械化播种要求。

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Design and experiment of test bench for garlic bulbil adjustment and seeding based on bilateral image identification

Hou Jialin, Tian Lin, Li Tianhua, Niu Ziru, Li Yuhua※


Garlic is one of the most important cash crops in China. Single grain sowing in garlic planting needs to follow the agronomic requirements of the upward bulbil and downward root. Since foreign garlic planters cannot be used for hybrid garlic sowing in our case, it becomes necessary for domestic garlic planters to adjust the direction of various garlic bulbils using mechanical devices. These garlic planters have a good effect on the sowing of Cangshan garlic, but not good on that of the hybrid garlic. The reason is that the irregular shape of the hybrid garlic cannot meet the condition of the center of gravity locating at the lower half of the garlic clove. In this case of the irregular garlic, the mechanical directing device also fail to adjust the direction of the garlic bulbil. Here a test bench for the garlic seeding was designed to solve the sowing of the hybrid garlic. The test bench of garlic sowing is mainly composed of a seed taking device, a garlic sorting device, an image acquiring machine, a detecting system of garlic bulbil direction, a device of garlic seed directing, and a box for the garlic seeds. The motor with adjustable speeds can serve as the power source for the test bench of the garlic seeding. The following procedure will be performed on this test bench. The power of the motor via the chain drive can first be input to the single-grain taking device with large/small scoops, which can take the single-grained garlic out from the storing box. A large scoop can take one or more garlic seeds in one time, where the single-grain spoon can be turned 90º counter clockwise to transfer the garlic into the small volume of the spoon. Since the small spoon can hold only one garlic, the rest of garlics fall back into the seed box. The device of the single-grain picking transports the garlic and flips the spoon at the top of the garlic channel. Due to the movement of the garlic baffle and various gravity-center of garlics, the garlic seeds that fell into the garlic channel can be arranged horizontally to move linearly with the downward baffle. When the garlic reached to the location of the image collection, the photoelectric sensor can be triggered to control each of the USB cameras on the both sides of the garlic channel to take an image. Based on the collected image showing the bulbil/root of the garlic, the detecting device can identify the direction of the garlic bulbil, whereas the directing device of garlic seed can adjust timely the direction of the garlic. In the course of the garlic seeding, it is necessary to optimize the operating parameters of the test bench. Therefore, the test factors can be selected as the motor speed, the width of the garlic channel, the shooting distance, and the recognition threshold, while the test index as the directing rate of garlic seed. The performance test for the test bench of garlic seeding was carried out by using Box-Behnken analytical method to obtain the influence of the seed directing rate on the sowing of hybrid garlic. The primary and secondary factors in order were the width of the garlic channel, the motor speed, the shooting distance and the recognition threshold. These parameters can then be optimized in the data-processing software Design Expert 10. The optimum parameters can be achieved as the index of the seed directing rate: the motor speed was 18.34 r/min, the width of the garlic channel was 38 mm, the shooting distance was 8.64 mm, and the recognition threshold was 178.36. The seed directing rate was reached 91.67% predicted by the model. Under the condition of modified optimum working parameters, the garlic seed directing rate in the physical test can reached 90.56%, showing that the experimental results were consistent with the optimized simulation. The average identification time of a garlic was 0.29 s, which can meet the requirements of the sowing speed of the garlic planter. These findings can provide insightful application for the vertical planting technology of hybrid garlics.

agricultural machinery; models; garlic planter; design; experiments; bulbil identification; garlic seed adjustment

侯加林,田林,李天华,牛子孺,李玉华. 基于双侧图像识别的大蒜正芽及排种试验台设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(1):50-58.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.006

Hou Jialin, Tian Lin, Li Tianhua, Niu Ziru, Li Yuhua. Design and experiment of test bench for garlic bulbil adjustment and seeding based on bilateral image identification[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(1): 50-58. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.006











Effect of decoction of Fuzheng Jiedu Xiaoji formula (扶正解毒消积方) plus chemoembolization on primary liver cancer in patients
Fuzheng Kang' ai decoction (扶正抗癌方) inhibits cell proliferation,migration and invasion by modulating mir-21-5p/human phosphatase and tensin homology deleted on chromosome ten in lung cancer cells