杨越超,赵英俊,秦 凯,赵宁博,杨 晨,张东辉,崔 鑫
杨越超1,赵英俊1,秦 凯1,赵宁博1,杨 晨2,张东辉1,崔 鑫1
(1. 核工业北京地质研究院遥感信息与图像分析技术国家级重点实验室,北京 100029;2. 武汉大学城市设计学院,武汉 430072)
0 引 言
目前测量3类土壤养分主要采用实验室化学方法,利用某些试剂溶液提取土壤中养分相对值加以测定[4],传统方法工作量大、周期长,难以满足现代农业快速发展的需要。随着GIS及遥感技术的发展,多光谱影像解译也在农业信息监测中得到了一定程度的应用,在具备现势性强特点的同时,多光谱技术受制于谱段间隔较宽及环境干扰值的影响,一定程度上反演精度受限[5-6]。而通过高光谱技术反演土壤养分对于土壤信息快速测定具有重大意义[7]。国内外学者应用高光谱针对土壤矿物成分、水分及有机质等开展了一些定量研究,350~2 500 nm波段高光谱数据能映射一些土壤理化参数的微小差别,水分、有机质及铁氧化物的含量与土壤反射率存在一定明显的对应关系[8-10],可建立定量反演的预测模型[11]。综合来看,氮、磷、钾的高光谱分析预测研究相对较少,土壤中各类养分元素与光谱也存在较复杂的对应关系[10-11]。以往研究多数利用ASD FieldSpecPro地物光谱仪在室内或野外采集点状数据研究光谱养分对应关系并建立估测模型[12-14],对于大面积土地光谱数据测量效率低,同时模型建立有较大的随机性,不足以平衡局部和全局最优的问题,还需进一步挖掘土壤光谱信息[15-16]。
1 数据的获取与处理
1.1 研究区概况
研究区位于黑龙江省佳木斯市建三江管理局七星农场(见图1)。地处47°01′~47°10′ N,132°43′~133°02′ E,面积约380 km²;位于黑龙江、松花江和乌苏里江交汇河间地带,水资源丰富。区内分布着黑钙土、黑土、沼泽土、草甸土和水稻土等。土壤成土母质主要为黄土状粉质黏土、淤泥质粉质黏土[17]。隶属中温带大陆性季风气候。平均海拔50 m,耕地集中成片,地势平坦,适宜现代农业规模化经营。
图1 研究区地理位置及采样点示意图
1.2 航空高光谱数据采集及处理
野外航空高光谱数据采集使用CASI-1500和SASI-600线阵推扫型成像光谱仪器,空间分辨率分别为1.5和3.75 m,总视场角40°,每行像元数1470,绝对辐射精度小于<2%。波段范围分别为380~1 058 nm和950~2 450 nm,波段数分别为72和100,光谱分辨率分别为9.3和15 nm[18]。地面铺设黑白布,采用ASD FieldSpecPro光谱仪获取定标光谱,其光谱范围为350~2 500 nm,光谱分辨率为1 nm。
将航空高光谱原始辐射数据进行定标、大气辐射校正,利用POS 510系统进行几何校正。经过光谱去噪、重采样、归一化和包络线去除等预处理,获得地表反射率数据。进一步对光谱应用Savitzky-Golay方法选取3个像元为窗口进行平滑滤波,并进行一阶微分、对数变换和去连续统处理,突出分离光谱变化趋势和光谱吸收谷。
1.3 土壤样品采集
野外土壤样品采样深度5~15 cm,选取耕地地块中心,土壤裸露区域,清除表层杂草、砾石等杂质。为增加样本代表性,采样时以采样点为中心原点,周围15 m范围内多点采集3~5个子样进行组合,混合后留取1.5 kg,共采集96组。经过风干、拌匀、研磨后,过200目筛后用于实验室测试。元素含量采用NaOH扩散法(N)、NaHCO3浸提-钼蓝比色法(P2O5)和NH4OAC浸提-火焰光度法(K2O)测定,参考Kennard-Stone法选取72组代表性样品作为养分元素预测的建模样品,24组为模型预测样品[19]。其各元素统计特征描述见表1。
表1 土壤样品3类养分含量信息
1.4 不同含量黑土养分光谱特征分析
图2 不同养分含量黑土光谱特征
1.5 相关性分析
针对3类养分元素进行相关性分析(表2),各光谱变换的相关性不同,其中显著相关性出现在一阶微分光谱变换中[22-23]。挑选其中5个较为代表性波段列出,如580 nm一阶微分光谱与TN含量呈显著相关,相关系数为−0.43;与P2O5含量相关系数为−0.36。1 730~2 200 nm一阶微分光谱与K2O呈显著相关,相关系数最大为−0.31。以TN为例,对比原始光谱波形,一阶微分与三种养分含量间的相关系数波动变化、正负交差相对剧烈,峰值系数点较多[24](图3)。对数一阶微分变换与包络线去除变换光谱与养分元素含量相关性相对不高。因此选取一阶微分变换光谱中于养分相关性较高的波段(N:456~600,809~856,1 025~1 190,1 355~1 415,1 685~1 805,2 195~2 285 nm;P2O5:447~495,562~580,819~886,1 085~1 145,1 715~1 790,1 910~1 955,2 195~2 300 nm;K2O:467~485,542~571,886~933,1 250~1 295,1 355~1 430,1 685~1 805,1 920~2 360 nm)应用于研究,波段数共计为86个。
表2 土壤TN、P2O5、K2O含量与部分波段的相关系数
Note: Significant correlation at *0.05 level (bilateral).
图3 TN含量与不同变换形式的光谱相关系数图
2 反演与验证方法
2.1 偏最小二乘回归
2.2 BP神经网络
2.3 模型验证
反演模型精度验证由模型稳定性和预测能力决定[30-31]。决定系数(2)、均方根误差(RMSE)和RPIQ值分别衡量模型的稳定性和精度。建模集决定系数2 c越大,均方根RMSEC误差越小,说明模型越稳定,精度越好。预测集决定系数2 p越大,均方根误差RMSEP越小,说明预测效果越好。RPIQ(样本观测值第三四分位数Q3和第一四分位数Q1的差IQ与RMSE的比值)对于非正态分布土壤数据的光谱预测模型精度评价更为客观,其值越大,说明预测效果越好。
3 结果与分析
3.1 偏最小二乘回归模型
应用Unsramble 9.7建立最小二乘回归模型,将建模集样品进行土壤TN、P2O5和K2O含量预测建模。建模中变量投影重要性指标VIPj值所指示变量集合与相关性较高的波段对应,证明其对应波段在解释因变量集合即养分元素时具有重要作用[32-35]。建模集TN和K2O的模型决定系数2 c分别为0.891和0.816,RMSEC为0.23 g/kg和0.06 g/kg均小于样本平均值的10%,预测集决定系数2 p对比建模集也较为稳定,分别为0.851 2和0.808 6,RMSEP分别为0.29 g/kg和0.07 g/kg,RPIQ值分别为2.42和2.00,模型具备较好的精度和预测能力。P2O5的模型决定系数2 c=0.693,RMSEC为0.03 g/kg,预测集决定系数2 p=0.707 5,RMSEP为0.06 g/kg,RPIQ值为0.83,表明P2O5的预测效果不是特别理想,仅可达到近似定量预测的精度要求。三类养分的回归系数与回归方程均能通过显著性检验(<0.01),回归方程如下:
34.5602 105+25.6302 120−48.0702 180+
86.822 195−40.672 210+2.879 1 (1)
37.611 295+43.441 310+45.282 090−
10.272 105+63.752 120−25.162 135+
65.022 195−50.072 210+5.4512 225−
3.5242 435+1.6812 450+0.949 6 (2)
1.0481 115−1.0131 130+0.5231 355+0.6921 430+
0.6821 445+2.0861 760+0.9912 015−2.3592 210−
2.522 375+1.7242 435−0.4072 450+2.49 (3)
运用PLSR模型对黑土土壤样本进行养分含量预测,3类养分的实测与预测值散点拟合对比结果见图4。TN预测值范围为1.35~3.45 g/kg,平均值为2.37 g/kg,标准差为0.03 g/kg。P2O5预测值范围为0.13~0.27 g/kg,平均值为0.18 g/kg,标准差为0.04 g/kg;K2O预测值范围为2.34~2.56 g/kg,平均值为2.45 g/kg,标准差为0.05 g/kg。
图4 黑土养分样本实测值与PLSR预测值对比图
3.2 BP神经网络拟合
利用MATLAB编程实现神经网络的设计、训练及仿真函数实现BP神经网络建立模型,采用三层BP网络,将相关性较高的特征波段提取的8个主成分分量作为神经网络的训练输入节点,其主成分累计方差贡献率达99.96%。隐含层为tansig传递函数,节点数经测试为5。输出层采用purelin传递函数,输出节点分别为三类土壤养分含量。训练函数为trainlm,训练次数为1 000次,期望误差为0.000 1。以全氮为例,其BP神经网络训练的误差性能变化及数据训练回归情况如图5,经过训练的网络误差为0.001 279 3,相关系数达到0.998,模型拟合程度较高。
BP神经网络拟合的TN预测模型决定系数2 p= 0.906 5,P2O5预测模型决定系数2 p=0.7786,K2O预测模型决定系数2 p=0.862 2。RMSEP分别为0.25、0.03和0.06 g/kg,RPD值分别为2.39、1.34和2.49。模型具备较好的精度和预测能力。三类黑土土壤养分的实测与预测值散点拟合对比结果见图6。TN预测值范围为1.33~3.65 g/kg,平均值为2.29 g/kg,标准差为0.53 g/kg;P2O5预测值范围为0.12~0.28 g/kg,平均值为0.18 g/kg,标准差为0.04 g/kg;K2O预测值范围为2.37~2.67 g/kg,平均值为2.47 g/kg;标准差为0.07 g/kg。
图5 全氮BP神经网络训练情况
图6 黑土养分样本实测值与BP神经网络预测值对比图
3.3 结果对比
针对黑土土壤的可见光-近红外航空高光谱数据,将全氮、有效磷和速效钾3类土壤养分分别应用偏最小二乘和BP神经网络建模预测,模型精度对比见表3。结果表明,在全氮定量预测方面,偏最小二乘法与BP神经网络均展现了较高的拟合精度,BP神经网络有较高的2 p和较小的相对误差值,两种方法均可用于全氮定量预测,但BP神经网络有着更高的精度,2值提高了0.053 3,预测平均相对误差提高了1.76%,RPIQ提高至2.80。在有效磷定量预测方面,偏最小二乘法拟合精度较低,BP神经网络相比偏最小二乘法2 p提高了0.071 1,预测平均相对误差提高了1.61%,RPIQ提高至1.67。速效钾的定量预测中BP神经网络相比偏最小二乘法2 p提高了 0.053 6,预测平均相对误差提高了0.26%,RPIQ提高至2.33。在实测与预测值对比情况中,全氮、有效磷和速效钾的定量预测中BP神经网络相比偏最小二乘法具备更高的精度,2 p分别提高6.5%、10.1%和6.6%。将其应用到3类养分的定量预测,得到黑土养分含量的空间预测分布情况(图7)。
表3 预测模型精度对比
图7 黑土3类养分含量航空高光谱定量提取图
4 结 论
航空高光谱遥感为土壤养分元素含量预测提供了一种高效的数据获取手段,面状全区光谱测量相对点状测量在养分元素含量预测上避免了插值方法带来的二次误差,反演效果得到提高。将偏最小二乘法及BP神经网络模型应用于航空高光谱黑土养分信息提取,结果表明:1)全氮含量的光谱特征较为明显,因此两种方法模型预测精度均较高。2)BP神经网络比偏最小二乘法建模的预测效果更佳,黑土土壤光谱反射率与土壤养分含量之间,受其他物质因素影响存在一定的非线性关系,采用BP神经网络回归建模能较好的处理这种关系,可以更好地实现对土壤全氮和速效钾的含量预测,预测精度分别提高6.5%和6.6%。3)两种方法的有效磷的预测效果不是特别理想,其含量与光谱特征走势规律不明显,含量标准差也较低仅为0.04 g/kg,导致较难得到较高精度的回归模型,仅可达到近似定量预测的要求。
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Prediction of black soil nutrient content based on airborne hyperspectral remote sensing
Yang Yuechao1, Zhao Yingjun1, Qin Kai1, Zhao Ningbo1, Yang Chen2, Zhang Donghui1, Cui Xin1
(1.,,100029,; 2.,,430072,)
In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the quantitative prediction of soil nutrient content in black soil of Heilongjiang province, in this paper, we utilized statistical theory and spectral analysis method, researched the relationship of three kinds of soil nutrient content and soil spectrum to established hyperspectral inversion model of soil total nitrogen, available phosphorus, available kalium content. We acquired the aerial hyperspectral data by using CASI-1500 and SASI-600 linear array push-broom imaging spectrometers. Preprocessing of calibration and atmospheric radiation correction of Airborne Hyperspectral raw radiation data was studied. 96 samples were evenly sampled. In order to increase the representativeness of samples, 96 groups of samples were collected from 3-5 samples collected from 15 meters around the sampling point, and 1.5 kg was retained after mixing. After air-drying, mixing and grindingetc, it is used for the contents of total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available kalium were obtained through laboratory tests. The content of total nitrogen, available phosphorus and available kalium was determined by NaOH diffusion method, NaHCO3extraction-molybdenum blue colorimetry and NH4OAC extraction-flame photometry. Referring to Kennard-Stone method, 72 groups of representative samples were selected as model samples for nutrient content prediction, and 24 groups were model prediction samples. 96 black soil samples were sorted according to nutrient content, and the spectral transformation in the visible near red range was analyzed. The change rule of total nitrogen is that the reflectance decreases with the increase of content. The first order differential spectra at 580 nm were significantly correlated with total nitrogen and available phosphorus content, with a correlation coefficient of -0.43 and -0.36, respectively. The first-order differential spectra at 1 730-2 200 nm were significantly correlated with K2O, and the maximum correlation coefficient was -0.31. Compared with the original spectral waveform, the correlation coefficient between the first derivative and three nutrient contents fluctuated sharply, and the positive and negative cross-sections were relatively sharp, with more peak coefficients .After spectral contrast analysis and correlation coefficient calculation, 86 bands with higher correlation coefficient were selected for the study under the first order differential variation. On black soil airborne hyperspectral data processing, the application of partial least squares regression (PLSR) and BP neural network method respectively establish soil nutrient content of high spectral quantitative inversion model. The results showed that RPIQ values (Difference between the third and the first quartile of sample observations ratio to RMSE) of total nitrogen PLSR and BP neural network prediction model were 2.42 and 2.80, respectively. The RPIQ values of effective phosphorus PLSR and BP neural network model were 0.83 and 1.67 respectively. The RPIQ values of the available kalium PLSR and BP neural network models were 2.00 and 2.33 respectively. Experiments showed that the spectral quantitative prediction model of soil total nitrogen and available kalium has good accuracy and prediction ability. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the spatial distribution of nutrient content in black soil were obtained. However, the prediction effect of effective Phosphorus was not particularly ideal, which could only meet the requirements of approximate quantitative prediction. At the same time, the BP neural network modeling has better accuracy and prediction ability than the partial least square modeling, and the prediction accuracy increased by 6.5%, 10.1% and 6.6% respectively. Due to the limitation of soil samples and other conditions, more samples are needed to verify the universality of the model. More data mining methods are expected to establish more robust prediction models, which will provide more reliable information for the prediction and evaluation of black soil quality information.
soils; remote sensing; models; partial least squares method; BP neural network
杨越超,赵英俊,秦 凯,赵宁博,杨 晨,张东辉,崔 鑫. 黑土养分含量的航空高光谱遥感预测[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(20):94-101.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.20.012 http://www.tcsae.org
Yang Yuechao, Zhao Yingjun, Qin Kai, Zhao Ningbo, Yang Chen, Zhang Donghui, Cui Xin. Prediction of black soil nutrient content based on airborne hyperspectral remote sensing[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(20): 94-101. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.20.012 http://www.tcsae.org