

农业工程学报 2019年17期




(1. 天津农学院,天津 300384;2. 中国农业节水与农村供水技术协会,北京 100053)



0 引 言



1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


图1 微喷带结构式样图

表1 试验微喷带试样具体参数表


Note: NY/T44-0.8-3 stands for the type of micro-sprinkling hose, of which 44 stands for the folding width, 0.8 stands for the nozzle diameter, and 3 stands for the number of nozzles. And so on.

1.2 试验方案


1)喷洒宽度的测量。根据《农业灌溉设备非旋转式喷头技术要求和试验方法》(GB/T 18687—2012)[16]中规定,喷洒宽度是指测出灌水强度为某数值的那个点距喷头中心线的距离。对于流量等于或小于75 L/h的喷头,该点的喷洒强度为0.13 mm/h。

试验中待测微喷带样本长度选取5 m,有效试验数据取中间2.5 m,以保证消除边界影响。工作压力在0.03~0.06 MPa分4个等级。微喷带正面向上铺设,保证微喷带两侧喷洒均匀。集水桶布置在微喷带一侧,垂直微喷带方向布置5条射线,射线间距50 cm,射线上雨量桶布置间距50 cm。测试时间15 min,用量筒测量集水桶中喷洒水量。每个压力处理试验重复3次。


2 薄壁微喷带喷洒宽度模型建立

2.1 微喷带喷洒水滴受力分析







2.2 水滴运动模型的建立及求解

2.2.1 水滴运动方程建立








2.2.2 水滴位移公式与总时间求解
















3 薄壁微喷带喷洒宽度公式参数确定

3.1 喷洒水滴直径的确定


表2 微喷带喷洒水滴直径试验数据



3.2 喷洒水滴摩擦系数确定


式中C为摩擦阻力系数;A为与水滴运动方向垂直的水滴迎风的投影面积,mm2,A=π24;ρ为空气密度,kg/m3,ρ取1.29 kg/m3。C主要依据喷孔出口的雷诺数来确定,根据文献[28]可知,微喷带喷洒水滴摩擦系数计算中C取0.44。

3.3 喷洒水滴初始流速确定



3.4 喷洒水滴竖直方向合加速度确定



4 模型验证与结果分析

4.1 理论计算公式验证


表3 薄壁微喷带喷洒宽度理论计算结果与试验结果对比

4.2 理论计算公式分析


注:图2a中工作压力为0.05 MPa,喷孔仰角为31.43°;图2b中喷孔仰角为31.43°,喷孔直径为0.6 mm;图2c中工作压力为0.05 MPa,喷孔直径为0.6 mm。

5 结 论





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Model establishment of spraying width of thin-walled micro-sprinkling hose

Di Zhigang1,2, Yang Luhua1※, Gou Wanli1, Wang Jinyi1

(1.,,300384,; 2.,,100053,)

China is the biggest agricultural production country in the world and the agriculture is related to its stability and development. With the development in water-saving irrigation technology, micro-sprinkling hose has been widely promoted and applied in China in recent years as an improved equipment duo to its efficiency in water-saving. To facilitate production and upgrading, as well as guide planning and design of the micro-sprinkling hose in irrigation, we experimentally studied the spray width in the hose at Tianjin Agricultural Water Saving Technology Engineering Center (39°N, 116°E). After literature review and market research, we selected six common micro-sprinkling hoses available in the market, and measured and calculated their folding width, nozzle diameter and nozzle elevation angle in the spray width test. The length of the sample in the test was 5 m and the working pressure varied from 0.03 to 0.06 MPa. The micro-sprinkling hose was laid at the upfront to ensure uniform spraying on both sides of the hose. The water collecting bucket was on one side of the hose and five rays spaced 50 cm were arranged in the vertical direction of the hose, with the collecting bucket on the ray spaced 50 cm. At the end of the experiment, the amount of water in the bucket was measured and the spraying width was determined. In the meantime, we also measured the diameter of the spraying droplets using filter paper method. The quality of the paper was measured by a precision balance, and the water droplets were connected to the paper at the head, middle and end of the spray stream along the hose. The quality of the paper was measured again quickly by the precision balance prior to counting the number of water marks on it, which, along with mass balance, was used to calculate the diameter of the water droplets. The average diameter of the water droplets at different locations was taken as the diameter of the water droplets in the hose. Considering the factors such as air resistance, gravity and buoyancy that act on the water droplets, a model for water droplet moving in the hose was proposed based on the Newtonian fluid mechanics. We also derived a formula for the spray width, determined the parameters in the formula, validated them against experimental data, and analyzed the factors that affect the accuracy of the formula. The results show that the derived formula for spray width in the hose agreed well with both analytical values and experiment data, and, compared with the experimental data, its relative error for the six selected hoses was less than 10%. Both the experimental data and theoretical analysis of the formula reveal that the spray width in the hose increases with the elevation angle of the nozzle before declining after it peaked when the nozzle elevation angle was approximately 40°. The spray width increases with both working pressure and nozzle diameter within certain ranges. It was also found that the derived formula was accurate and can be used to calculate the spray width, offering a theoretical tool for planning and designing micro-sprinkling hose irrigation system.

irrigation; flow; model; micro-sprinkling hose; spray width; working pressure; nozzle diameter; nozzle elevation angle






10.11975/ j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.004




邸志刚,杨路华,苟万里,王金毅. 薄壁微喷带喷洒宽度模型构建[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(17):28-34. doi:10.11975/ j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.004

Di Zhigang, Yang Luhua, Gou Wanli, Wang Jinyi. Model establishment of spraying width of thin-walled micro-sprinkling hose[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(17): 28-34. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.17.004

