卡尔文·克莱恩的世界 -“房屋”
建筑面积:174.80 平方米
摄影:Shinichi Ogawa & Associates
Building Area: 174.80 m2
Total Floor Area: 174.80 m2
Structure System: Steel Structure
Completion Date: 2007
Photography: Shinichi Ogawa & Associates
时尚和建筑皆依据人的不同而不同,并且能反应出一个人的人生观。时尚和建筑的一次独特融合 - “卡尔文·克莱恩 +小川晋一”在东京明治神宫美术馆开展,仅开放两小时。
Both Fashion and Architecture surround a person, and have ability to express his philosophy.One day only for 2 hours, a unique collaboration of Fashion and Architecture “CALVIN KLEIN +SHINICHI OGAWA” was realized in front of the Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery, in Tokyo.
THE HOUSE is a glass house of 36m by 6m by 3m that was designed as the presentation space for the fashion show “World of Calvin Klein”. We placed Living, Dining, Special room and Bedroom in the front, Bathroom and Closet in the back. And 19 models were arranged in each space to see from the outside of THE HOUSE. The main theme was “ a house to be seen”. We had only 30 hours for construction, 2 hours for Show time and 7 hours for dismantling. In spite of this tight schedule, we had to realize a space that has the quality beyond normal temporary constructions.So we simulated and repeated improvements of the method of construction. Originally, the idea was born from an image of “ a glass house in the forest ”, and fi nally THE HOUSE was put in “ the forest of people”. The horizontal line of this modern house is well contrasted by the vertical line of the historic gallery of the background.