The Analysis of the News Story: For More Chinese Firms,It Pays to Make It in the U.S.A.


大众科学·上旬 2019年11期


This paper mainly analyzes the news story: For More Chinese Firms, It Pays to Make It in the using the narrative scheme and the pentad model and strategic management theories. Through the narrative scheme, the intentions of the rhetor and why he/she narrated the news article in this way can be noticed and perceived. Also we can figure out why more and more Chinese firms are setting up factories in the U.S.A. and for other firms, they have different options facing the adverse environment.

A Brief Summary of the News Story

This year Chinese manufacturers are setting up factories in the U.S.. There are some important factors influencing Chinese manufacturers to do so, including economic circumstance and political policies. In terms of the domestic market circumstance, manufacturers in China face a host of pressures. Wages have risen substantially, while land and electricity prices are up. This challenges Chinas decadeslong orthodoxy of producing mass-market goods at extremely low cost. At the same time, Chinese companies that have saturated their home market are looking elsewhere for growth. Many Chinese firms have become so dominant in their domestic market that they are now forced to look beyond the Chinese borders.

The Introduction of the Theory: the Narrative Scheme and the Pentad Model and Strategic Management

The narrative scheme and the pentad model and strategic management will be used to analyze this news story. First, I would like to give a brief introduction to the rhetorical discourse analysis. A rhetorical discourse analysis is a discourse, which means that an audience can even perceive texts as rhetorical whose historical author never meant to guide an audience towards a specific perception of its reality (Paul van den Hoven, 2015).As for rhetorical discourse analysis, there are four major rhetorical devices: narrative, comparison, argumentation and contextual framing. And the most important rhetorical discourse device is the narrative device. Narrative is a mental scheme in terms of which we ‘understand an act as caused by something that went before and leading to something that will follow in Gold Mining written by Paul van den Hoven. And there are five elements in narrative scheme that are preparation, complication, transference, struggle, and recognition. The narrative scheme is a syntagmatic structure: the order in which elements follow each other has meaning and the sequence has a beginning and an end. This means that the way the narrator fills in one part of a narrative influences the way the audience will interpret another part.

The Pentad Model: According to Burke, there are five elements of the pentad model: act, agent, scene, agency, and purpose. And we can present this act in different ways by depending on which ratio we want to put into the foreground: the agent-act ratio, the scene-act ratio, the agency-act ratio, the purpose-act ratio, or the act-act ratio.

Strategic management is the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company's top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization competes.

The Use of Narrative Scheme and the Pentad Model and Strategic Management Theories to Analyze the News Story

Preparation: There are many manufacturers to produce all kinds of products in China and America is one of the most important import countries for China.

Complication: Manufacturers in China face a host of pressures. Wages have risen substantially, while land and electricity prices are up. At the same time, Chinese companies that have saturated their home market are looking elsewhere for growth.

President Donald Trump has called for a rejuvenation of U.S. Manufacturing, in an effort to boost employment. He campaigned on a promise to tax Chinese imports at roughly 45 percent.

Transference: Chinese companies setting up factories and expanding in the U.S. to gain lower cost expenses and more benefit, in terms of the domestic and international environment

Struggle: Higher tariffs and other market-access barriers would certainly increase the rationale for Chinese manufacturers to invest in a U.S. Production base. Mr. Hu, director of the Smithtown manufacturer of kitchen cabinets that originated in Shanghai said, “U.S. workers, are not cheap,” but the company saves on freight costs and other logistics expenses.


This paper analyzes the news story For More Chinese Firms, It Pays to Make It in the U.S.A. by using the narrative scheme and the pentad model and strategic management. Narrative scheme is a very important device for human beings to approach their world. The narrative scheme is activated can explain the presence of certain elements in the texts and the way these elements are formulated. Indeed, the narrative device seems relevant almost every time a causal chain is reported certainly when some rhetorical is involved (Paul van den Hoven, 2015). Burke uses the terms act-agent-scene-agency-purpose for the five elements. The importance of Burkes model for our rhetorical analysis lies in his insight that foregrounding one element implies that other elements move to the background; foregrounding and backgrounding influences the rhetorical impact of the presentation. Strategic management is the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company's top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization competes.


[1].Iris Varner Linda Beamer, 2006, INTERCUTURAL COMMNUNICATION IN THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE (Third Edition), Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

[2].Paul van den Hoven, 2015, GOLD MINING [M], Xia men: Xiamen University Press.

作者簡介:魏庆(1992年9月30日),女, 四川巴中,西南财经大学,硕士研究生,商务英语研究


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