People's livelihood: building dreams together on the "roof ofAfrica"
张天鹏说,“这一年的经历对我一生都是一种很难得的历练。”走在医院会有人突然说“你好!” “China!”。有一次手术做到一半,发现后面围了一圈当地的医生在拍照观察。“也有家属紧紧地握着我们的手,虽然很多当地话我们听不懂,但能看出他们眼神中带着由衷的感激。”张天鹏回忆道。
For Ethiopia, a decade implies particular importance.In the past decade, the country has witnessed itseconomic take-off, with its annual GDP growth reaching10%; in the upcoming decade, it will fulfill its medicalplan to eliminate malaria; one decade also represents thetime span forits compulsory education.
Education: "we can also create miracles"
Etlriopia has the largest bamboo forests in Africa,with bamboo products as one of its important sourcesof foreign exchange. In September 2018, Baijie Town,Naxi District, Luzhou Sichuan, embraced 38 Ethiopianapprentices who came from afar to learn the productionand processing skills of bamboo products, fromwrenclung rattan into desired shapes to connectingwith joints, from deflashing with cutters to polishingwith abrasive paper. From such small ornaments asceiling lamps and table lamps to practical placematand exquisite rattan furniture, the masters taught thestudents hand by hand, while the students learned littleby little. In such a short period of one week, theseEthiopian students made rapid progress. The studentssighed with emotion that they never thought they couldmake so many objects with rattan, and hoped to bringback excellent skills through this training session.In the past decade, from the production of suchlight industry products as handicrafts, apparel, andfootwear to such major professions as the operationof trains, railways, and aircrafi, China has providedvarious kinds of vocational skill trainings to Ethiopiaand assisted in building schools there. Ethio-ChinaPolytechnic College, which has been in operation since2008, is the largest education project aided by China inAfrica.
During the past decade, China sent teachers,donated teaching facilities, and provided trainingcourses to Ethiopia, aiming to boost the developmentof economy and human resources by developingvocational education, which has recorded remarkableachievements. Chinese enterprises in Ethiopiaalso provided locals with skill trainings and internopportunities, making Ethiopia the largest beneficiaryofChina's training resources for foreign countries.
With the closer cooperation in education betweenChina and Ethiopia, "studying abroad" is no longeronly a dream for Ethiopians, and more and moreEthiopian youngsters choose to "fulfill their dreams" inChina. Nabiyong, who speaks Mandarin fluently, is anEthiopian student in China.Encouraged by his father,he came to pursue his bachelor's degree in the Schoolof Architecture, Tianjin University. As interested inChinese culture, he continued to study for the master'sdegree a few years later. "For me, Tianjin University ismy second home. When I came here at 18 years old, Iwas still an innocent teenager, but when I am about toleave here, I have a clear life plan,"said Nabiyong.
Ten years ago, there was a lesson in the text bookfor secondary school students in Ethiopia, which read:China used to be a poor underdeveloped country inmodern times too, but has created economic miraclesthrough diligent work in recent decades; as long asChina can develop from a poor country to a rich one,then Ethiopia can also create economic miracles.China's economic miracles result from the fact thatmost of its people have received basic education, andare eager to live a better life through hard work. Thistext shocked many Ethiopian youngsters, and thenan increasing number of them hoped to learn fromChina's development mode and study in China.
Medical care: fighting against malaria and
safeguard health
Ethiuopia was once a malaria-endernic countrywith its people deeply suffered. Therefore, Ethiopiaprepared a "ten-year" medical plan namely the plan toeliminate malaria before 2030.
The "ten-year" malaria elimination plan comesfrom China's successful practice of fighting againstmalaria: in the past decade, China has set up dozensof malaria prevention centers in Africa, helpingMalawi realize the goal of zero death from malaria;"China's malaria prevention program", the core ofwhich is using artemisin in compound to eliminateinfection sources, has proved its feasibility in manyAfrican countries.
The completion of the "ten-year" malariaelimination plan is closely related to the solidfoundation laid by the 40-year China-Ethiopiamedical cooperation.
45 years ago, the first Chinese medical aid team,which was led by angiocarpy expert Mei Gengnian,came to Jimma. During their stay there, the teamovercame many medical difficulties. In the nextAugust after their arrival, Ethiopia was hit by severedrought. Mei Gengnian participated in the disasterrelief, and unfortunately died at his post in a caraccident. He has been reputed as "Chinese Bethune"in Africa. The Ethiopian government set up threemarble tombstones in front of Mei Gengnian's tombto commemorate his spirit of intemationalism.
Over the past over 40 years, groups of Chinesemedical aid workers followed the footsteps of MeiGengnian, devoting themselves on the EthiopianHighlands. Especially with the boost ofthe Belt andRoad Initiative, China is providing more and moremedical aids to Ethiopia.
In August 2018, in the Ethio-China FriendshipHospital in Addis Ababa, the capital of Etluopia,Mr. Zhang Tianpeng, associate chief surgeon fromPingdingshan the Second People's Hospital ofHenan was talking about patient's conditions withlocal doctors. He, 37-year-old at that time, had beenworking with the 20th batch of the Chinese medicalteam in Ethiopia for one year.
Zhang Tianpeng said, "This is a valuableexperience in my life." When he was walkingin the hospital, someone would suddenly say"Hello!""China!". Once when he was performingan operation, he found himself surrounded by localdoctors who were taking photos and observing."Some patients' family members would hold ourhands tightly. Although we cannot understand manylocal words, we can see the gratitude in their eyes:'Zhang Tianpeng recalled.
In the past year, the medical team which ZhangTianpeng belongs to has performed 512 0perations inthe aided hospitals; received 11,647 person-times ofroutine outpatients; anaesthetized 386 person-times;performed X-ray examinations for 11,151 person-times;performed medical ultrasound examinations for 9,759person-times; performed laboratory examinations for1,370 person-times; acupunctured 9,356 person-times,improving the medical services in Ethiopia.
Kebede Worku, State Minister of Health ofEthiopia, said, China helps us improve our medicalsystem, aids the construction of modem hospitals,and supplies medicines and medical equipmentneeded badly. We are looking forward to morebilateral cooperation.
A decade of education aid shapes the soul, and adecade of medical aid improves physical fitness. Theformer shows the direction of development, whilethe latter guarantees the development. In the comingdecade, there will be more doctors like Mei Gengnianand Zhang Tianpeng devoting themselves on theEthiopian Highlands, and helping Ethiopia completeits several "ten-year" medical plans.