在我小时候,6 月的天空会因为飞舞的萤火虫而变得明亮,红蜻蜓的羽毛会因为秋天的夕阳而变得通红。我在这样的景色中成长,整条街的人们关系就如同一个大家族。
沿着曲折的道路缓步前行,能感受到景色的不断变化。一边悠然行走,一边观赏种植在路边的植物,就能到达台阶前面。台阶有上有下, 有抬升、有沉降,这样在视觉上,可以看到不同高度的景色。
数条河流和瀑布的水自然流动,其复杂而深邃的水声,想必会让人感觉仿佛置身于深山之中吧。(潘奕 日译中)
Pit 油松(特殊树形)/Pinus tabulaeformis (Unique Shape)Bt 白桦(丛生)/Betula platyphylla (Multi-stemmed)
Qd 槲树/Quercus dentata Mm 小果海棠/Malus×micromalus Mr (王族)海棠/Malus "Royalty"
Pc 紫叶李/Prunus cerasifera "pissardii"
Ps 櫻花/Prunus serrulataApAcer palmatum Eg 丝棉木/Euonymus maackiiAmAcer palmatum 'matsu At (丽红)元宝枫/Acer truncatumL "iLihoLnagg"erstroemia indica An 金叶复叶槭/Acer negundo "Kellys Gold"Sp 铺地柏/Sabina procumbens Pas 牡丹/Paeonia suへruticosa Bt 紫叶小檗/Berberis thunbergii "Atropurpurea"
Dt 溲疏/Deutzia crenata
St 三裂绣线菊/Spiraea trilobata
Pp 碧桃/Prunus persica "Duplex"
Pt 毛樱桃/Prunus tomentosa
Ca 红瑞木/Cornus alba
Fs 连翘/Forsythia suspense
Vs 天目琼花/Viburnum sargentii
Vuor a欧e'洲荚蒾/Viburnum opulus
Md 白玉兰/Magnolia denudate
Ms 二乔玉兰/Magnolia×soulangeana
Ap 鸡爪槭/Acer palmatum
Am 鸡爪槭“松村”/Acer palmatum "matsumurae"
Li 紫薇/Lagerstroemia indica
1 总平面效果图/Site condition plan
2 功能分区图/Zoning of the garden
3 植物分区图/Plant zoning plan
1-开花植物区: 适合喜阳植物生长的地方,使其盛放并使此处显得非常壮观/
Flowering plant area: Place for sun-loving plants which are bloom very well and make the place splendid
2-水生植物区: 适合生长在水中的植物,这些植物有助于形成水景/
Water plant area: Place for plants living in water, the plants help to make the waterscape
3-阴生植物区: 为植物提供阴凉的地方,以苔藓营造平静优雅的气氛/
Shade plant area: Place for shade plants which make calm and graceful atmosphere with moss 4 种植方案平面图/Planting plan
The fisherman wandered into a small town where people who had escaped from the war lived quietly. The fisherman was treated with sincere hospitality. He promised, "I will not tell anyone what happened here," and soon left the town.
However, when the fisherman inadvertently told his companion the dreamlike moment, in which he knew that the moment of peace and happiness would never come back.
The fisherman must have wandered into the Peach Blossom Spring.
Engraved into people's hearts, Peach will shine forever.
When I was a child, fireflies fly which makes the sky become bright in June, while red dragonflies' feathers turn red because of sunset in autumn. Growing up in such a landscape, a city is like a family.
Then I learned about the Chinese fairy tale Peach Blossom Spring and felt that nature was a fragile thing that would disappear without the hands of people. I designed this garden by overlapping the landscape that was carved into my mind when I was young and the world of the Peach Blossom Spring in the story.
First of all, there are two hills opposite to the door, and the three-dimensional courtyard can make it look broader. One of these two hills was a miniature of village and life, and the other hill embodies nature. Between the two hills - the village and the forest - the forest and the village looks at each other.
Walking slowly along the winding paths, one can experience the changing scenes.
Walking leisurely while watching the plants planted in the roadside, one can reach the front of the steps. The steps go up and down, which means the rise and fall, so that visually one can see diへerent heights.
Several rivers and waterfalls naturally flowing whose complex and deep sound will make people feel as if they are in the mountains. (Translated from Chinese by PANG Lingbo)
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 北京世界园艺博览会事务协调局/Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition Coordination Bureau
首席设计师/Chief Designer: 石原和幸/Kazuyuki Ishihara
设计团队/Design Team: 阿部直角,小田智博/Naozumi Abe, Tomohiro Oda
项目主持/Project Management: 原纯子/Junko Hara
项目面积/Project Area: 1517m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2018.07
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2019.04
摄影/Photos: 原纯子/Junko Hara
5 植被剖面图-春季/Planting section view: Spring
6 植被剖面图-秋季/Planting section view: Autumn
7 实景/Day views
8 细部意向/Image of the details
9 照明设置示意图/Lighting setting