在这一座非传统的花园当中,本·霍伊尔的灵感来自于童年的嬉戏记忆与游乐情绪。花园的设计将人带入一趟时光倒流的怀旧之旅,回到思想还未被成年世界的压力和杂念所拘束的时候。闭起双眼,想象自己重又成为了那个10 岁的孩子,聆听微风温柔穿过头顶树梢时的私语,感知阳光洒满自己微笑脸颊时的暖意。(陈茜 译)
1 树屋前立面及剖面/Front elevation and section of the Tree House
2 实景/Day view
3 树屋内景/View from inside the Tree House
4 小径铺设图/Pathway set-out of the Garden
In this unconventional garden Ben Hoyle is inspired by the playful memories and emotions of his childhood. It is designed to take you on a nostalgic journey back in time to when thoughts were uninhibited by the stress and distraction of adulthood. Close your eyes and imagine you are that 10-year-old child again, hear the breeze whisper softly through the trees above and feel the warmth of sunshine upon your smiling cheeks.
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目面积/Project Area: 150m2
绘图/Drawings: Ben Hoyle
植物设计/Planting Plan: Ben Hoyle
摄影/Photos: Ben Hoyle, 中国园艺学会/Chinese Society for Horticultural Science