

海峡影艺 2019年2期

我与傅杰明(Jamie Fouss)的邂逅是在2018年农历春分华中农业大学为我举办的“风花雪月——方肃意象风景”展期开幕后的几天,当时我接到美国驻武汉领事馆的电话,说他们的总领事希望以私人的身份来看展览,并强调不愿意打扰学校相关部门。尽管按照“组织原则”我觉得不太妥当,但在领事馆的说明下我接受了他们的要求,等待她们如约而至。原计划半个小时的观看,结果他们夫妇俩看了近两个小时。他认真的议论着每一幅作品中她们认为的内在和外在的“审美内涵”。当他看到激动时,少不了与我拥抱和握手,同时用不熟练的汉语表达赞美并提出问题。他将他的网址告诉我邀请我去浏览并Give advice(给出意见),他们的这次观看给我留下了深刻印象。我们互加微信相互探望保持着“知音”的友谊。


峨眉山,1984年 (右一:傅杰明 Jamie Fouss)


The first time I met Jamie Fouss was at my Exhibition on Imaginary Scenery:Wind Flower Snow and Moon at Huazhong Agricultural University in 2018. A few days after the exhibit opening, I was phoned by the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan and told that the Consul General would like to make an unofficial visit the exhibit out of personal interest and not disturb relevant department of the university. Although I felt it’s not proper but I accepted and waited for their visit. The planed half-hour tour turned out to be two hours. Mr. And Mrs. Fouss showed great respect to my work, hugging and shaking hands with me when they saw ones that particularly thrilled them. They even tried to discuss their appreciation in Chinese with me. Mr. Fouss also shared his website and asked me to critique his works. Afterwards, we exchanged our WeChat contacts and have continued our friendship since. This was an unforgettable experience.

I was born in the same decade as Jamie Fouss, and our photography have both matured over the same period of time. I assumed that we have similar ideas on China no matter from which degree. Although I was changed a little by art education in college, for our generation we had different dreams. His exhibit in Shenzhen was a small part of his first tour of China. We could tell his feelings about China by his works. I would not judge a foreigner’s love on China because he is not a descendant of the dragon. Photography is a transboundary communication way by which the different cultures of East and West is acknowledged by images which can stimulate viewer’s thoughts beyond the time. Just like the introduction of his exhibit Jamie Fouss of 1984 at the 3rd Shenzhou International Photography Exhibition, which wrote that he first handedly experienced the initial stage of the reform and opening of China as a foreign tourist. His photography shows taking a green train, visiting a Chinese family as a guest and seeing peeled sheep. His photography shows us a lively China of 30 years ago. The clothing styles, shopping malls, alleyways, buildings and the faces that feel familiar but also strange to now. Jamie’s exhibit is proof and witness of the rapid development of China after 40 years reform and opening-up.

35 years ago,we were arguing whether or not photography is art and the legality of staged or snapshot photography. At the same time, a 28-year-old American recorded the life in Guangzhou, Wuzhou, Yangshuo, Guilin, Kunming,Chengdu, Xi’an, Luoyang and Beijing. These experiences are captured by Canon and his heart. 35 years later, he is now an American diplomat but still has a passion about China and would love to return to the places to see the changes and the remains after the decades of reform and opening-up. His photography is objective and shows appreciation for the beauty he finds in common sights. The stories of China over the decades has been warmly and friendly documented by his works.

傅杰明(Jamie Fouss)2017年8月任美国驻武汉总领事。傅杰明在军人家庭长大,毕业于日本冲绳的高中。他拥有科罗拉多大学博尔得分校的人类学学士学位以及佛蒙特布拉特尔伯勒国际培训学院的硕士学位。他此前曾驻台北、北京、广州、达卡和海德拉巴。在入职国务院之前,傅杰明曾在菲律宾难民处理中心(PRPC)工作过五年,他还曾作为国家事物负责人在和平队总部工作数年,此后,他前往曾任志愿者的西萨摩亚担任副主任,以及在马绍尔群岛担任国家主任。傅杰明亦曾在贝立兹跨文化公司,之后在新泽西普林斯顿的培训管理公司做跨文化培训课程设计。

Jamie Fouss began to serve as the U.S.Consul General in Wuhan in August 2017.He grew up in a military family and graduated from a high school in Okinawa,Japan,He has a BA in anthropology from the University of colorado- boudoir and an MA from the School for international Training in Brattleboro, Vermont His previous postings have been in Taipei Beijing,Guangzhou, Dhaka,and Hyderabad.Prior to joining the Department of State,Jamie worked for five years at the Philippine Refugee Processing Center(PRPC).He also worked for several years as a country desk officer at Peace Corps headquarters and then associate director in Westem Samoa-where he had served as a volunteer-and country director in the Marshall Islands.Jamie has also worked as a cross-cultural training curriculum developer with Berlitz Cross-Cultural and later with Training Management Corporation in princeton,New Jersey.












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改革开放 如沐春风